Gestational Diabetes Control and Reversal with CAP
Gestational Diabetes is a complex condition that is a high risk in pregnancy and such patients have benefited greatly by CAP.
Understanding possible symptoms and signs can lead to early diagnosis and treatment, which can help you to reverse the autoimmune process and prevent ill effects of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on mother and baby.
- Overweight or increased weight gain during pregnancy
- Increased hunger, thirst and urination
- Tingling or numbness in your hands or feet
- Check HbA1c in periconceptional period
- Check urine sugar regularly during pregnancy
- Blood glucose and glucose challenge test(GCT) at regular interval
- The root cause for gestational diabetes is entering pregnancy while you are overweight or uncontrolled weight gain during pregnancy and accumulation of excess fat leading to inflammation and immune system derailment resulting in insulin resistance similar to type 2 diabetes.
- Control of blood sugar worsen with progressive weight gain of pregnancy, especially in the form of excess fat accumulation.
- Excess food intake in the form of carbohydrates and fat in spite of reduced physical activity during pregnancy period is the primary cause for fat accumulation and weight gain leading to gestational diabetes.
- If the accumulated fat is in the form of omega 6 fat or trans fat the problem is more serious because it worsen inflammatory response.
- Similarly if there is a deficiency of omega 3 fat in the diet, the inflammation and the autoimmune process will be more severe.
- In gestational diabetes insulin receptors are blocked due to an autoimmune process and insulin does not function properly, there by pancreas produces more insulin leading to hyperinsulinemia.
- Cell activation treatment addresses not only the hyperglycemia of gestational diabetes but the hyperinsulinemia and the associated side effects on mother and baby.
- With low calorie optimized nutrient food cell activation ensures optimal nutrition for the mother and foetus, while supporting minimal or no weight gain for the already overweight mother.
- In cell activation treatment for gestational diabetes low carbohydrate, calorie controlled optimized nutrient food is the medicine, so there is no possibility of side effects.
- Insulin injection is stopped on day one itself to avoid super hyperinsulinemia associated health hazards to mother and baby.
- Oxyflex simulation a special activity pattern done lying on a soft mattress will increase blood circulation to foetus and promotes glucose uptake and utilization in mother.
- High content of omega 3 and other essential nutrients in optimized nutrient food ensures optimal growth and development for foetus while reducing the toxic load on the mother and foetus in the form of food additives.
- Insulin and other diabetes medication can be stopped on day one of starting cell activation and the mother and foetus is saved from the health hazards of super hyperinsulinemia.
- Patient is free from hypoglycemic attacks and excessive hunger from day one onwards. When insulin is given for controlling blood sugar in gestational diabetes, where the insulin level is already high it will increase appetite and promote weight gain in already overweight patients.
- Blood sugar level will start coming down within hours and can get normalized within a day or two. The effectiveness of the treatment can be assessed with a blood sugar test before starting treatment and 2 hours after first meal of optimized nutrient food.
- Cell activation helps to prevent and treat other complications of pregnancy like hypertension, intrauterine growth retardation, congenital anomalies, preterm labour, depression, constipation, piles, varicose veins etc.
- Along with controlled weight gain in pregnancy with optimized nutrient food, optimized nutrient skin care protects and nourishes the skin and prevent stretch marks of pregnancy.
- Ensures optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection from toxins to mother and foetus throughout pregnancy and thereby increases the chance of safe, full term delivery of a healthy baby.
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience

1. I am diabetic and 3 months pregnant and am not able to control blood sugar with insulin?
[33 female]
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2. I am on insulin can I become pregnant?
[28 female]
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3. I am overweight 78kg and pre-diabetic, what should I do?
[24 female]
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