Best treatment for heart disease begins when CAP is able to reduce inflammation, reduce hyper coagulation of blood, balance immunity, control blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and atherosclerosis without the need for medications and prevent the risks of heart attack.
Heart disease can often remain undiagnosed for long as the symptoms they present are often overlooked.
- Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally and 90% of heart diseases are of lifestyle origin and preventable.
- In adults coronary artery atherosclerosis leading to angina and heart attack is the most common heart problem. Next is cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias. It occurs as a result of autoimmune origin or secondary to hypertension or myocardial infarction.
- In children most common heart disease is of congenital origin or of infective origin such as rheumatic heart disease. Congenital heart disease occurs as a result of nutritional deficiency or of toxic exposure in intrauterine life and preventable.
- Coronary artery disease is the most common heart disease and resulting from the reduction of blood flow to the heart muscle due to build-up of plaque in the blood vessels supplying the heart.
- Prevention of atherosclerosis and plaque formation by prevention and control of obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and diabetes is the cornerstone for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
- High blood pressure, high blood lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides, poor diet, and excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes, lack of exercise, obesity, etc predisposes to atherosclerosis.
- Heart disease associated with infections like rheumatic heart disease and endocarditis can be prevented by strengthening immunity with proper nutrition and improvement of personal hygiene and dental health.
- It is easy to treat the predisposing factors leading to heart disease, heart attack and heart failure like high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride, atherosclerosis, inflammation and hypercoagulability, diabetes etc and prevent acute or chronic heart failure with CAP.
- Cell activation treatment with high omega 3 optimized nutrient food and oxyflex stimulation helps to clear the atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, repair and regeneration of damaged coronary arteries and cardiac muscles cells.
- CAP gives better control of causative factors for heart disease like hypertension, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia etc and reduce atherosclerosis. Therefore if started early can ensure the best possible recovery and prevent recurrence.
- Blood lipid levels, HS CRP, CT angiogram, ultrasound scan of the carotid artery, carotid intima media thickness(CIMT) for the extent of atherosclerosis and calculation of vessel age, echocardiography etc can be used to screen high risk patients for heart disease.
- CAP treatment is beneficial for even the patients on VAD( ventricular assist device) or waiting for donor heart for transplant as the high omega 3 optimized nutrient composition helps to stabilize and strengthen the immune system, reduce atherosclerosis and hypertension, reduce autoimmune process and promote repair and regeneration of heart and blood vessels.
More than symptoms it is essential to diagnose heart conditions at the earliest for better treatment results.
The role of the individual is crucial in managing heart disease and understanding of symptoms and checks can lead to early diagnosis and treatment. Since often the symptoms manifest as examples of poor health, discomfort or fatigue they are confused with other conditions. Similarly unhealthy lifestyle contributes to heart disease in a big way along with a number of other disease conditions which together can create a dangerous situation.
This is why those who have a risk of lifestyle diseases or who have poor health conditions should check for heart health at the earliest to prevent progress of disease.
- Discomfort in the chest, breathlessness and palpitations are the most common symptom of heart disease. In sudden coronary artery block chest pain or discomfort which may be felt at the shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw. Occasionally it may feel like heartburn.
- Usually symptoms occur with exercise or emotional stress, and last less than a few minutes, and improve with rest. Shortness of breath may also occur and sometimes no symptoms are present.
- In many cases, the first sign is a heart attack. Other complications include heart failure or an abnormal heartbeat.
- Coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease (CHD) or ischemic heart disease. Types include stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death.
- A number of tests may help with diagnoses including: electrocardiogram, cardiac stress testing, coronary computed tomographic angiography, echocardiography and coronary angiogram, among others.
- In most patients blood parameters like pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, ESR, hs-CRP etc will be elevated.
- In high risk patients body composition analysis will show high fat mass lean mass ratio and omega 6 fat level will be high and a low omega 3 index. If the omega 3 index is <8 the risk for stroke is high.
- Ideally body fat should be around 15% for men and 20% for women. In high risk patients the body fat level will be high. If the body fat percentage is more than 25% in men and more than 30% in women increase the risk of stroke.
- Hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, fatty liver function, kidney function and pancreas dysfunction, etc.
