
Cell Activation Treatment for Diabetes Prevention, Treatments and Reversal

Diabetes is the second most common lifestyle disorder and comes next to overweight/ obesity. There are three categories of diabetes in general. Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes accounts for around 10% of diabetes, mainly diagnosed in children. Type 2 diabetes accounts for around 90% of diabetes mainly diagnosed in adults. Gestational diabetes occurs for women during pregnancy.

Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder. Scientifically and logically the treatment for any lifestyle disorder should be lifestyle optimization. To overcome lifestyle diseases it is indispensable to provide an enabling environment and support for the individual to optimize their lifestyle. Cell activation treatment is designed to support the optimization of lifestyle with ease and thereby helps the individual to overcome not only diabetes, but other lifestyle diseases also. The goal of cell activation treatment is to optimize growth and development in children and to optimize health and slow down the aging process in adult, keep lifestyle diseases away and keep metabolic age below chronological age.

What are the Reasons for diabetes?

​In Type 1 diabetes there is a deficiency of insulin due to the destruction of insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. Most common cause of this destruction is an autoimmune process due to derailed immune function of the body leading to destruction of beta cells of the pancreas by the body's own immune cells. This leads to insufficient production of insulin leading to deficiency of insulin. Insulin has a major role in metabolism of major nutrients carbohydrate, fat and protein. Ineffective utilisation of glucose by the body results in postprandial hyperglycemia and fasting hypoglycemia. Kidney tries to remove this excess glucose from blood resulting in disposal of sugar through urine. Other than the role in glucose metabolism insulin has many other functions in the body including growth and development. So early diagnosis and prompt treatment of diabetes is crucial for growth and development of affected children and also to save them from organ damage due to damage of blood vessels due to the toxic effects of high glucose on the blood vessel lining.

In type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes there is no insulin deficiency but there is hyperinsulinemia due to insulin resistance at cell level leading to increased insulin production from the pancreas. But the insulin is not able to function metabolically due to the defect in receptor at cell level resulting rise in blood sugar and urine sugar. Latest studies show that this insulin receptor block is also due to an autoimmune process. In type 2 diabetes along with elevated blood glucose, blood lipids also will be increased and the added toxic effect of elevated glucose and lipids speed up the blood vessel damage resulting in various complications of diabetes like kidney failure, heart disease, neuropathy, retinopathy etc. Elevated insulin level in the body of prediabetic and type 2 diabetic patients leads to derailment of other endocrine glands resulting obesity, PCOD, infertility etc.

Insulin is responsible for a number of activities in the body and the cells. Hyperinsulinemia of type 2 diabetes can lead to a variety of health issues. The actions of insulin on glucose and lipid metabolism include stimulation of uptake of glucose, induce glycogen synthesis in liver and muscles, lipid synthesis in fat tissue; decrease gluconeogenesis, glycolysis and lipolysis. Insulin increases amino acid uptake, DNA replication, protein synthesis and potassium uptake into the cells. Insulin decreases renal sodium excretion, proteolysis and auto phagocytosis and modifies the activity of numerous enzymes. In the central nervous system insulin also has stimulatory effects on gonadotropin-releasing hormones from the hypothalamus influencing fertility and co-ordination of a wide variety of homeostatic or regulatory processes in the human body.

In type 2 diabetes excess sugar is converted to fat and stored in adipose tissue leading to excess weight gain. This excess weight gain and fat store in the form of omega 6 fat and trans fat further aggravate the autoimmune process resulting in pancreas not able compensate with excess insulin production and in some cases pancreatic beta cell destruction starts as in type 1 diabetes. Hyperinsulinemia associated reduced sodium excretion leads to hypertension. In short hyperinsulinemia of type 2 diabetes leads to obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension together we call it metabolic syndrome. Hyperinsulinemia induced DNA damage and inhibition of auto phagocytosis make the patient prone for cancer too.

The root cause of any type of diabetes is the derailment in immunity leading to the activation of an autoimmune process. Sedentary lifestyle and excess calories in diet and deficiencies of one or more nutrients along with toxic overload from atmospheric pollution, food and cosmetics leads to derailment of immunity resulting activation of an autoimmune process. Proper functioning of cells in the body requires optimal amount of all nutrients for growth development and repair. There are fifty four known nutrients, including oxygen and water. These nutrients reach the cells via blood. Proper blood circulation to cells is a necessity for transport of nutrients absorbed from food to reach the cells and remove metabolic waste from cells and dispose it effectively. For optimal blood circulation to reach all parts of the body optimal physical activity is a need. Sedentary life prevent the nutrient reach and waste disposal from many cells leading to premature aging.

Immune activities of the body are controlled and coordinated by omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and its derivatives. Change in the food habits of this century made a drastic shift in the ratio of omega 3 and 6 fats in our food and stored fat in the body. This leads to an imbalance in inflammatory and anti inflammatory activities of the body leading to initiation of autoimmune disease. Stress in life, pollution, chemicals in food and water, cosmetics, body care products, infections etc aggravate the workload on immune system and aggravate the severity.

Do we have an efficient treatment method for diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes starts at a young age and treated with insulin replacement with injections to overcome the hormone deficiency. Here the root cause the derailment in immune system function leading to autoimmune process is not addressed by the treatment. So there destruction of pancreatic beta cells will be continued and no possibility of cure. As the immune system is weak, there is a possibility of higher incidence of other diseases like autoimmune thyroiditis, myopathy,inflammatory diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc in these patients.

Current management of type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes is focussed on the control of blood glucose level. Gestational diabetes is treated with insulin. Type 2 diabetes is treated with oral drugs or insulin or a combination of both. There are a large number of oral drugs and insulin types available now with different mode of action and differing side effects. But satisfactory sustainable glycaemic control is not achieved in the majority of cases.

Major side effects of diabetic medication is attacks of hypoglycemia or blood sugar going to below normal levels leading to lack of glucose for the functioning of brain leading to fainting episodes of various intensity with insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents there is always a possibility for hypoglycemia leading to tiredness and fainting attacks. To avoid hypoglycemia people eat more food leading to increased weight gain and poor blood sugar control needing further increase in insulin dose or add more drugs along with insulin. The hypoglycaemic attacks make life stressful, excess calorie intake leads to weight gain and poor blood sugar control leading to end organ damage like kidney failure, loss of vision, neuropathy, foot drop, non healing ulcer leading to infection and amputation etc.

In type 2 diabetes the body is already stressed by the high level of insulin in many ways. Trying to control blood sugar by pumping more insulin from the pancreas with oral medicine or injecting insulin from outside, both are against nature. In effect already hyper insulinemic patient is taken to a more dangerous super hyperinsulinemic state. The strain of super hyperinsulinemia of current treatment of type 2 diabetes on the body and cells may do more harm like increasing blood pressure due to sodium retention, gaining weight leading to obesity, aggravating immunological imbalance leading to initiation of more diseases like heart disease, allergy, thyroiditis etc. Considering the functions of insulin, correction of glucose level in blood in type 2 diabetes is just like scraping the tip of an iceberg, major problems are hidden and ignored.

The root cause of any type of diabetes is an autoimmune process resulting from an aberrant lifestyle. So we have to address the root cause of the disease, the unhealthy lifestyle, derailed immunity, the autoimmune process and correct it.

What’s the Cell Activation Treatment for Diabetes?

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and ideal treatment for any lifestyle disease is lifestyle optimization. To overcome lifestyle diseases it is indispensable to provide an enabling environment and support for the individual to optimize their lifestyle and overcome the disease. Cell activation treatment and support helps the individual to optimize lifestyle with ease and thereby helps to overcome not only diabetes, but other accompanying lifestyle diseases like hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, etc.

Before starting Cell Activation for diabetes, a detailed lifestyle history, medical history and investigations are needed to assess the current health status. The diabetic medications like insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs are stopped on day one to avoid hypoglycemic attack. Dietary control with low calorie, low carbohydrate optimized nutrient food and oxyflex the breath regulated, segmental movements will increase blood circulation to cells and improve utilisation of glucose by the cells. These together will normalize the blood sugar within days. Control of calorie intake and increase in metabolic rate will help to burn out the excess lipids in blood and stored fat in adipose tissue. When the blood glucose, triglycerides and body fat comes down, not only the blood sugar and diabetes get corrected but the damaged blood vessels get opened up resulting improved circulation, nutrient transport and waste disposal in cells all over the body. This gives relief not only for diabetes but to all associated comorbidities.

