Patient Choice
After learning about CAP advantages the patients chose health optimization

Health Optimization
CAP helped these patients to achieve health optimization in quick time.

Added Advantages
CAP improves immunity to overcome lifestyle disorders without side effects.

Message For Patients – Cell Activation Program
When you become an informed patient you are the key to treatment success.
When you understand how your health optimisation helps treatment for lifestyle diseases you can actively engage in making treatment more effective and quicker. Most important is knowing the root cause and how health optimisation can help change your life. Each of you is unique and the health problems you face have their own history. You may not be aware of it but your body is facing the consequences. When your body’s health is optimized the body can overcome the health challenges in the best possible way.
Conditions We Treat
Our approach is to make you aware of the options you have when you face health challenges which have a link to lifestyle and how Health Optimisation can make the difference in results. The link between lifestyle and more disease conditions and disorders is becoming more evident and we see a growing number of patients benefit from health optimisation for a variety of health conditions and disorders. We believe the best treatment provides the removal of the source of the disease or condition.This approach not only makes treatment more effective and quicker but helps prevent recurrence.This also helps in reducing the need for medication and surgery for many patients.
You can see how Cell Activation Program treatment helps achieve Health Optimization and overcomes different health conditions quicker and safer in a patient centric and body friendly way. N.B. We do not handle medical emergencies.

Health Optimization
For children
Planning before pregnancy
For adults
Life Stages Care
Neurodegenerative diseases
Psychiatric disorders
Stroke - Recovery
Gynecology and Pregnancy
Planning before pregnancy
Gestational diabetes
Birth defects diagnosed on scan
Avoid hysterectomy
Convalescent Care
Our goal is to help overcome lifestyle diseases, make recovery faster and optimize health by optimizing your body composition at the cell level reducing the need for medication and surgery.
Treatment groups – Video introductions
The conditions we treat are under eight general groups and the following videos give an overall overview to each group. This will give a better understanding on how health optimisation helps to overcome different groups of health conditions and disorders and is the foundation for patient centric and body friendly health care.
Our Approach
The different steps in the approach for health optimisation with Cell Activation under clinical supervision are explained in brief. The focus is on understanding how each of these steps contributes to the treatment which is focussed on the root cause of the disease or condition. Additionally the improvement and optimisation of the whole body provides a quicker and better response to treatment with the added benefit of often making chronic medication and many surgical interventions unnecessary.
You will also become more aware of how treatments for chronic conditions and disorders should be much more than treating symptoms and should be more patient centric and body friendly for better safety, preventing side effects and recurrence.
Message For Medical Practitioners – Cell Activation Program
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
The broad advantages of this new patient centred and body friendly approach in clinical practice is to provide quicker and more lasting treatment results reducing the need for continuing medication and surgical intervention in many cases.
Patient Voice
How CAP helps patients with diverse health challenges.
Unexplained Infertility & Cell Activation Program
When there is no identifiable clinical factor for infertility…..Read More
Diabates Checkup and Cell Activation Program
Around 10% of the adult population worldwide suffer from diabetes…..Read More
High triglycerides & Cell Activation
Dyslipidemia, elevated levels of triglycerides and cholesterol leads to ……Read More

Answers will be provided in 2 working days. If urgent make a call.

1. I am from Coimbatore, can I do CAP as an outpatient for my diabetes?
[45 male]
Yes , CAP is an OutPatient Program and you may have… Read More
2. I have been advised surgery for obesity. Can CAP help?
[35 male]
Before any bariatric surgery it is advised to have health… Read More
3. We have unexplained infertility. Can CAP benefit?
[33 female]
Unexplained infertility is infertility where the cause is… Read More
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