Understanding the root cause of the heart disease condition and the changes in the body due to such a condition is important for the prevention, treatment and possibly the reversal of this disease condition. Rarely it can be of genetic origin, a birth defect or from infections as well. Usually unless the problem arises from structural defects or tissue damage often the body is able to recover to a great extent if health is optimised.
Heart disease when it reaches a critical stage results in heart failure when the heart starts to fail in doing its part namely pump blood needed for the whole body.
- Nutritional deficiencies, toxic exposure and lack of physical activity are the root cause for heart diseases including congenital heart disease.
- High calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle associated overweight, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia etc damages the blood and blood vessels leading to heart disease and heart failure.
- Increased intake of pro inflammatory omega 6 fats in the diet lead to disturbances in cardiac rhythms and arrhythmias, increased inflammation in the blood and blood vessels leading to hypercoagulability of blood and clot formation.
- High content of sodium and low potassium in the modern processed food affect the electrical impulse transmission and secretion of natriuretic hormone from the cardiac muscles leading to hypertension and arrhythmias.
- Excess preservatives and food additives, sugar, carbohydrates, sodium, omega 6 fat and trans fat in the diet along with low potassium, magnesium and omega 3 fat in the modern diet, smoking, alcohol use, etc all contribute to vessel damage, atherosclerosis and heart disease.
- Anything other than a nutrient including the drugs taken as medications and any nutrient in excess quantity act as a toxin to the body cells and the impact is more on the blood, heart and blood vessel linings leading to cardiovascular diseases.
- Omega 3 and omega 6 fat controles the immune activities of the body. Low omega 3 fat in diet and a high omega 6 to 3 ratio and omega 3 index <8 promotes inflammatory activities like atherosclerosis and initiates autoimmune diseases leading to heart attack and cardiomyopathy.
- Congenital heart disease occurs due to nutritional deficiency and exposure to toxins in intrauterine life which can be prevented by planned pregnancy and pregnancy care.
Treatment challenges
The individual’s awareness of heart function and health optimisation decides heart disease treatment.
Challenge in medical treatment
In heart disease it is to identify the root cause whether structural or otherwise and provide treatment at the earliest to overcome the challenge. Simultaneously provide the conditions for the body to promote quick recovery.
Treatment objectives
In treating heart disease related to lifestyle very often the real treatment is optimising health. This is the best response for preventing further deterioration and to regain health.Generally the individual will be having relatively poor health. This is often concealed by other associated disease conditions. This increases the role of health optimisation to improve the overall health of the individual while protecting against heart disease.Similarly in some cases where there is an increased chance of heart infections promoting heart disease it is best to take precautions against infection possibilities.
Approach – Root cause
The focus is on addressing the root cause and the symptoms
Modern scientific knowledge shows the close relationship between many forms of heart disease and the lifestyle of the individual. Scientifically and logically lifestyle optimization can prevent, treat and even reverse many forms of lifestyle related heart disease. Cell activation treatment is developed to support the person to optimize lifestyle in this current sedentary but fast world. Cell activation support helps to ensure optimal nutrition to all 50-70 trillion cells in the body, prevent accumulation of advanced glycation end products(AGEs) (waste products) in the cells and intercellular fluid and thereby help maintain optimum health.The CAP treatment is focussed on providing cell nutrition, cell stimulation and cell protection by providing optimised nutrition, oxyflex stimulation and protection from toxins.This helps to optimise the health which is the foundation for overcoming lifestyle related diseases.
Focus – Optimising Health
Optimising health as the foundation for overcoming heart disease
- Cell Activation treatment is aiming at the optimization of health at cellular level by correcting the body composition with optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection from toxins.
- Cell activation controls blood pressure and helps to control and recover from other predisposing factors like dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmia, etc.
- Ready to eat optimized nutrient compositions full fill the specifications of DASH diet (dietary approach to prevent hypertension), and in fact an easy practical way to adhere to DASH diet.
- Optimized nutrient salt composition with optimal sodium potassium ratio of 1:3 will optimize sodium potassium ratio in the body and electrical gradient at cellular level. This helps to control blood pressure and reduce stress levels by optimizing impulse transmission in the nervous system.
- High omega 3 fat with optimal omega 3 to 6 ratio in diet will help to relax blood vessel smooth muscles, control blood pressure and reversal of autoimmune disease affecting heart and prevent cardiac arrhythmias.