Diabetic patients need special attention for their foot due to reduced sensation on their leg associated with diabetic neuropathy. Optimised nutrient skin care with high content of omega 3 fatty acid will nourish the skin cells, nerve endings and sensory receptors directly. This improves sensation, skin health and protects the feet from injury and ulcers. Cell support protocol helps to identify and avoid harmful chemicals in food, cosmetics and other body care products. This will reduce the burden on the kidneys and helps to recover from diabetic nephropathy. Most importantly control of blood glucose and weight reduction prevents further progress of diabetes associated complications like retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, vascular damage etc.

Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes can be controlled and reversed with Cell Activation in most of the cases. In the case of type 1 diabetes whether we can control blood sugar with cell activation treatment alone depends on the extent of damage of beta cells of the pancreas. It is possible to prevent the progress of the disease if diagnosed early before major damage to the beta cells of the pancreas.

Cell Activation Treatment For Overweight & Obesity

Over 50% of the adult population is overweight or obese and the incidence is increasing in children and adult constantly along with its health hazards. Modern sedentary lifestyle and high calorie nutrient deficient food is the root cause of progressive increase in the incidence of overweight. Excess fat accumulation make a shift in the elemental composition of body, resulting in a shift in the carbon to oxygen ratio with a reduction in total oxygen content and water content of the body. Change in the body composition with an increase in body fat, deficiency of one or more nutrients and, or accumulation of one or more toxin is the root cause of all lifestyle diseases.

This change in the body composition is the stepping stone towards lifestyle diseases. Excess fat in the body changes the body composition at molecular level. With the increase of fat mass percentage of oxygen in the body decreases and carbon increases at elemental level. When the fat accumulate as overweight, obesity or even the person with normal weight with sedentary life, fat mass to lean mass ratio increases. This derails the hormonal and immunological balance leading to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, depression, etc.

Cell activation is developed primarily as a solution for this fast increasing health challenge. Low calorie optimized nutrient food and fat burning by oxyflex activity protocol will help the person to reduce around 5-10% of weight in the first month itself. As there is no drugs or surgery involved there is no possibility of complications. With optimized nutrient food and drink we can reduce the calorie intake of the day to around 650 kcal while ensuring all the essential nutrients to the body. The fat burning oxyflex activity can be done lying on the bed without straining any body parts. High content of omega 3, the healing fatty acid helps rebuilding of damaged cells and recover from lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, allergy etc.

Why there is an excess Weight Gain?

​The most common lifestyle disease of our modern world is overweight and obesity. This is the stepping stone towards a wide array of lifestyle diseases. Excess intake of carbohydrate and fat in food along with reduced physical activity leads to conversion of these nutrients to fat stores in adipose tissue. Mechanisation and sedentary lifestyle has reduced our daily energy requirements. The surplus of cheap, tasty, high calorie, nutrient deficient foods leads to obesity. When there is a deficiency of any nutrient the body will have a tendency to eat more to get the deficient nutrient even though the person is already overweight.

Calorie rich foods are usually enhanced with sugar and taste enhancers which make our mind crave for it. An addiction for such foods results in overeating. Increased stress of modern day life also leads to overeating in many people along with or without alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is very calorie rich containing 7 kcal/gm. Alcoholic drinks like beer are rich in carbohydrates also.

In the first stage of weight gain temptations of taste and environment are the main factors. In the second stage of overweight and obesity it is the excess fat which takes over the control of food intake pushing for more food intake and subsequent weight gain. No person who is overweight or obese can claim to have both correct knowledge and a balanced outlook towards health. His body is ruled by fat rather than a balanced mind.

What is the Problem with Excess Fat?

Adipose tissues or fat tissues are of two types. 1. Brown fat which releases heat to protect the body from the cold. This brown fat is seen mainly in babies. Adults have some brown fat mainly in the back of the neck and around large vessels in the abdomen. 2. White fat is distributed subcutaneously and around vital organs like the heart, lungs, kidney, spleen, intestine, omentum, muscles etc.

White fat is the storage site for energy. This fat acts as an endocrine organ secreting hormones including leptin, adiponectin, resistin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, TNFα (tissue necrosis factor Fα), IL-6 (interleukin-6), estradiol, adipocytokines etc. They are involved in energy metabolism, immunity and influence physiologic and pathologic processes. Obesity is characterized by an increase in fat cell number, fat cell size, or a combination of the two.

Excess fat leads to low-grade inflammation within the adipose tissue which results in the disruption of hormone production from adipose tissue. This affects the hormone milieu of the body by affecting the hypothalamic control of the endocrine system. This change in the hormone milieu leads to the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome which includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels and excess body fat around the waist. This leads to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. If the accumulated fat is in the form of trans fat, saturated fat and omega 6, the possibility and severity of inflammation, immune derailment and inflammatory diseases are high.

In the obese state, the adipose tissue is infiltrated by inflamed macrophages that release TNF-α and IL-6, thus linking obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance. Therefore it is important to prevent the overgrowth of fat tissue. Overweight /obesity is like an overgrown endocrine gland rather than just an excess fat store.

How Omega 3 and 6 Fat Ratio and Inflammation Related?

The type of fatty acid stored as triglyceride in the cell is important when considering the development of obesity associated lifestyle diseases. There are four types of fatty acids. 1. Saturated fatty acid, 2. Monounsaturated fatty acid 3. Omega 6 fatty acid 4. Omega 3 fatty acid. All the fatty acids can be used for energy production and as building blocks for cell walls. Saturated fat and monounsaturated fat are non-essential and can be synthesised by the body from glucose. Omega 6 fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids cannot be synthesised by the body. They have to come from food, and are called essential fatty acids (EFA). The omega 3 and 6 fats and their metabolites, eicosanoids and docosanoids have hormone like functions and control many biological activities such as signalling molecules for pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators, DNA transcription and protein synthesis.

Omega 6 fat is inflammatory or defence oriented and omega 3 fat is anti-inflammatory or healing oriented in nature, both these fatty acids compete with each other for metabolism and functions. The balance of these two fatty acids and their metabolites in the body is very important for health and freedom from disease. In modern food omega 6 fat is high and omega 3 fat is low and this imbalance leads to inflammation and immune function derailment, which is a salient feature of all lifestyle diseases. To prevent and treat lifestyle diseases associated with obesity not only we have to burn the excess fat but also balance the omega 3 to 6 fat ratio to 1:1.

Is there a Relation between Stress and Weight Gain ?

Those who are overweight/ obese with more fat in the body eat more especially under stress. The hormones and chemical mediators secreted from adipose tissue act on the central control of hormones at pineal gland and hypothalamus and the resultant changes lead to stress eating. Those with excess fat mass may find it difficult to stop the urge for eating and also to overcome their reluctance to do physical activity even if they want to diet and exercise. Understanding this factor and training the brain consciously on this is where the cell activation approach plays the most decisive role. Sometimes medication to reduce appetite and antidepressants are provided to overcome this aspect.

We have always thought the brain is controlling our thoughts. Newer scientific evidence shows the adipose tissue has a decisive role in controlling our thoughts especially regarding food intake and physical activities. About 60% of the dry weight of the brain is fat. The proportion of omega 3 fat DHA and omega 6 fat arachidonic acid has a decisive role in our emotions and behaviour. Imbalance in omega 3 and 6 fats may lead to psychological problems, behavioural abnormality and inability to manage stress. Keeping the body fat mass optimal and omega 3 to 6 fat ratio in optimal balance is important not only for physical health, but also for mental health.

What is the importance of Biometric Evaluation in obesity?

A detailed biometric evaluation method using height, weight, circumference and skinfold thickness of different parts of the body developed by Life Care Centre is a valuable tool for evaluating the health status of the person. It is also useful in body shaping and fixing targets for the best aesthetic achievement as well as fitness. It is very important that every individual becomes aware about ideal body measurements as per height and wrist circumference at the earliest (preferably at a young age). This makes prevention of lifestyle diseases simpler. Active Cell Activation practice should start with adolescent growth spurt and fixing targets for body measurements at the time of growth spurt will help to gain optimal height and body shape.

The important benefit of such an effort is that the individual’s understanding about a healthy body gets based on proper knowledge. The unwanted complexes are avoided, the personality improves and so does confidence. Most importantly weight reduction procedures and future lifestyle diseases can be avoided or reversed with a stronger immune system. Children also learn to be more careful and keep away from food products, body care products and cosmetic products which are harmful to them if they knew how it would affect their health and beauty. This is why Biometric evaluation and advice on how to achieve the best body shape is one of the focus sectors of Life Care Centre.

