Best treatment for Gestational diabetes begins when CAP is able to control blood sugar without the need for medications and insulin and prevent the risks of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and treatment induced hypoglycemia. Normally control of blood sugar is achieved by inducing super hyperinsulinemia with insulin. This hyperinsulinemia will complicate pregnancy further for both mother and foetus. Health optimisation controls blood sugar and hyperinsulinemia without insulin, drugs and hypoglycemic episodes to ensure best of safety for the mother and foetus.
Gestational diabetes usually occurs in 1/2 out of 10 pregnancies and the number is growing.
The most dangerous challenge of Gestational diabetes is when glucose levels are not controlled during pregnancy.
The second challenge is not knowing how health optimisation before pregnancy helps to avoid Gestational diabetes so that the risks associated with increased glucose levels and high insulin dosages can be avoided during pregnancy.
A full understanding of health optimisation has helped many gestational diabetic patients to stop insulin and medication to have a diabetes free pregnancy with its safety for both mother and child.
It is essential that risks of Gestational diabetes are considered and managed in the best way before becoming pregnant to avoid complications to mother and child.
Understanding possible Gestational diabetes symptoms and signs can lead to early diagnosis and treatment, which is crucial for the safety of mother and baby. Gestational diabetes starts after few months of subclinical phase and most of these patients enter the pregnancy in a prediabetic state. It is easy to reverse the disease process if diagnosed and treated at this prediabetic stage.
- Gestational diabetes – prediabetic stage: Prediabetic women with overweight and increased waist circumference when get pregnant or an uncontrolled weight gain in pregnancy leads to Gestational diabetes.
- Previous Gestational diabetes in pregnancy and diabetes in the immediate family are also known to be added risk.
- Pigmentation and dark discoloration of skin around the neck, cheek, forehead, neck, armpits, inside the upper thighs, elbows, knees and knuckles.
- HbA1c test at the beginning of pregnancy helps to diagnose prediabetic pregnant women.
- Monthly urine sugar check and glucose challenge test during pregnancy also helps in diagnosis.
- Symptoms like fatigue, increased hunger, increased thirst and urination, red swollen gums, irritability, lack of sleep and body pain, depression, frequent infections, tingling or numbness in hands or feet etc needs screening for diabetes with HbA1c or glucose challenge test.
- Gestational diabetes and pregnancy: Together and individually they can bring bouts of fatigue, frequent hypoglycemic attack, increased hunger and weight gain, increased thirst and urination, blurred vision, frequent urinary and respiratory infections, red swollen gums, tingling or numbness in hands or feet, irritability, lack of sleep and body pain, depression etc to make the pregnancy period difficult for the mother.
- Insulin and hypertension symptoms: Super hyperinsulinemia induced by insulin injections as treatment promotes sodium retention leading to increase in blood pressure which complicates the pregnancy management further.
- Exposure of foetus to high levels of insulin and glucose at intrauterine life makes the child prone to lifestyle diseases at a young age.
Understanding the root cause of Gestational diabetes and the symptoms and changes in the body due to diabetes is important for the prevention, treatment and reversal of Gestational diabetes. Initiation of Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnancy as a result of varying factors. These include increased demand for insulin to meet the additional demands for foetal growth, pregnancy associated hormone changes, overweight and obesity associated prediabetes stage while entering pregnancy, excess fat accumulation etc.
Gestational diabetes should be managed clinically preferably without medications and insulin.
- Why Gestational diabetes? During pregnancy the need of insulin increases to meet the demand of growth and development of the foetus and is increasing with the advancement of pregnancy to second and third trimester.
- Gestational diabetes starts with weight gain during pregnancy in the form of accumulation of excess fat mass in the adipose tissue. Those who have a family history will be more vulnerable.
- Excess fat induced inflammation weakens the immune system and initiates an autoimmune process. If the excess fat store is in the form of omega 6 fat and trans fat the inflammatory response will be more.
- Previous Gestational diabetes in pregnancy and diabetes in the immediate family also are known to be added risk.
- Action of autoimmune antibodies on insulin receptors results in insulin resistance. To overcome this insulin resistance pancreas produce more insulin leading to hyperinsulinemia. At a stage when the excess insulin production from pancreas is not able to meet the demands of pregnancy blood sugar start increasing.
- Gestational diabetes -development of different health conditions: There is no deficiency of insulin in Gestational diabetes, instead the insulin level in blood is high. Hyperinsulinemia promotes sodium retention leading to hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
- Pregnancy complications associated with Gestational diabetes are contributed by two factors the excess glucose related cell damage and excess insulin related endocrine dysfunction.
- Gestational diabetes, insulin and medications: Hyperinsulinemia of Gestational diabetes leads to excess weight gain to foetus which can lead to foetal macrosomia and increases the possibility of birth injuries to the baby, perineal injury leading to urinary and fecal incontinence in the mother, uterine rupture, cesarean delivery, uncontrolled bleeding after delivery etc.
- Excess glucose acts as a toxin to all cells leading to cell damage and accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
- The toxic impact is more on the blood vessels, especially the arteriolar lining and when the placental blood vessels are affected the blood circulation to baby may get compromised.
- Gestational diabetes – insulin and medications: Hyperinsulinemia of Gestational diabetes and insulin injections induced super hyperinsulinemia initiate sodium retention and hypertension.
- Insulin induced hypoglycemia associated increased appetite and cravings for high carbohydrate diet further complicates the management of diabetes.
- Hyperinsulinemia of Gestational diabetes and the super hyperinsulinemia induced by the additional insulin injections can affect the baby with long term health implications extending to their adult life.
Treatment challenges
The individual’s awareness of health optimisation can change gestational diabetes management from medicine and insulin dependent to lifestyle dependent.