- With cell activation treatment we can stop medications for diabetes on day one and taper of medications for hypertension, dyslipidemia and other diseases gradually with body composition correction.
- Better control of blood sugar and lipids along with reduction in medication reduces the toxic load on blood cells and vascular lining cells and promote regeneration and repair of damaged blood vessels and helps to remove atherosclerotic plaques and open up narrowed vessels.
- Low calorie optimized nutrient food and oxyflex make weight reduction easy and can reduce 10 to 20% of fat mass in 2 months with ease.
- The high omega 3 fatty acid content of optimized nutrient diet with omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 reduces the production of inflammatory mediators and thereby prevent clot formation inside the cardiovascular system and thereby prevent heart attack and stroke.
- Optimised nutrient oil massage and Oxyflex activity protocol stimulates the brain and helps regeneration of cells and protect the skin from bed sores.
- Weight reduction, correcting body composition and optimization of health with cell activation helps solve other associated health issues of lifestyle origin such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, fatty liver, kidney disease, etc.
- High content of omega 3 fat along with all other nutrients in optimal proportion in the optimised nutrient food support of CAP helps in repair and regeneration of damaged blood vessels and heart muscle cells and assist healing.
- CAP treatment is beneficial for even the patients on VAD( ventricular assist device) or waiting for donor heart for transplant as the high omega 3 optimized nutrient composition helps to stabilize and strengthen the immune system, reduce atherosclerosis and hypertension, reduce autoimmune process and promote repair and regeneration of heart and blood vessels.
Improves quality of life.
Total health improvement
The goal of cell activation treatment in heart disease individuals is optimization of health and not just reversal of heart disease. Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level including all 50-70 trillion cells of the body. While supporting heart disease recovery it simultaneously corrects elevated triglyceride levels and many other parameters associated with lifestyle related disorders. This is why treating lifestyle related heart disease with cell activation often provides individuals with a simultaneous reversal of other lifestyle related health issues like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, allergy, asthma, psoriasis, eczema etc.
- Cell Activation treatment is aiming at the optimization of health at cellular level by correcting the body composition. There for the treatment approach helps in correcting the predisposing factors responsible for stroke like hypertension, atherosclerosis and atrial fibrillation.
- CAP treatment control elevated cholesterol and triglyceride level, glucose level and speed up recovery from heart disease and prevent recurrence of heart attack.
- Cell activation helps to control blood pressure and dyslipidemia prevent vessel damage and atherosclerosis. Thereby helps to taper the medications for hypertension, dyslipidemia and other medications for issues of lifestyle origin.
- Ready to eat optimized nutrient compositions make the practical implementation of DASH diet simple and easy.
- Optimized nutrient food and salt with optimal sodium potassium ratio of 1:3 will optimize sodium potassium ratio in the body and thereby helps to control blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias.
- Low calorie optimized nutrient food and oxyflex make weight reduction easy and can reduce 10 to 20% of fat mass in 2 months with ease. This will help in control of many comorbidities associated with obesity.
- The high omega 3 fatty acid content of optimized nutrient diet with omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 reduces the production of inflammatory mediators and thereby protects from other inflammatory diseases like diabetes, allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases.
- High omega 3 fat with optimal omega 3 to 6 ratio in diet will help to relax blood vessel smooth muscles, control blood pressure and helps in managing cardiac arrhythmias.
- In diabetic patients insulin and medications can be stopped on the day one itself and blood sugar will be under control within a few days, this will speed up recovery of damaged cells and organs.
- Cell activation helps solve other associated health issues of lifestyle origin such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, fatty liver, allergy, skin diseases, piles, etc.
- CAP treatment is beneficial for even the patients on VAD( ventricular assist device) or waiting for donor heart for transplant as the high omega 3 optimized nutrient composition helps to stabilize and strengthen the immune system, reduce atherosclerosis and hypertension, reduce autoimmune process and promote repair and regeneration of heart and blood vessel cells.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success.
- Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case. the case of gestational diabetes it may extend to the duration of the pregnancy.
- You have heart disease symptoms or you suspect so please get a check up and follow up at the earliest to prevent the progression of the disease and other associated damage.
- You are diagnosed with heart disease and you want to check out how you can benefit from optimising health with Cell Activation you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience
Hypertension medication & CAP
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