BMI (Body Mass Index) is the most commonly used index to assess physical fitness for adults. BMI is calculated for adults using the formula - Weight in Kilograms / (Height in meters)squared. Generally BMI between 18.5 to 25 is considered normal. In the Asian population BMI above 23 is considered overweight and makes the person prone to lifestyle diseases because there is excess fat accumulation in tummy compared to their Western counterparts. More than BMI, the lean body mass to fat mass in the body, distribution of fat in the body parts and the ratio of omega 3 to 6 fatty acid and physical activity level are the decisive factors for health and disease. BMI is based on height and total body weight, the sum of lean mass and fat mass. The lean mass to fat mass ratio and the fat composition especially omega 3 to 6 ratio have more implications on health in a sedentary lifestyle. To decide on healthy BMI, physical activity level of the person is to be considered. The individual having low physical activity should keep the BMI towards the low normal 18.5 and those who are into bodybuilding and heavy physical activity should keep BMI towards high normal 25.

Another way of finding healthy weight for an adult person is, height in centimeters minus 100 to 115. More muscular people like bodybuilders and those who have big frame and Caucasian ethnicity, height minus 100 to 110 is applicable. But those who are on a sedentary lifestyle, thin body frame and Asian ethnicity, height minus 105 to 115 is applicable. That means if a Caucasian with 175cm height 65kg to 75kg is healthy and below 65 kg underweight and above 75 kg overweight. But for Asians 60kg to 70kg is healthy and with more than 70 kg fat mass increases especially the visceral fat which leads to metabolic syndrome and lifestyle diseases. This is why along with weight, fat content in the body is also very important in deciding health.

For knowing the fat content of the body, there are many methods and formulas, each has its drawbacks. A simple way to check the healthy fat range in a person can be found using height and abdominal circumference. Abdominal circumference is measured at a level midway between the lowest rib and the iliac crest. Practically it is measured at the smallest circumference of the abdomen, just above the umbilicus. Waist circumference should be less than half of height. For example a person with 170 cm height should have waist circumference to less than 85 cm. A simple calculation for optimal fat range is height divided by 2 minus 5 to 15 for men and 10 to 20 for women.

What is the importance of body composition Analysis in obesity?

When we consider overweight and lifestyle diseases body’s fat mass to lean mass ratio is more important than the weight or Body Mass index. For optimal health the percentage of fat should be around 15% in men and 20% in women. If the fat percentage goes above 25 in men and above 30 in women the possibility like lifestyle diseases like diabetes, allergies, heart attack, stroke, cancer, autoimmune diseases etc increases drastically. Now there are many methods to find out body composition dexa scan, electrical impedance scan, skin fold thickness evaluation etc. By assessing the body composition now there are methods to find out metabolic age of the body which give a better idea on the individuals health and have great value in prevention of diseases and delay aging process.

Latest studies show that not only the fat percentage but the type of fat in the adipose tissue and on the cell membrane also has a decisive role in the health of the individual. More omega 3, 6 and 9 fat in the body with an omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 will strengthen immunity and reduce aging process at the cellular level. Through cell activation treatment what we are trying to achieve is to bring the fat mass to lean mass ratio around 1:4 and omega 3 to 6 ratio around 1:1 through optimizing lifestyle with the help of optimized nutrient compositions and oxyflex activity pattern.

How we can Achieve Weight Reduction?

When there is awareness of overweight it is important to act just as if you have received the first warning. The simple solution is to decrease calorie intake and increase utilisation of calories stored as fat by increasing physical activity. To lose 1kg of weight 7700 kcal has to be burned. Calorie reduction alone can prevent further increase of weight. For reducing weight substantially, daily calorie intake has to be reduced below 1000 kcal/day. The problem with reducing food and calorie intake is, there will be an associated reduction in essential nutrients which will prevent effective conversion of stored fat to energy and the person gets tired and feels hungry and miserable. This makes it very difficult, and stressful to follow a low calorie diet using natural food.

The next step in weight reduction is increasing calorie utilisation by increasing activity. The most common activity we adopt is walking. Walking helps a fit person to maintain health. Walking as exercise for weight reduction is not advisable for obese persons because of the strain of excess weight on the legs. When an obese person with 10 to 20kg overweight walks as exercise for weight reduction the strain on the joints like vertebrae knee, hip, ankle and feet may lead to joint damage, osteoarthrities, disc prolapse etc.

Dieting without ensuring optimal nutrition will lead to deficiency of essential nutrients and the person may fall sick due to immune deficiency. When the person falls sick with fever the diet and exercise will come to a stop and by the time of recovery there is a good chance of regaining lost weight or adding few more kilograms. This is the reason most people are not able to stick to weight reduction programs. Efforts to reduce weight by reducing food without proper nutritional support leads to nutritional deficiency which promotes appetite and craving for food to correct the deficiency leading to further weight gain. The person feels guilty and depressed about the futile efforts and resultant stress leads to further weight gain.

What are the current Treatments options for Obesity ?

There is no effective medication available for weight reduction. Drugs for reducing appetite, reducing absorption of fat/ carbohydrate, increasing metabolism etc. are available. Drugs alone without lifestyle modification will not be effective in achieving sustainable weight loss due to tolerance. Long term use of medications and nutritional supplements containing preservatives and flavour enhancers will weaken the immunity.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure which requires anaesthesia. Liposuction can remove the subcutaneous fat, it cannot remove the more harmful visceral fat, so is not used for weight reduction, but only for body contouring. In liposuction subcutaneous fat cells are removed surgically. After liposuction if further weight gain occurs it will accumulate in visceral fat cells and is more harmful for health.

Next is bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is a major surgery done under anaesthesia to reduce the functional space of gastrointestinal tract. It includes surgery for reducing the capacity of the stomach by banding or surgical removal of a portion of the stomach thereby reducing the quantity of food one can eat. Another is removing a part of the intestine to reduce the absorption of food or a combination of this with removal of a part of the stomach. It's a high risk surgery with potential complications during operation, postoperative period and with long term side effects. These operations are considered only for morbid obesity BMI>40 or BMI>35 with associated lifestyle diseases, where the patient fail to control food intake even with all other supportive measures.

It is always best to understand that overweight and obesity are understood as contributions of an unhealthy lifestyle based on unhealthy and unnecessary food intake that did not match the activity of the person. Being a lifestyle disease the safest way to reverse obesity is by optimizing lifestyle with proper nutrition, appropriate activity in a stress free environment.

How Cell Activation Treatment Helps in Weight Loss for obese?

The root cause of obesity is a derailed lifestyle. Cell Activation treatment is focussed on giving a supportive environment for the overweight or obese individual to optimize lifestyle. Cell activation program for obesity has three aspects, optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection from toxins.

Before starting Cell Activation for weight reduction a detailed lifestyle history, biometric evaluation, body composition and metabolic age analysis, physical examination and laboratory parameters are checked to assess the presence of lifestyle diseases. The aim of cell activation treatment is not just weight reduction, but to reverse the accelerated metabolic age associated with obesity and to treat and prevent lifestyle.

Excess fat in the body changes the body composition at cell level. When the fat accumulate as overweight, obesity or even the person with normal weight with sedentary life, fat mass to lean mass ratio increases. This derails the hormonal and immunological balance leading to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, depression, etc. Cell activation is developed primarily as a solution for this fast increasing health challenges. Low calorie optimized nutrient food and fat burning oxyflex activity protocol will help the person to reduce around 5-10% of weight in the first month itself. As there is no drugs or surgery involved there is no possibility of complications or side effects.

Weight reduction achieved in cell activation treatment for obesity is by reducing the calorie intake of the day to around 650 kcal while ensuring optimal nutrition to the body with the help of optimized nutrient food support. Oxyflex activity protocol increases the circulation and burn out the excess fat store. This breath regulated gentle activity can be done lying on the bed without straining any body parts. It will not strain the leg, so is suitable for those with arthritis and joint pain.

Some morbidly obese patients with BMI more than 35 may find it difficult to control their cravings due to hormonal imbalance and addiction to food. In such cases temporary reduction of stomach space with an inflatable balloon inserted endoscopically may be considered. When the weight comes down to the optimal level we can deflate the balloon and remove it endoscopically. This approach will reduce the need of complicated and risky bariatric surgery like reducing stomach size surgically or intestinal bypass.