Challenges in medical treatment
In Gestational diabetes the challenge in pregnancy is to maintain optimum glucose levels under clinical supervision within normal limits without the need for insulin and medications.
The common risks of Gestational diabetes are to both mother and foetus from birth defects, pregnancy complications, delivery complications and even later development of diabetes itself and prevention requires very good involvement of the mother in diabetes management.
Treatment objectives
In treating pregnant women who are diabetic it is essential to maintain desired blood glucose levels within desired limits under clinical supervision and restrict the use of medications and insulin. This the best response for preventing the risk of both hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia which happens as a result of added insulin. The best treatment can also help prevent the risk of onset of diabetes for the mother which is otherwise becoming more common.
Approach – Root cause
The focus is on addressing the root cause along with blood sugar control and supports the avoidance of insulin and medications.
Gestational diabetes is closely related to the lifestyle of the mother. Optimization of lifestyle of pregnant mothers with cell activation will control not only hyperglycemia, but the hyperinsulinemia of pregnancy. Optimized nutrient support helps overcome insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in mother, ensures optimal nutrition to the developing foetus and helps to control weight gain in the mother. Cell activation support prevents accumulation of advanced glycation end products(AGEs) in mother and foetus and thereby prevent complications associated with Gestational diabetes in the mother and foetus.
Focus – Optimising Health
Optimising health is the foundation for blood sugar management in Gestational diabetes.
- Gestational diabetes and health optimisation: Cell activation treatment is a clinically supervised and monitored lifestyle optimization treatment.
- Cell activation treatment take care of three major aspect of lifestyle nutrition, physical activity and reducing toxic exposure with the help of optimized nutrient compositions and oxyflex activity protocol.
- Gestational diabetes and nutrition: In cell activation treatment for Gestational diabetes low carbohydrate, calorie controlled optimized nutrient foods act as medicine, so there is no possibility of side effects.
- In cell activation treatment optimal nutrition is ensured with ready to eat optimized nutrient composition food, drink and nutrient based skin care support based on optimized nutrient food, oil and salt. These support products are free from preservatives, colours, taste makers and other additives of no nutritional value.
- Low calorie optimized nutrient food not only control blood sugar but ensures optimal nutrients for the growth and development of foetus.
- Gestational diabetes and activity: Oxyflex is a gentle breath regulated segmental physical activity protocol which can be done while lying on the bed suitable in pregnancy even in patients who are advised with bed rest and will improve blood circulation to all parts of the body including the placenta and prevent aberrant blood clots.
- Gestational diabetes and body care: Optimized nutrient oil with high content of omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acid based skin care support along with controlled weight gain helps in the prevention of stretch marks of pregnancy.
- Gestational diabetes and health optimisation results: Insulin and other hypoglycemic medications are stopped on day one itself to avoid hypoglycemic attack. Blood sugar can be brought under control within one or two days.
- Effectiveness of treatment can be checked starting with a blood sugar check before and 2 hours after the start of the treatment and at regular intervals later as needed.
- Cell activation treatment for gestational diabetic patients not only helps to control diabetes and prevent diabetes associated morbidity to the mother and child but can also help prevent other complications of pregnancy.
- In overweight diabetic pregnant women optimized nutrient food will ensure optimal nutrition and weight gain for the foetus, while minimal or no weight gain for the overweight mother.
Improves overall health of mother and foetus.
Total health improvement overcomes excessive hunger, thirst and fear of hypoglycemia apart from other serious and silent health challenges.
The goal of cell activation treatment is optimization of health and not just control of blood sugar. Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level including all 50-70 trillion cells of the body. So while controlling elevated blood sugar it simultaneously corrects elevated insulin, triglyceride etc and many other blood parameters too. Likewise while controlling and possibly reversing Gestational diabetes with cell activation it can also help to control and possibly reverse other health issues like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, allergy, asthma, psoriasis, eczema etc too.
- Gestational diabetes reversal: Gestational diabetes can be prevented or the progress of the disease can be stopped and reversed if diagnosed early and treated with cell activation support.
- In established Gestational diabetes, insulin and diabetes medication can be stopped on day one of starting cell activation.
- Patient is free from hypoglycemic attacks from day one onwards, as there is no insulin or oral hypoglycemic medicines. Hypoglycemic attacks occurs as a result of diabetic medication not due to diabetes.
- Blood sugar level will start coming down within hours and can be get normalised within a few days. The effectiveness of the treatment can be assessed with a blood sugar test before starting treatment and 2 hours after first dose of optimized nutrient food.
- Cell activation approach not only controls blood sugar but also the hyperinsulinemia of Gestational diabetes treatment and which prevents associated health issues and pregnancy complications to mother and foetus.
- Optimising health: Optimized nutrient food and oxyflex ensures optimal nutrition and minimizes toxin exposure to the developing foetus and ensures optimal growth and development, helps prevent macrosomia and congenital anomalies to a great extent.
- Associated conditions reversal: Helps to recover from other health issues like irritability, depression, hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, vessel block, constipation, piles etc.
- Gestational diabetes, weight management and body care: Along with controlled weight gain of cell activation approach which helps prevent unhealthy weight gain and future weight reduction efforts, optimized nutrient skin care nourishes and protects the skin and helps prevent stretch marks of pregnancy.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success.
Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case.
If you have the risk factors associated with Gestational diabetes and have become pregnant it is most important to ensure blood glucose levels have been normal ever since foetal development started.
If you have the risk factors associated with Gestational diabetes and you have become pregnant or have developed Gestational diabetes and you want to check out how you can benefit from optimising health with Cell Activation you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre.
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience
Hypoglycemic attacks a solution
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