
Centre for Reproductive Care (1998-2017)

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All these scientific theories and practical implementation protocols were developed by Dr. Jolly Thomson, while she was practicing at Centre for Reproductive Centre Thevara, Kochi. Long years of practice and experience in the field of infertility, pregnancy care and gynaecology had given more insight into the importance of lifestyle factors and the need for lifestyle correction. All the latest advances in ART techniques and medications to prevent implantation failure did not show expected results. The number of couples with failed IVF after multiple attempts was on the rise. Lifestyle correction and weight reduction showed a much greater success rate especially when the nutrition intake was optimized in couples with multiple IVF failures. This showed that many of the interventionist procedures could have been avoided. This was a turning point as a less stressful but very successful solution was possible using this lifestyle correction protocol.

It was very easy to understand that infertility as a problem was increasingly affecting couples because of their lifestyle. Though the couples were of very different backgrounds they seemed to all suffer from these lifestyle problems. It was from very careful observation that the common factors in the foods that were eaten become evident in spite of great variations in income and nature of employment. Similarly the chemical loads that the couples were exposed too were similar as the basic nature of many of the products was the same. Regarding physical activity there seemed to be a lot of variation across different strata. It was negative stress that was again quite prevalent across the range.

This showed infertility had become a major lifestyle disorder. The advantage of infertility patients being able to avoid diagnostic interventions, surgical interventions, heavy medications and the constant stress opened up the possibility of using the same opportunity for other lifestyle diseases. The basic causative factors of such lifestyle disorders lay in the lifestyle itself and failure to understand the needs of the body. This required that the individual is able to take an informed decision on crucial lifestyle matters like food, activity and environmental factors and not get misled by all sorts of misleading or biased information. The next step was to provide a simple program to reverse the years of neglect of the body and begin a new, more confident life. Just as it was a greatly satisfying to utilise such an opportunity when a new life was about to begin, similar was the experience when individuals who entered the program started discovering immediate changes in their daily lives that showed how they were beginning to reverse many of the health issues and discomforts they had accepted as a part of their lives.

The encouraging result of lifestyle correction gave inspiration for developing easier implementation techniques which lead to the development of Cell Nutrition ,Cell Stimulation and Cell Support protocols.Benefits of these protocols are widespread. A pregnant patient was diagnosed with congenital abnormality to foetus at 16 weeks of gestation in ultrasound scan.The patient started on the diet. Repeat scan showed complete reversal of the anomaly. These experiences lead to setting up a centre focussed on the prevention and reversal of lifestyle diseases by lifestyle correction minimising medicine and surgery. Thankfully children are the easiest to benefit from lifestyle correction as the results are easy to follow. However this required active parental support. Regarding youth the focus was on avoiding lifestyle pitfalls and being better equipped to take the opportunities. Adults had the body defences strengthened to overcome health challenges. Senior citizens enjoyed a better quality of life and reversal of ill health,pains and aches giving them a better opportunity to enjoy their time with greater independence. The science behind the protocol was also quite refreshing to many senior citizens who had wished for a more transparent and healthier solution to their health challenges and now had more time to devote for the same.