Cell activation treatment not only helps to reduce excess weight but to maintain it too. Optimized nutrient food support, skin care support and muscle strengthening with oxyflex will protect the skin from wrinkling and sagging. Optimized nutrient oil based body care helps to tighten the skin with the reduction in body mass. In cell activation approach to weight reduction there is no possibility of side effects or complications as there is no surgery or drugs involved. But the individual gets many benefits like, can come out of medications for diabetes in first day itself and other medications for lifestyle diseases like hypertension and heart disease can be tapered off gradually and can avoid surgeries like knee replacement, angioplasty, coronary bypass etc. Above all the accelerated metabolic age associated with obesity can be reversed and possibly bring down below the chronological age.

Cell Activation Treatment For Weight Gain & Body Shaping

Being underweight and looking frail is not only an aesthetic problem but can affect their career, confidence, stamina, personality and performance. Negative impact of underweight may affect the person in many ways including getting selected in preferred jobs like air hostess, as a model or actor, in defence service, police force etc; and the performance in the job, promotion, earnings; and even getting a life partner can be affected. Those who are underweight, BMI (weight in kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters) below 18.5 will find it difficult to increase weight, even though they try to put on weight by eating more food. The mental stress on them and their wellwishers like parents or partners is immense.

Cell activation treatment is safe and effective in not only just gaining weight but to optimize health and optimize your body shape and figure. While gaining weight if you have any health problems like allergies, back pain or tiredness those ailments also get relief. If there is no underlying major health problems you may be able to gain around 10-20% of body weight in the first month itself and possibly reach the optimal weight (BMI between 18.5 to 22) within 3 months.

Cell Activation for Weight Gain

​Before starting Cell Activation for weight increase a detailed lifestyle analysis, physical check-up, biometric evaluation, body composition analysis, blood test etc are done to assess the root cause of being underweight and health status of the person. Any health problems like hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency and other health issues detected will be addressed suitably. Body metrics analysis targets for weight gain and body metric improvements are fixed after discussing with patient.

Timing of starting the program is important. We should start the program when the person is free and not under stress. It should be possible initially to eat 6 to 8 times a day. It’s not wise to start the program while there are examinations, heavy stressful work, or frequent travel etc. While under stress underweight people will not be able to eat much or gain weight. Ideal time for weight gain is holidays, while at home and with plenty of healthy food to eat.

Patient can gain around 10% to 20% of weight gain in a month with cell activation treatment. High calorie optimized nutrient food and oxyflex segmental movements to improve blood circulation is the major part of cell activation protocol. This ensures enough nutrients in correct proportion for growth development and bodybuilding. Omega 3, 6, 9 fat in optimized nutrient food ensures the cell membrane of new cells are flexible and movement of nutrients and metabolic waste into and out of the cell easier. This slows down the aging process. Oxyflax improves circulation, oxygenation and metabolism in each cell of the body. Cell Stimulation will stimulate all the body cells and ensure muscle development and fat deposition proportionately all over the body to attain the best figure and body shape. Optimized nutrient body care nourishes the skin directly and helps the skin to adapt to the changing body shape and size with omega 3, 6, 9 fat and makes the skin soft, smooth, young and bright.

It is very important to note that only healthy foods are used and the omega 3 to omega 6 balance is maintained while weight gain is attempted. Otherwise it will become an opportunity for lifestyle diseases to develop.The concept of using any starch filled,sugary or fatty/oily foods should not be seen as an easy way to gain weight.This invites all types of lifestyle diseases.

Medications to improve appetite and assimilation of nutrients may be needed in the initial stage. If the food intake is sufficient, we will be able to reach the target within 3 to 6 months depending on the initial BMI. The first 10 to 20% weight gain can be achieved in a month. Further increase should be controlled because too quick weight gain can cause stretch marks on the skin. Most people who are underweight are afraid they may lose weight and want to increase more than what is best for them. Ideal BMI is 18.5 to 25 and on reaching BMI 18.5 further increase is to be adjusted for best aesthetic result considering physical activity level, waist circumference and skinfold thickness measurements. BMI should not cross above 25. After reaching the target, weight should be maintained for another 3 to 6 months with special monitoring. If the ideal weight is maintained for 3 to 6 months the brain registers the new body mass. The weight can then be further maintained with a normal diet.

Weight Gain and Body Shaping

The biometric evaluation before starting Cell Activation for weight increase will help in achieving ideal body measurements and shape. In women with low bust circumference special attention should be given to fat deposition in the breasts. This may need the help of cosmetology equipment. Avoiding excess fat deposition in the abdomen by modulating Cell Stimulation practice is also equally important for achieving ideal body shape. By modulating Cell Stimulation and adjusting protein and calorie intake it is possible to achieve muscle strength and muscle building as needed.This helps to attain ideal measurement for different body parts as per the biometric evaluation target for both men and women.

Each cell in the body is built and maintained from the food we eat. Any part of the body if not used will be atrophied or will waste away. and Cell Stimulation can make the best out of our body aesthetically and functionally.

Cell Activation Treatment For Infertility & Pregnancy Planning

Most common cause of female factor infertility is the defect in egg production and for male factor infertility is the defect in sperm production. Optimizing health of the couple and thereby ensuring the health of gametes, the sperm and egg is crucial for overcoming infertility. In cell activation approach for infertility, primary importance is given to optimize the health of the couple there by regaining the hormonal and immunological balance which is crucial for egg and sperm production, conception, implantation and growth of the baby inside the womb. Next is to identify the peak fertile days and educate the couple and if needed assist conception when the gametes are at the peak of health and fertility with IUI. Medications may be needed to promote egg and sperm development, implantation and intrauterine growth. This approach not only increases the possibility of successfull pregnancy, but also reducess cost of fertility treatment, chance of pregnancy complications like abortions, gestational diabetes, hypertension, preterm labour etc. Cell activation treatment and optimization of health increases the chance of succesful pregnancy even in couple who had multiple IVF failures, recurrent abortions and recurrent pregnancy loss.

Treatment for infertility has achieved major advancement during the last few decades with ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) procedures, endoscopic surgeries and new drugs. Even with all these medical, ART, surgical advancement and treatment options, the number of infertile couples is increasing and the number of couples facing failures after repeated diagnostic procedures, surgeries and IVF cycles is also increasing. The major reason for this rapid increase is the impact of lifestyle including diet, sedentary life, toxins from food and cosmetics and environmental factors affecting fertility.

No one can dispute the fact that a couple should be in the best of health when a child is conceived. Even nature wants that the parents should be in the best of health. Unfortunately in the modern day the parents sometimes forget to honour this responsibility.

​How Lifestyle affects Fertility?

In today’s world, lifestyle correction is essential before conception to ensure the health of the child. Presently lifestyle is affecting the fertility of couples in a very serious way. Malnutrition leading to overweight /underweight, both can affect fertility negatively. Adipose (fat) tissue is not just a fat store.This fat acts as an endocrine gland and changes in the fat volume and the fat composition can affect the hormonal and immune functions of the body. Preservatives, colouring and flavouring agents, pesticides and weedicides in food, chemicals in cosmetics and body care agents and atmospheric pollution affect the endocrine system and the immune system.The mental stress in modern life further aggravates the situation leading to serious reproductive problems including unexplained infertility.

Role of Omega 3 to 6 Fat Ratio in Infertility

Testes and ovaries have high concentration of omega 3 fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). There are four types of fatty acids in the body out of which saturated fatty acid and monounsaturated fatty acids are nonessential and body can synthesize it from glucose. The polyunsaturated omega 3 alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and omega 6 linoleic acid (LA) are called essential fatty acids (EFA). The body cannot synthesize these fats. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acid derivatives in the cell membrane act as messengers and bioactive substances influencing DNA transcription and protein synthesis. A balance of these two fatty acids is very important for immune functions of the body.

Pregnancy raises many challenges to the immune system while harbouring genetically and antigenically different foetus inside the womb. Nutrients, especially essential nutrients and specifically omega 3 and 6 fatty acids actively decide the immune status of the body by controlling inflammatory and anti-inflammatory activities of the body.The genetic differences between mother and foetus and the response of the immune system greatly affect implantation and growth of the foetus inside the womb.This is why any imbalance in the immune system can adversely affect fertility.

