The best female factor infertility treatment we provide begins with identifying the root cause of the problem.
If any invasive diagnostic or surgical procedures are required it is best to have second opinions as they can affect future fertility as well. If the nature of infertility is treatable or if it is of unexplained origin we prefer to focus on CAP for optimising the health of both partners. This is because optimising health improves many fertility factors in the individual and is the first choice where possible.This makes treatment for infertility more effective as often the margin between success and failure is very thin and every couple should do the best they can for the success of infertility treatment by optimising their health. On occasion optimising health itself has helped to conceive making further infertility treatment unnecessary. Optimising health will also help to overcome the stress of infertility treatment so that the chance of success is raised. If ART procedures are required it is always best to prepare by optimising health before undergoing the same as many a time they are repeated which puts the couple through much stress. This is because ART procedures have lower success rates than most medical procedures as often the factors are also dependent on two different individuals and also their body conditions. Very often even when only one partner has the major issue and undergoes treatment optimising the health of the other greatly improves the success of treatment.
The female factor infertility issues are often different from general understanding and improving the health of egg and uterine environment are often the greatest challenges .
The most difficult challenge in female factor fertility is the lack of correct awareness of how to approach the issue in a planned way to obtain the best results.
The second challenge is to understand the options in treatments that will provide the best results with minimum of risks and undergo them with priority.
The third challenge is to have the male fertility also improved to take advantage of treatment improvements.
The fourth challenge is to understand how the individual can use lifestyle optimisation to improve fertility, control further damage and improve the success nfertility treatment.
A full understanding of health optimisation has helped many female factor infertility patients to overcome their challenge. Very often lifestyle conditions like obesity, diabetes, hormone imbalances, autoimmune conditions etc. are behind the cause of female factor infertility.
Fertility is the sum of two individuals reproductive ability. Fertility of the couple is closely related not only to the health of reproductive organs but to the general health of male and female partners too. To get pregnant most important is the couple to be together during the peak fertile days of the female partner, the ovulation day or when the egg is released and giving an opportunity for the egg and sperm to meet and fertilize. Growth and development of an embryo depends on the nutrition from the mother through the placenta and umbilical cord. Mothers health and an enabling intrauterine environment is important for the continuation of pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby. Evaluation of general and reproductive health of both partners, correcting the health issues, helping them to have healthy egg and sperm and informing them on peak fertile days and if needed assisting the egg and sperm on fertilization with IUI(intrauterine insemination), IVFor ICSI etc are needed. Preparing both partners physically and emotionally with CAP support and close monitoring of the reproductive cycle and clinical assistance can help the woman to have a successful pregnancy and safe delivery.
Symptoms are often overlooked, and if diagnosed it is essential to have a thorough check of all body parameters to evaluate tissue and organ health.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
- Detailed history and physical examination regarding general and reproductive organ health will help to find the cause of infertility.
- Biometric evaluation and body composition analysis of the couple:This help to assess environmental and lifestyle factors contributing to reduced fertility.
- Ultrasound:This help in assessing the health of ovary, uterus and other abdominal and pelvic organs. Follicular study helps to find the status of egg development and peak fertile days.
- Post coital cervical mucus sampling and microscopic analysis gives additional information on genital tract factors and sperm survival.
- Blood test is needed to assess the general health, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal factors and immunological factors affecting fertility.
- Block in the fallopian tube can prevent sperm reaching the egg. Ultrasound directed tubal patency can help in overcoming the physiological block due to mucus plug or a blood clot or to suspect/diagnose a pathological block.
- Endoscopic confirmation and correction may be needed in tubal adhesions, tubal block, endometriosis, large tumours in uterus/ ovary etc. It is better to avoid surgical interventions for small benign cyst in ovary or small fibroids on the uterus etc because the surgery itself may further compromise fertility.
- Insuspected cases or unexplained infertility and recurrent abortions chromosome analysis may be needed to plan the treatment approach.
- CAP assisted correction of lifestyle factors and body composition to the optimal level will improve the sperm health and egg health and increase the chance of conception and reduce the possibility of abortion.
- Invasive diagnostic procedures: Examples like diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are avoided unless a clear indication for it, any such procedures can affect fertility of the woman negatively.