The production of eggs and sperms, the implantation and intrauterine growth of the foetus are controlled and maintained by the endocrine system of the body. Overgrowth of adipose tissue due to excess calories in food and sedentary lifestyle creates a disturbance in the hormones of the body and this affects fertility negatively. Human body has evolved on a diet with omega 6 to 3 fat ratio around 1:1. In the modern diet the omega 6 to 3 ratio has increased to around 20:1 and even more. This disturbance in the fatty acid ratio is the major reason for increase in fertility problems. Omega 6 fat is pro-inflammatory and omega 3 fat is anti-inflammatory in nature. Excess omega 6 fatty acid in cell membrane bilayer and in the fat store increases inflammation in tissues leading to abortions and pregnancy complications.

What Is The First Step to Overcome Infertility?

Dietary changes affecting nutritional balance, toxin overload from air, water, food, chemicals of daily use, cosmetic and body care products make hormonal changes which negatively affect the quality of ovum and sperm. This also affects the capacity of the uterus and the mother’s body to assist the growth of the foetus in the uterus till term. These lifestyle factors affect the reproductive ability of the couple leading to infertility, abortion, complications of pregnancy like pregnancy associated hypertension, gestational diabetes, congenital anomalies, preterm delivery and prematurity associated problems for the baby. Treatment for infertility with all the latest technologies and medications are not getting expected result in many couples because these underlying factors are not corrected.

Understanding the lifestyle factors affecting fertility and their correction before any active treatment is the major decision to prevent the stress of expensive drugs, surgery or ART procedures as many a time the problem gets corrected even without such interventions.This life style correction also greatly improves the chance of pregnancy reducing the cost, time and stress associated with infertility treatment. Above all correction of nutritional status and reducing the toxic load on the body will improve the physical, mental and intellectual ability of the child who is conceived. Even though different treatments may be undergone to overcome infertility it is the responsibility of the couple to be in the best of health to conceive and welcome a healthy child.

In this globalisation era husband and wife may be living in different places due to job reasons or travelling frequently. This reduces the chance of being together during the fertile days. Such couples need special medical counselling and support to plan the holidays and be together on the peak days of fertility for conception. For women with regular 28 days menstrual cycle 14th to 16th day of periods will be the peak days and pregnancy will take place only if they try for conception on those days. Those who have irregular periods may need planned cycle regulation and ovulation induction medication for timing ovulation and peak days while they are together.

How Obesity, PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome Affect Fertility?

The most important lifestyle disorder associated with infertility is obesity which leads to metabolic syndrome. Obesity and overweight leads to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalance and infertility in women. Conceiving, while overweight increases the chance of pregnancy complications like abortion, gestational diabetes, hypertension, IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation), preterm birth etc. In men, obesity can lead to metabolic syndrome, low sperm count, motility, semen volume and ejaculatory difficulty.

Weight reduction with optimized nutrient food and Cell Stimulation practice increases metabolism, burns out excess fat, reduces inflammation and balances the hormone secretions in the body. Correction of sex hormone secretion along with availability of nutrients in correct proportion from optimized nutrient compositions, especially high omega 3 fat will help improve the quality of sperm and egg. Cell Support by reducing/ avoiding colouring agents, flavouring agents, preservatives, food additives and cosmetics will reduce toxic overload on the body and ensure better cell health and embryo quality. Only a healthy body can produce healthy sperm or egg and the health of the mother’s body and nutrition during pregnancy decides the growth and health of the baby.

Along with correction of lifestyle factors if there is any evidence of infection, hormone imbalance or any other health issues as per physical examination and investigation, correction should be done using suitable medications. Weight reduction and lifestyle correction will improve immunity and will help to prevent infection in the future.

How Female Factor Evaluation Is Done?

The most common reproductive problem in women is the absence of ovulation. Ovulation induction with oral or injectable medication is followed up by follicular study using ultrasound scan to avoid overstimulation leading to multiple pregnancy. Follicular study can identify peak days of fertility so that couples can try for pregnancy on the peak days and get chance for conception when the egg and sperm are at the peak of their performance. Doing a post coital cervical mucus test (PCT) will give further insight into the fertility problems which need correction like infection in the female genital tract, inadequate sperm deposition etc. which can be corrected as necessary.

If PCT is negative in the presence of good semen parameters, ovulation and positive CMFT (cervical mucus fern test), a reassessment to look for any hidden fertility factors has to be done. The most common reason is inability to have contact, especially during the peak days mostly due to psychological factors. Often the couple may not reveal such issues unless asked. This can be corrected by counselling and medication. If the problem is continuing intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be done to overcome the problem. In the presence of positive PCT and ovulation. if conception does not happen in 2-3 cycles the fallopian tube has to be cleared using scan directed tubal washing.

What is the Role of Laparoscopic Surgery in Infertility?

There is a relaxed approach on endoscopic surgeries from the patients and some doctors, especially if there is insurance coverage. Many think that unlike conventional surgeries, it is very safe and devoid of side effects. Laparoscopic surgeries are considered as minimally invasive due to the small external wound, but is a major surgery and needs anaesthesia and most importantly have more chances of intraoperative complications than conventional surgery.

Any operation even diagnostic laparoscopy procedures inside the abdominal cavity may reduce fertility further, especially if operating on the uterus, tubes or ovaries or due to a post-operative infection. For infertility, before undergoing an endoscopy operation or conventional operation a second opinion should be taken and undergo such a procedure only if it is deemed essential. Very often a large number of unnecessary laparoscopies are done as diagnostic to check tubal patency, ovarian puncture in PCOD, removing a small fibroid or a functional cyst. Laparoscopy is needed only if there is evidence of a fibroid growth distorting the uterine cavity or persisting cyst in the ovary of more than 5 cm size and suspected malignancy or endometriosis cyst. There is a tendency to do repeated laparoscopies to relieve adhesions in endometriosis. In endometriosis repeated surgery for adhesions is not useful because it will come again in no time and there is a risk of inflammation and infection with each surgery and this may decrease fertility further. With advanced imaging techniques surgery is to be reduced and done only if there is a clear indication.

It will be best to understand that the couple should go for a total health correction to improve all health parameters before any surgical interventions.

How Male Factor Evaluation is Done in infertility?

Male factor infertility is usually associated with compromised semen parameters like reduced sperm count, motility, semen volume, or abnormal sperm morphology. Physical check-up and blood reports including hormone study will help to find out the causative factors and corrective measures to be taken. Physical or psychological problems may lead to inadequate deposition of sperms in the vagina during the peak fertile days which can be ruled out by a post coital cervical mucus test (PCT).

In male factor infertility current treatment trend is overcoming the sperm quality problems by assisted reproductive techniques (ART) like IVF-ICSI by fertilising the egg and sperm artificially in the laboratory. In such a procedure natural selection process of fertilisation by the best sperm is bypassed and possibility of congenital malformations to the child is higher than natural conception. Most important causative factor for reduced sperm quality and male factor infertility are the lifestyle factors leading to DNA fragmentation in the sperm’s genetic material. DNA fragmentation of sperms can lead to infertility associated with low semen parameters, unexplained infertility and recurrent abortions.

Role of Varicocele Surgery in Infertility

The most commonly done surgery in male infertility is varicocele surgery. If low semen parameters are associated with varicocele the reason for varicocele and any other reason for low count are to be corrected first. Increased intra-abdominal pressure resulting from obesity or wrong breathing technique while lifting weights and defecation may lead to the blood vessel valve damage, the reason behind varicocele. If the person is overweight or obese, weight reduction should be done actively by optimized nutrient food and Cell Stimulation which can reduce the extent of varicocele and prevent progression. Along with weight reduction, learning ideal breathing method during defecation and lifting weights will prevent further progress of the disease. Just diagnosing varicocele on physical examination in a person on fertility evaluation should not be an indication for surgery. Varicocele surgery may not improve semen parameters in most of the cases and can damage the nerves or blood supply to the testes and have a negative effect too. So varicocele surgery is to be restricted to grade 3 varicocele with pain at scrotum which is continuing after weight reduction, breath correction and other lifestyle corrections.

What is the role of DNA Fragmentation in Infertility?

Oxidative stress on cells leads to DNA fragmentation and damage. Sperm DNA fragmentation is significantly higher in infertile men with poor semen parameters and also found in men with normal semen parameters diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

Embryos derived from sperm whose DNA is highly fragmented have a poor prognosis. High sperm DNA fragmentation is more likely to affect embryos from day two of development once the paternal genome is switched on and it impairs subsequent blastocyst development. There is some evidence to suggest that DNA damage in the embryo could result in cell degeneration and gene mutations, leading to arrested embryo development, miscarriage, abnormalities in the offspring and an increased susceptibility to childhood cancers.

In couples where the male partner has a high percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA, studies indicate that the chances of a successful pregnancy are significantly reduced. High sperm DNA fragmentation is associated with reduction of natural pregnancy rates, assisted conception pregnancy rates and healthy live birth rates. In addition, sperms with high DNA fragmentation lead to higher miscarriage rates both from spontaneous conceptions as well as following assisted conception treatment.

Lifestyle factors like obesity, smoking, alcohol, nutritional deficiency, excessive use of chemicals in food, body care, daily lives, pollution, lack of physical activity etc. increase oxidative damage leading to DNA fragmentation in sperm and ova which leads to infertility, abortion and congenital anomalies. Lifestyle corrections by optimising nutrition, physical activity and avoiding toxic factors are the real solution. Cell Activation protocol for infertility will reduce oxidative stress and there by DNA fragmentation.

What is the role of IUI, IVF and ICSI in Infertility?

IUI (intrauterine insemination) is a procedure to ensure sperms are available for fertilisation at the peak fertile time. In this procedure at first, active sperm are separated from the ejaculated semen sample.The selected sperm are suspended in special culture media and placed in the upper part of the uterine cavity. In this procedure the work load of sperm to reach the egg is made easier by reducing the travelling distance and protecting the sperm by not exposing it to the acidic environment of vagina. IUI is useful for male factor infertility such as low semen volume, low sperm count or motility and for those who find it difficult to have successful semen deposition in the vagina during the peak fertile days due to physical or psychological reasons and for couple with repeated negative PCT (post coital test). Success depends on the sperm separation technique and timing of the procedure. For best result IUI should be done within 12 to 24 hours around ovulation, and timing is to be scheduled using follicular study.

IVF-ET (In vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer) is a procedure in which ovaries are stimulated with hormone injections to produce 10 to 15 eggs and harvested by ultrasound scan guided aspiration just before ovulation. Cleaned eggs are exposed to sperm suspended in culture media in a Petri dish and incubated for fertilisation in the IVF lab. After fertilisation zygotes are separated and incubated in culture media, one or two embryos are transferred to the uterus on third or fourth day and placed in the upper part of the uterine cavity. If excess embryos are there, they may be frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen for future use. This procedure is really useful for women with blocked or compromised fallopian tubes.

In ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) genetic material of sperm is forcibly transferred in to the ovum by mechanical external support to aid fertilisation. Here natural selection of gametes are bypassed, thereby transferring the genetic abnormality causing the infertility to the next generation and an increased risk of congenital anomalies to the baby. Here also embryos are transferred to the uterus on the third or fourth day. ICSI is useful in male factor infertility with low sperm parameters.

When healthy sperm and ovum meet, a healthy embryo is formed leading to the birth of a healthy baby. For a successful pregnancy with IUI/IVF/ICSI, health of the couple is most crucial. Proper planning, preparation and lifestyle correction by Cell Activation before these procedures will improve health of the baby and the carry baby rate by improving conception rate, reducing abortion and pregnancy complications.

How Cell Activation and Health Optimization Help to Overcome Infertility?

Assessment of health and nutrition status of the couple along with their fertility status is done first. For this a detailed history of their health, reproductive issues, semen analysis of the male, ultrasound scan of the uterus, ovaries, ovulation(follicular) study and a post coital cervical mucus test around peak day of the cycle are needed. This will reveal overall fertility status of the couple. Physical examination and blood examination for assessing the general health and nutritional status is needed. If there is a problem with ovulation or in semen parameters, a hormone analysis and specialized investigations like genetic status assessment may be done as needed. After analysing the history, physical examination and investigation report, corrective measures have to be taken on an individual basis to reverse and correct both the health problems and the infertility issues of both partners for the best results.

The next step is correcting lean body mass to fat mass ratio and omega 3 to omega 6 fat ratio in the body for optimizing hormone and immune systems. Lifestyle correction with optimized nutrient food and Cell Activation can help achieve this correction. If the sub fertility stage is continuing with anovulation ( no egg development in follicular study) or a negative post coital test, active measures for improving egg development and sperm parameters have to be done while continuing Cell Activation to maintain optimal health.

There are oral and injectable medicines to improve semen parameters. Enhancing the fertility of the couple by controlled ovarian stimulation with ovulation induction medications and IUI is the next step if conception does not happen after repeated cycles. IVF is needed if both fallopian tubes are blocked. In severe male factor infertility with repeated failed IUI, IVF- ICSI (in which sperm enters the egg with lab assistance) may be needed. In certain genetic defects ICSI and IVF are not successful. The Y chromosome microdeletion detection test is to be done before deciding for ICSI to know the chance of success in patients with very low sperm count. This will help to avoid unnecessary stress, disappointment and economic loss.

The main problem with ICSI is the increased possibility of congenital anomaly to the baby due to avoiding natural selection of sperm for fertilisation and the possibility of transmitting the genetic defect (which prevented the natural fertilisation) in the couple to the next generation. This is why IVF/ ICSI should not be taken as a shortcut or easy method to achieve pregnancy. Only after proper evaluation and correction of all lifestyle factors and other correctable health conditions IVF/ICSI should be adopted. Always take a second opinion before adopting ART procedures.

Couple facing fertility problems should correct lifestyle and bring down any excess weight before adopting any expensive medication, keyhole surgery (laparoscopy), test tube baby treatment (IVF-ICSI) etc. If the fat mass in the body is corrected to 19 to 23 BMI and essential fat omega 3 to 6 ratio is brought back to around 1:1; treatment for infertility will become more effective, less expensive, less stressful and reduce complications. Above all , complications associated with pregnancy will be reduced and the health of the baby will be better. Always take a second opinion before undergoing invasive procedures like laparoscopy and IVF.

Over enthusiastic treatment for fast result can convert a subfertility problem into a more complex infertility problem. One of the most common procedures done along with laparoscopy is ovarian drilling for PCOS with electrocautery. This procedure destroys the limited number of eggs available. If treatment is not successful within a few months after procedure the future scope of treatment will become very limited due to ovarian scarring and premature ovarian failure.This is why invasive procedures when done for infertility require serious double checking. Ovarian drilling is a simple surgical procedure and little expertise is needed but it’s impact on fertility cannot be reversed.

Any surgery or invasive procedure like ovum pick up in IVF, or removing a small fibroid or small ovarian cyst can lead to complications and compromise fertility. Avoid surgical and invasive procedures unless essential. PCOS can be effectively treated by lifestyle correction and medication alone and the need for laparoscopy or ovarian drilling can be avoided. Similarly there is no need to do laparoscopy for removing small fibroids as the operation may permanently affect fertility which becomes a much bigger challenge than the presence of a small fibroid. Most of the small ovarian cysts diagnosed by scan are physiological. They normally disappear within a few cycles. After observation of the cyst for few months with ultrasound scan only, if they are seen growing in size should surgery be considered.

The most important causative factor for infertility is lifestyle. Lifestyle correction is not only important for conception but also for reducing pregnancy complications and avoiding congenital anomalies, Lifestyle correction and weight optimization can be easily achieved with Cell Activation which will reduce the cost of infertility treatment, improve the health of the couple and the baby.

Cell Activation Treatment For Hypertension - Heart Attack and Stroke

High blood pressure affects around 40% of the adult population globally. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral arterial disease, vision loss, chronic kidney disease, and dementia. About 90–95% of hypertension are due to lifestyle factors; only the remaining 5–10% of cases are due to an identifiable cause. Changes in the body composition such as high fat mass to lean mass ratio, high omega 6 to 3 fatty acid ratio, high sodium to potassium ratio and low magnesium level in the body due to lifestyle factors are the primary reason for increasing incidence for hypertension. The goal of cell activation treatment is to correct the root cause of hypertension by correcting the body composition at cellular level. With cell activation treatment along with blood pressure correction other associated lifestyle diseases like diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, fatty liver, arthritis etc can also get corrected with the same course of treatment.

Why Heart and Blood Vessels get Sick?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death globally. Heart attack and stroke account for 80% of CVD deaths in males and 75% of CVD deaths in females. Other CVDs include hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease, carditis, aortic aneurysms, peripheral artery disease, thromboembolic disease, and venous thrombosis. 90% of CVDs are due to lifestyle factors and are preventable or even reversible to a great extent by lifestyle correction.

Many congenital heart diseases can be prevented by proper planning before conception and lifestyle corrections including correction of nutritional deficiency before pregnancy and by following a balanced diet during pregnancy and lactation. Malnutrition including deficiency or excess of one or more nutrients during the development of the embryo or exposure to toxins/infections are the major cause of congenital diseases including congenital heart disease.