Ill health of female partners affects reproductive ability in two ways. First is inability to conceive or primary infertility and second is miscarriage. Problems related to the development of egg, quality or health of the egg, health of the female genital tract, from vagina to ovaries and having a favourable environment in the uterus, uninterrupted supply of nutrients for the growth and development of embryo, exposure to toxins etc can affect the fertility of a woman. Cell activation protocol helps the woman to optimize her health thereby ensure giving a favourable environment for the egg and embryo for growth and development. CAP not only helps to overcome infertility but prevent complications during pregnancy and delivery and better intellectual and physical development of the child.
Female factor infertility is the incapacity to complete a complex process from the beginnings of the single cell egg to the union with a healthy single cell sperm from another individual and the development of the embryo over nine months and delivery of a healthy baby.
- Egg development: Problems associated with egg development is the most common cause of female factor infertility. PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) a lifestyle associated hormonal and metabolic imbalance leading to anovulation and irregular menstruation is the commonest cause.
- Hormones: This have a major role in the production of egg, menstrual regularity and maintenance of pregnancy. Control and coordination of hormones FSH, LH and prolactin from brain, thyroid hormones, insulin, oestrogen, progesterone, placental hormones etc play a crucial role in fertility.
- Structural: Tubal factors and blockage may prevent sperm reaching the egg. Physiological block by a mucus plug or pathological block due to infection is the causative factor here. Physiological block with mucus plug can be easily treated by tubal washing.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by infections like tuberculosis or sexually transmitted diseases can affect the fertility by damaging the ovary or the genital tract.
- Immune system: The ability to tolerate a genetically different embryo inside the womb for 280 days play an important role in the growth and development of embryo inside the uterus. Immunologic imbalance and derailment can lead to infertility and recurrent abortions.
- Obesity and underweight, both can negatively affect fertility of the woman by creating hormonal imbalance and immune derailment leading to difficulty in conception or recurrent abortion.
- Toxic exposure: Exposure to environmental toxins and excess fat accumulation leading to hormonal and immune imbalance and DNA fragmentation in egg can affect fertility.
- Problems of female reproductive organs structural anomalies, intrauterine adhesions, fibroids, peri tubal adhesions, endometriosis etc can compromise fertility.
- Age-related: After 25years fertility start decreasing and after 40 years female fertility drops drastically.
- Genetic factors: Chromosomal anomalies like balanced translocations, sex chromasome anomalies like turners syndrome, DNA damage in germ cells etc can affect fertility.
Treatment challenges
Since the problems can be at any point starting from the health of the egg to the birth of the baby the nature of female factor infertility can be relatively more complex
Challenge in medical treatment
In female factor infertility it is to identify the cause of the problem and provide remedial treatment where possible and improve overall fertility with measures to optimise health to improve treatment outcomes.
Treatment objectives
In treating female factor infertility often the real treatment is overcoming the root cause. Generally the female factors are broadly classified as egg health, sperm movement, fertilisation and fertilised egg transport within the body, reproductive organ internal environment and physiological interactions between mother and foetus. Modern ART procedures have provided some solutions for the second and third challenges of sperm movement and fertilisation but the primary issues of egg health, internal environment and physiological interactions between mother and foetus have very strong links with the mother’s health. This is why optimising the health of the mother is very important for best treatment outcomes.
Approach – Root cause
The focus is on addressing the root cause while improving total fertility.
The aim of cell activation treatment for infertility is to ensure optimal nutrition, physical activity and reduce the toxins at cellular level and thereby optimizing the health at cell level including the health of egg. If woman is obese or overweight CAP with low calorie optimized nutrient food support and oxyflex helps to reduce weight and give relief to the lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, allergy etc if present. Underweight, BMI below 18.5 may itself a reason for infertility. In such patients CAP support with high calorie optimized nutrient food will help to gain weight. CAP before active fertility treatment like ovulation induction, IUI, IVF etc will improve the pregnancy rate and carry baby rate. There are many couples who faced multiple IUI and IVF failures conceived before the active fertility treatment while on CAP for health optimization itself. Optimization of lifestyle with CAP support improve the health of all body parts and organs and helps to overcome health issues like obesity, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, hypertension etc which will improve egg production, egg quality, conception and prevent complications during pregnancy.
Focus – Optimising Health
Optimising health is the foundation for optimised reproductive health.
- Total health: Health of the women has an important role in getting pregnant and continuation of pregnancy to delivery of a healthy baby.
- CAP support helps women to overcome any health problems associated with infertility, production of healthy egg and giving a favorable uterine environment for the embryo.