Metabolic syndrome is a precursor of heart disease starting with obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes leading to arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and heart attack / stroke. Preventing/ correcting obesity and balancing the lean (muscle and bone mass) mass to fat mass is a key to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Blood Clot, Heart Attack and Stroke

When we get a cut or wound, blood clots to help stop the bleeding. After bleeding has stopped and healing has occurred, the body should break down and remove the clots. Sometimes blood clots form too easily or don’t dissolve properly and travel through the body limiting or blocking blood flow. This is called excessive blood clotting or hyper coagulation and these clots can block circulation in any part of the body leading to serious health emergencies. Seriousness depends on the area and extent of tissue affected by the block leading to lack of blood circulation and oxygen supply. There are many identified risk factors for increased clot formation including obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, hypertension, excess cholesterol and triglyceride in blood. If a person notices that there is very little bleeding with a cut or wound it is safer to suspect excess clot formation possibility leading to major health hazards and confirm with further investigations.This is because internal clots can cause a range of dangerous conditions.

What is a Heart Attack?

A blood clot in a coronary artery can lead to a heart attack. A heart attack occurs if blood flow to a section of heart muscle gets blocked. If blood flow isn't restored quickly, the section of heart muscle becomes damaged from lack of oxygen and begins to die. If the block occurs in a small vessel it may not produce any symptoms and called silent attack and is common in diabetic patients. If the block occurs in a major vessel that would lead to chest pain, fainting etc or a sudden cardiac arrest leading to death. Sometimes it may cause severe or long-lasting problems such as heart failure or arrhythmias.

What is a Stroke?

A stroke can occur if a blood clot blocks blood flow to a part of the brain. If blood flow is cut off for more than a few minutes, the cells in the affected area get damaged. This impairs the parts of the body that the brain cells control. A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, paralysis or death.

Can other body parts get affected by blood clots?

Blood clots can create blocks in other body parts like lungs, intestine, kidney etc. A blood clot in the kidneys can lead to kidney failure, where kidneys can no longer remove fluids and waste from the body.

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism?

A blood clot in a vein in the arm or leg can cause pain, swelling, redness, or increased warmth in the affected limb, called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Such clots can break off, travel to the lungs and cause Pulmonary Embolism, a serious condition that can damage the lungs, leading to breathlessness and even sudden death.

What is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which there is inflammation in the blood vessel wall with accumulation of inflammatory cells under the mucous membrane leading to narrowing of blood vessels. Sometimes they break open leading to bleeding in the vessel, clot formation and blocking of blood flow in the area. Typically, atherosclerosis begins in childhood, as a thin layer of white-yellowish streaks within the inner layers of the artery walls (an accumulation of white blood cells, mostly monocytes/macrophages) and progresses from then on. The symptoms of this condition are rarely exhibited in children. This is why early screening of children for cardiovascular diseases and lifestyle correction is best for preventing or reversing disease progression. Coronary artery disease is more prevalent in men than women before menopause. Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries and strokes affect both sexes equally.

Narrowing of the coronary arteries which are responsible for bringing oxygenated blood to the heart muscles, can produce symptoms such as chest pain or angina, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, breathlessness and palpitations. Abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias (the heart is either beating too slow or too fast) are another consequence of this condition.

Carotid arteries supply blood to the brain and neck. Marked narrowing of the carotid arteries can present with symptoms such as a feeling of weakness, not being able to think straight, difficulty speaking, becoming dizzy and difficulty in walking or standing up straight, blurred vision, numbness of the face, arms, and legs, severe headache and losing consciousness. This narrowing or closure of arteries going to the brain can occur in small terminal vessels also leading to the death of cells of the affected tissue leading to cognitive deficit.

Peripheral arteries, which supply blood to the legs, arms, and pelvis, also can get affected by plaque formation and narrowing of vessel. Symptoms for the narrowing are numbness in the arms or legs, as well as pain. Another significant location for plaque formation is the renal arteries, which supply blood to the kidneys. Plaque occurrence and accumulation leads to decreased kidney blood flow, hypertension and chronic kidney disease. It is most important to remember that such narrowing of arteries are typically asymptomatic until late stages.

Atherosclerotic lesions, or atherosclerotic plaques are separated into two broad categories. Stable and unstable (also called vulnerable). The pathobiology of atherosclerotic lesions is very complicated, but generally, stable atherosclerotic plaques, which tend to be asymptomatic, are rich in extracellular matrix and smooth muscle cells. On the other hand, unstable plaques are rich in macrophages and foam cells, and the extracellular matrix separating the lesion from the arterial lumen (also known as the fibrous cap) is usually weak and prone to rupture. Ruptures of the fibrous cap expose thrombogenic material, such as collagen to the circulation and eventually induce thrombus formation in the lumen. Upon formation, intraluminal thrombus can occlude arteries outright (e.g., coronary occlusion), but more often they detach, move into the circulation, and eventually occlude smaller downstream branches causing thromboembolism.

Apart from thromboembolism, chronically expanding atherosclerotic lesions can cause complete closure of the lumen. Chronically expanding lesions are often asymptomatic until lumen stenosis is so severe (usually over 80%) that blood supply to downstream tissue(s) is insufficient, resulting in ischemia. These complications of advanced atherosclerosis are chronic, slowly progressive and cumulative. Most commonly, soft plaque suddenly ruptures causing the formation of a thrombus that will rapidly slow or stop blood flow, leading to death of the tissues fed by the artery in approximately five minutes. This event is called an infraction leading to heart attack/ stroke.

This brings us to the importance of keeping our blood vessels healthy and what is possible as an individual to prevent and reverse developments that can result in serious health hazards which originate in such vessels.

What is the role of Angiogram, Angioplasty and Bypass Surgery?

Angiogram is a common diagnostic test done before angioplasty/ bypass surgery. This is done to find out the location and extent of vessel narrowing/ block due to atherosclerosis. In angioplasty the narrowed vessel is dilated using a balloon with or without a stent. In bypass surgery the narrowed/blocked part of the vessel is bypassed by a graft, a vessel taken from some other part of the body. All these procedures are invasive, including angiogram may lead to serious complications including damage to the artery in the arm or groin from the catheter, possibly affecting blood supply to the limb; heart attack, stroke, damage to the kidneys caused by the contrast dye, tissue damage caused by X-ray radiation if the procedure is prolonged, serious bleeding and even death.

Angioplasty/ bypass surgery does not cure atherosclerosis. It will improve blood flow to the affected area for a limited time. In effect we can buy time for lifestyle corrections to reduce/ reverse the progress of disease. Atherosclerosis is a lifestyle disease and is to be treated with lifestyle corrections. If lifestyle correction is not done after surgical block removal, the atherosclerosis will progress further leading to recurrence of heart attack, stroke leading to disability or death. The real solution for prevention of vascular accidents due to blood clots/ atherosclerosis is lifestyle correction, not angioplasty or bypass surgery and lifelong medication.

Bypass surgery for coronary artery disease is an open heart major surgery done with the help of a heart lung machine in which functions of the heart and lungs during the procedure is taken over by a machine. This surgery is inherently prone to many intraoperative and post-operative complications related to anaesthesia, surgery and the heart lung machine. Relative to bypass surgery, angioplasty is a lower-risk option, but there are unique and many potentially dangerous risks and complications associated with angioplasty.The risks include embolization, or the launching of debris into the bloodstream, arterial rupture from over-inflation of a balloon catheter or the use of an inappropriately large or stiff balloon, or the presence of a calcified target vessel, hematoma or pseudoaneurysm formation at the access site and radiation induced injuries (burns) from the X-Rays used. Angioplasty provides a less durable treatment for atherosclerosis and is more prone to restenosis.

What is the role of Statins, Blood Thinners and Antihypertensives?

Medication for atherosclerosis and associated vascular complications like heart attack and stroke include statins to lower cholesterol, antiplatelet medications like aspirin and clopidogrel to prevent clot formation and a variety of antihypertensive medications to control blood pressure. Most of the blood thinners become effective by their blocking action in the metabolism of omega 6 proinflammatory eicosanoids pathway. These drugs simultaneously block the anti inflammatory natural healing process of the body by their action on omega 3 fatty acid derived anti inflammatory eicosanoids pathway. So it is more scientific and safer to promote body’s natural healing mechanisms by balancing the omega 3 to 6 balance in the body rather than consume more omega 6 and then try to prevent it’s action using drugs which can lead to side effects. Most of the antihypertensives act by controlling the kidneys ability to increase sodium excretion or by reducing potassium excretion. So it is more scientific and safer to optimize the intake of sodium and potassium in food, and control blood pressure rather than to promote disposal of sodium or preserve potassium with drugs. Maintaining the sodium to potassium ratio around 1:2 to 1:3 in food and at cellular level will reduce the strain on cells in keeping the sodium potassium pump and neuronal signal transfer.

Why is Dietary Omega 3 fat and Omega 3 to 6 ratio so Important for cardiovascular health?

The essential fatty acids omega 3 alpha linolenic acid and its derivatives are anti-inflammatory(healing) in nature and omega 6 linoleic acid and its derivatives are pro inflammatory in nature. High omega 6 fat results in excessive inflammatory response and low omega 3 fat results in reduced anti inflammatory(healing) response which is the causative factor behind aberrant clot formation and atherosclerosis associated vascular damage which results in heart attack and stroke.

A large number of drugs currently used for heart disease, hypertension, stroke, inflammation, allergy, asthma, arthritis, acidity, glaucoma, cancer, symptomatic relief of pain and fever act in the pathway of essential fatty acids omega 6 linoleic acid and their metabolites and trying to block it metabolically. What this means is that a lot of drugs used in the treatment of all these diseases are basically trying to correct the problems created by the functional imbalance of the pair of essential fatty acids, omega 3 and 6 fats and their metabolites.This is how we realize the importance of the link between optimization of essential fatty acids and these diseases themselves.

Human beings evolved on a diet with omega 3 to 6 essential fatty acids (EFA) ratio around 1:1, whereas in modern diets the ratio has increased to 1:10-40. Modern diet is deficient in omega 3 fatty acids, and has excessive amounts of omega 6 fatty acids when compared with the diet on which humans evolved and their genetic patterns were established in the past. Inside the body these two series of fatty acids omega 6 (LA, GLA, DGLA, AA) and its metabolites eicosanoids and omega 3 (ALA, EPA, DPA, DHA) and its metabolites eicosanoids and docosanoids follow parallel pathways, continually competing with each other for chemical conversion to various molecules inside and outside the cells.

An extreme excess of dietary omega 6 compared to extreme deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids is what all of us get from food now. This leads to the incorporation of a large quantity of omega 6 derivatives on the lipid bilayer and a decrease in the quantity of omega 3 derivatives in the lipid bilayer leading to increased release of Arachidonic acid a proinflammatory omega 6 mediator. Any drug used to block the eicosanoids from pro inflammatory arachidonic acid will block the anti-inflammatory eicosanoids production from GLA, EPA and DHA which is not desirable. These omega 3 and omega 6 group of eicosanoids and docosanoids act through more than twenty signalling pathways which control bodily functions involving inflammation, cell growth and the central nervous system.

These two groups of molecules derived from essential omega 3 and 6 fats have a complex mechanism of action, continuously competing with each other for production and action. So a drug targeted to reduce inflammation of the heart and blood vessels may alter the balance in the central nervous system and produce serious side effects or a drug targeted to act on joints for arthritis may produce serious side effects on the cardiovascular system. So it is scientific and logical to reduce the intake of omega 6 fats and increase the intake of omega 3 fat and to bring the omega 3 to 6 balance to the optimal 1:1 ratio rather than developing and using drugs to block omega 6 activity.

Why Dietary Sodium And Potassium Balance So Important For Cardiovascular Health?

Hypertension is the most important risk factor for stroke and heart attack. DASH diet (dietary approach to stop hypertension) recommend the potassium intake to be increased to around 4500mg and sodium intake to below 1500mg. Evolutionally as a terrestrial animal human kidney has the capacity to retain sodium and can live with as low as around 500mg of sodium per day. But our capacity to retain potassium is low. Sodium and potassium are the major positively charged ions in the body. Conduction of electrical nerve impulses depends on active transport of sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane with the help of sodium potassium pump.

Modern diet is high in sodium and low in potassium, sodium intake has gone as high above 7500mg and potassium has gone down to 2500mg leading to a reversal of sodium potassium ratio in the diet. This put a strain on the sodium potassium pump at cell level. Sodium potassium pump is very crucial for maintaining the cellular integrity. Around 20 -40 % of energy expenditure of body at rest goes to maintaining this sodium potassium pump at cellular level which shows the importance of sodium and potassium and to have an optimal level of sodium and potassium in diet. Optimizing the sodium and potassium will not only help to control the blood pressure but to reduce stress levels and the associated hormonal and biochemical changes in the body too.

How Cell Activation Treatment helps in Prevention and Treatment of cardiovascular diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases are of lifestyle origin and can be preventable and reversible to a great extent if we are able to give an enabling environment to optimize lifestyle. High calorie diet with high saturated fat, trans fats, omega 6 fat, starch, sugar, sodium and low potassium, dietary fibre, magnesium, vitamin D and omega 3 fat along with a sedentary lifestyle and an increase of fat mass in the body with the accumulation of omega 6 fat is the salient feature of modern lifestyle.This is the foundation on which most lifestyle diseases including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, heart attack etc, are built.

A derailment in the lifestyle leading to a derailment in immune system functions is the root cause of diseases. Lifestyle affect our health through three major ways; imbalance in nutrition, physical activity or as toxins entering the body. Cell activation treatment for health optimization is designed to give an enabling environment for the individual to optimize the lifestyle and thereby optimize health in a natural way and keep all the body parameters physical and biochemical optimal without the help of medication or surgical interventions.

If you have symptoms like breathlessness, tiredness and discomfort while climbing stairs/ walking/ running short distances etc. it is the earliest symptom of atherosclerosis. Vascular narrowing due to developing plaque and the resultant reduced blood circulation leading to reduced oxygen and nutrients to the cells. When the narrowing reaches around 80% to 90% in coronary arteries chest pain may start with mild exertion. Pain in the leg while walking for short distance, pain in the hand while doing moderate work, numbness/ burning at extremities are the early symptoms of atherosclerosis in vessels supplying concerned body parts. If you feel any of these symptoms it means your body is asking you to correct your lifestyle.

Initial evaluation of health status before starting the cell activation treatment for cardiovascular diseases includes a detailed biometric evaluation for assessing fat mass percentage and its distribution. Physical check-up and investigations are carried out to assess’ nutritional status and functional status of different organs and PLAC test to assess atherosclerosis activity and the risk of heart attack and stroke. Investigations and diagnostic procedures which needs X ray, radio opaque dye etc which has a harmful effect on body like angiogram, PET/CT scan etc are avoided as much as possible. The Cell Activation protocol is set considering the individuals’ specific health needs and goals.

Optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection of blood vessel cells from toxins with optimized nutrient compositions and oxyflex a gentle activity pattern can prevent and treat cardiovascular disease and associated premature death and disability. Low calorie optimized nutrient food and oxyflax stimulation protocol enable the individual to reduce weight with ease. High content of omega 3, the healing fat and ensuring the optimal omega 3 to 6 fatty acid balance, the omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1, strengthens the immune system, reduce inflammation and promote healing of damaged blood vessels. Optimized nutrient salt ensures optimal level of sodium and potassium in the food and at the cell level. This will optimize the electrolyte balance and promote smooth conduction of electrical signals in the nervous system and thereby reduce stress on sodium potassium pump at cell level and reduces the strain on kidney.

It is very important to understand that microorganisms, living in the body ( called microbiome), can contribute to atherosclerosis by their action on the immune system, changes in metabolism, processing of nutrients and production of certain metabolites that can get into the blood circulation. High fibre optimized nutrient food promotes the growth of healthy microbial flora. Optimized nutrient food focuses on optimizing nutrition and strengthening the immune system of the body by balancing anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acid derived eicosanoids and pro inflammatory omega 6 fatty acid derived eicosanoids. They are the mediators of immune activity and help in controlling inflammation and disease progression in the cardiovascular system. Cell Activation treatment will help to clear other comorbidities like diabetes too, which are a welcome relief to an individual facing a cardiovascular challenge.

The goal of cell activation treatment is not only to regain the health of heart and blood vessels but to optimize the health of all cells in the body. The benefit of optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection from toxin is given to all the cells in the body and thereby the individual gets relief from all lifestyle diseases including diabetes, arthritis, allergies etc. Cell activation treatment helps the individual to reverse the accelerated metabolic ageing and bring down the metabolic age below chronological age.

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