- Obesity: A good number of people facing fertility problems are obese. CAP can achieve around 10 -20% weight reduction in which will be of great help in overcoming infertility and avoiding many pregnancy complications.
- Cell activation protocol helps to minimize toxin level in the body and protect the egg, sperm, embryo from toxin exposure related damage.
- Ovulation issues: Anovulation associated infertility and abortions are common in underweight women. Cell activation support with high calorie diet will help to gain weight in underweight women.
- Oxyflex simulation helps to regain balance of immune activities, correcting hormonal imbalance and helps to cope up with stress associated with infertility.
- PCOS: CAP helps to correct PCOS a commonly seen problem in infertile women.
- Optimized nutrient food with high omega 3 fat and omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 reduce inflammation and promote implantation and prevent abortion and preterm labour.
- Optimized nutrient food ensures all the nutrients needed for the development of egg, sperm, embryo and strengthen the immune system.
- Body composition: Restoring the lean mass fat mass ratio and omega 3 to 6 balance to normal with CAP strengthen immunity, prevent inflammatory diseases and infections.
- Cell activation will give relief to most of the health issues like hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, fatty liver, allergy, asthma, constipation, acidity, piles etc and the woman enter into pregnancy in better health.
- Improve ART success: Cell activation and health optimization will increase the success of IUI, IVF and other ART procedures.
Improves quality of reproductive parameters by optimising health at cell level.
Total health optimisation improves overall fertility which helps to overcome fertility health challenges with better success.
Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level including all 50-70 trillion cells of the body. Optimization of health at cellular level with optimal nutrition and minimizing toxins with optimized nutrient compositions, and improved blood and lymph circulation with oxyflex improve all aspects of reproductive health along with general health. This approach will benefit the infertile women in many ways including improvement of egg production and its quality, to overcome lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc which will help the women to prevent many pregnancy complications and reduce the need of medications. This also reduces the need for surgical interventions and ART procedures thereby reduce cost and complications associated with treatment. Continued practice of cell activation during pregnancy and lactation will help to prevent complications of delivery and ensure optimal support for the growing baby and achieve optimal intellectual and physical growth.
- Reducing need for intensive treatment: Incorporating Cell Activation treatment in infertility management protocol will reduce the need of medication, operative interventions and ART procedures.
- Helps to reduce weight in obese patients: Patients can achieve around 10-20% weight reduction in 2 months.
- Underweight weight gain: Helps the underweight woman to gain weight, improve muscle and bone strength, improve stamina and there by preparing herself to the increased demands of carrying the baby inside the womb and after delivery.
- Reduce possibility of complications: Helps to reduce the possibility of abortion, congenital anomalies and pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, hypertension, preterm labor, IUGR etc.
- CAP reduces the cost and complications related to infertility treatment by reducing the need for surgical interventions like laparoscopy, hysteroscopy etc and ART procedures like IVF.
- CAP helps to improve pregnancy rate and carry baby rate inIUI and IVF cycles.
- Optimises health: Helps to correct health problems like obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc before entering pregnancy. Type 2 diabetic patients can stop hypoglycemic medications on day one of CAP treatment.
- Helps to correct health issues like irritability, depression, allergy, asthma, dyslipidemia, constipation, piles etc.
- Health optimisation: Ensure optimal intellectual and physical development of the expected baby by ensuring optimal nutrition for the egg, sperm and foetus.
- Optimized nutrient food is free of added preservatives, flavours, colours, and other food additives there by not only ensure optimal nutrition to the egg, sperm and baby but reduce the toxin entering the body.
- Oxyflex, the gentle breath regulated activity protocol can be continued throughout pregnancy which will improve placental circulation and ensure enough nutrients reaching the baby.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success.
- Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case.
- You have female factor infertility symptoms or you suspect so please get a check up and follow up at the earliest.
- You have female factor infertility you should be watchful regards your lifestyle as well.
- You female factor infertility and you want to check out how you can benefit from optimizing health with Cell Activation you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre.
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience

1. I had undergone IVF four times, pregnancy test became positive in one cycle but bleeding started after one week. Is there any possibility for me to have a baby?
[34 female]
The focus of treatment at Life Care Centre is on… Read More
2. I am 85 kg, diagnosed with PCOS and on medication for thyroid problem, on treatment for infertility for the last 3 years? Doctors ask me to reduce weight, will CAP treatment help me?
[25 female]
The most common patients of infertility who join… Read More