Best treatment for Dyslipidemia-Elevated Cholesterol, Triglycerides and atherosclerosis begins when CAP is able to control cholesterol, triglycerides and atherosclerosis without the need for medications and prevent the risks of heart attack, stroke and heart failure.
High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides often show no symptoms.
- Dyslipidemia, elevated levels of triglycerides and cholesterol along with other toxins like elevated glucose is the root cause of atherosclerosis and blood vessel narrowing leading to hypertension, heart attack, stroke, chronic renal failure etc.
- Atherosclerosis leads to narrowing of blood vessels and reduce blood supply to affected organs. Symptoms or the health problems associated with atherosclerosis depends on the part of the blood vessel and the organ affected by the reduced blood circulation or injury and clot formation at the site of atherosclerosis.
- Atherosclerotic narrowing of the coronary arteries supplying the heart leads to angina and heart attack, if carotid arteries supplying the brain are affected transient ischemic attacks or stroke, if the renal arteries are affected by hypertension and chronic renal failure.
- Environmental and genetic factors have a role in pathogenesis. Environmental factors include excess weight gain, diet, pollution and stress.
- High content of sugar, starch, saturated fat, trans fats, omega 6 fats, sodium, preservatives and other food additives, medications etc act as a toxin on the lining of blood vessels and promote vessel damage.
- If the blood vessels supplying nerves are affected leads to neuropathy.
- Presence of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, an underactive thyroid, vitamin D deficiency, certain medications like thiazide diuretics, ciclosporin, glucocorticoids, beta blockers, retinoic acid, antipsychotics, certain anticonvulsants and medications leads to dyslipidemia.
- CAP treatment help to normalize triglycerides within days and help to bring down cholesterol even in patients with genetic predisposition for hypercholesterolemia and thereby protect the blood vessels from damage and plaque formation.
Very often the presence of factors that contribute to high cholesterol and triglycerides are very evident but are missed because their effects are not easily noticed.
The role of the individual is crucial in the management of high cholesterol and triglycerides. A correct understanding of the role of cholesterol and triglycerides in maintaining cardiovascular health and general health can lead to early diagnosis and treatment of abnormal amounts. Equally important is to understand the action of different drugs as often their side effects are also like disease symptoms not noticed very often.
Careful monitoring of the parameters and a full understanding of how lifestyle affects and supports correction of parameters will go a long way in ensuring the best treatment.
- Dyslipidemia/Elevated Cholesterol and Triglycerides does not produce any symptoms in the early stage, but long term elevated triglycerides and cholesterol is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral arterial disease, vision loss, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver, pancreatitis, dementia etc.
- Diabetes, hypertension, protruding tummy, overweight, obesity etc are an indication to check for lipid profile in blood and dyslipidemia.
- Although hypercholesterolemia itself is asymptomatic, long standing elevation of serum cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis. Over a period of decades, elevated serum cholesterol contributes to the formation of atheromatous plaques in the arteries. This can lead to progressive narrowing of the involved arteries.
- Smaller plaques may rupture and cause a clot to form and obstruct blood flow. A sudden blockage of a coronary artery may result in a heart attack. A blockage of an artery supplying the brain can cause a stroke.
- If the development of stenosis or occlusion is gradual, blood supply to the tissues and organs slowly diminishes until organ function becomes impaired. At this point tissue ischemia, restriction in blood supply may manifest as specific symptoms. For example, temporary ischemia of the brain, commonly referred to as a transient ischemic attack may manifest as temporary loss of vision, dizziness and impairment of balance, difficulty speaking, weakness or numbness or tingling, usually on one side of the body.
- Insufficient blood supply to the heart may cause chest pain, and ischemia of the eye may manifest as transient visual loss in one eye. Insufficient blood supply to the legs may manifest as calf pain when walking, while in the intestines it may present as abdominal pain after eating a meal.
- Some types of hypercholesterolemia lead to specific physical findings. For example, familial hypercholesterolemia (Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia) may be associated with xanthelasma palpebrarum (yellowish patches underneath the skin around the eyelids), arcus senilis (white or gray discoloration of the peripheral cornea), and xanthomata (deposition of yellowish cholesterol-rich material) of the tendons, especially of the fingers. Type III hyperlipidemia may be associated with xanthomata of the palms, knees and elbows.
Understanding the root cause of high cholesterol and triglycerides and the changes in the body due to such a condition is important for the prevention, treatment and reversal of this dangerous condition. Similarly when test results show high cholesterol and triglycerides a common response of resorting to drugs as the solution total solution is often taken. An understanding of how the drugs provide both favourable and unfavourable results together will help in a better understanding of what the individual should additionally do to be able to reach better levels with the minimum of drugs.
A check up showing high cholesterol and triglycerides requires an immediate response and steps should be taken to return to safer levels with minimum medication.
- Elevated levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood may be a consequence of diet, obesity, inherited or genetic diseases, or the presence of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes and deficiency of vitamin D.
- A number of other conditions can also increase lipid levels including alcohol use, monoclonal gammopathy, dialysis therapy, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome and anorexia nervosa.
- Several medications and classes of medications may interfere with lipid metabolism: thiazide diuretics, ciclosporin, glucocorticoids, beta blockers, retinoic acid, antipsychotics, certain anticonvulsants and medications for HIV as well as interferons.
- Genetic contributions are usually due to the additive effects of multiple genes or polygenic, though occasionally may be due to a single gene defect such as in the case of familial hypercholesterolaemia.
- Hyperlipidemia increases the risk for cardiovascular disease due to their influence on atherosclerosis. In addition, it may predispose to acute pancreatitis.
- Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of lipids, cholesterol, calcium, fibrous plaques within the artery walls. This accumulation narrows the blood vessels and reduce blood flow and oxygen to the cells. Complete blockage of the artery causes infarction of the tissue, if occurs in heart called a heart attack, or if occurs in brain called stroke.
- Elevated lipid level in blood leads to atherosclerosis. Excess quantity of cholesterol and triglycerides act as a toxin to the body. The impact of toxins is more on the cells lining the heart and blood vessels as they are exposed to the toxins directly.
- High calorie diet rich in sugar, omega 6 fat, trans fat and saturated fat leads to weight gain and accumulation of inflammation inducing fat in the body leading to atherosclerosis and vessel block compromising blood circulation leading to nutrient deficiency and accumulation of metabolic waste inside the affected cells, leading to cell damage.
- Change in the omega 3 and omega 6 fat ratio in the body due to dietary imbalance leads to an imbalance in inflammatory and healing activities and weakens the immunity.
- Most of the current cardiac medications acting as anti inflammatory agent and blocking the omega 6 pathway. For example the aspirin taken to prevent blood clotting inside the vessel block the omega 6 pathway. Unfortunately it blocks the omega 3 healing pathway too and make the healing and repair of the damaged cells compromised.
- Anti hypertensive medications like diuretics, ACEIs and ARIs act on the hormones pathways either to promote sodium excretion or to promote potassium reabsorption at the kidney. Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers act on the pathway of nervous control of blood pressure. These medication increases the strain on the kidney and can lead to many side effects.
- Stress on the heart and blood vessels to keep the electrolyte balance with high sodium low potassium diet and excess stored fat induced inflammation is the basic reason for elevated blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Treatment challenges
The individual’s awareness of health optimisation can help in normalising high cholesterol and triglyceride levels with minimum of medication.
Challenge in medical treatment
In high cholesterol and triglycerides the challenge is to underlying causes to the extent possible and normalise the parameters with a minimum of medications.Regular and chronic medication is never the preferred solution as this will prevent the individual from returning to full health as such medications often have their impact on other aspects of health.
Treatment objectives
In treating high cholesterol and triglycerides often the real treatment is optimising health. This is the best response for preventing further deterioration and also prevent damage to other organs and tissues and most often reversing the condition.Often the individual will be having relatively poor health. This is often not noticed. Rarely certain genetic disorders and traits also contribute to such a condition. However more often other disease conditions present like diabetes etc contribute to this condition.This increases the role of health optimisation to improve the overall health of the individual while protecting against this high health risk.Often in very high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides it is an essential to necessarily start with medications if the situation is of an emergency nature but the priority further should be to minimise the need for medication later.
Approach – Root cause
“The focus is on addressing the root cause and not symptoms”
Modern scientific knowledge shows the close relationship between high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides with the lifestyle of the individual.Scientifically and logically lifestyle optimization can prevent, treat and even reverse these conditions to a large extent. Cell activation treatment is developed to support the person to optimize lifestyle in this current sedentary but fast world. Cell activation support helps to ensure optimal nutrition to all 50-70 trillion cells in the body, prevent accumulation of advanced glycation end products(AGEs) (waste products) in the cells and intercellular fluid and thereby help maintain optimum health.The CAP treatment is focussed on providing cell nutrition, cell stimulation and cell protection by providing optimised nutrition, oxyflex stimulation and protection from toxins.This helps to optimise the health which is the foundation for overcoming such lifestyle related diseases.
Focus – Optimising Health
Optimising health as the foundation for overcoming high cholesterol and triglycerides
- Cell Activation treatment is aiming at the optimization of health at cellular level by correcting the body composition with optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection from toxins.
- Cell activation helps to control blood pressure and dyslipidemia, and prevent vessel damage and atherosclerosis.
- While controlling hypertension and dyslipidemia cell activation treatment control blood sugar level and reduce toxin level in blood.
- With cell activation treatment we can stop medications for diabetes on day one and taper of medications for hypertension, dyslipidemia and other diseases gradually with body composition correction.
- Cell activation can reduce the need for medication and surgery for cardiac problems like angioplasty and bypass surgery and will prevent heart attack and stroke and its recurrence.
- Optimized nutrient food and oil massage with high omega 3 content stimulate and strengthen the brain and nerve cells and speed up recovery from stroke.
- Ready to eat optimized nutrient compositions full fill the specifications of DASH diet (dietary approach to prevent hypertension).
- Optimized nutrient salt composition with optimal sodium potassium ratio of 1:3 will optimize sodium potassium ratio in the body and thereby helps to control blood pressure and balance nervous system functions.
- Low calorie optimized nutrient food and oxyflex make weight reduction easy and can reduce 10 to 20% of fat mass in 2 months with ease.
- The high omega 3 fatty acid content of optimized nutrient diet with omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 reduces the production of inflammatory mediators and thereby prevent clot formation inside the cardiovascular system and thereby prevent heart attack and stroke.
- High omega 3 fat with optimal omega 3 to 6 ratio in diet will help to relax blood vessel smooth muscles, control blood pressure and reversal of autoimmune disease affecting heart and prevent cardiac arrhythmias.
- Weight reduction, correcting body composition and optimization of health with cell activation helps solve other associated health issues of lifestyle origin such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, fatty liver, kidney disease, etc.
Improves quality of life.
Total health improvement
The goal of cell activation treatment in individuals with high blood cholesterol and triglyceride values is optimization of health and not just control of these levels. Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level including all 50-70 trillion cells of the body. While controlling elevated blood lipid levels it simultaneously helps correct many other parameters associated with lifestyle related disorders. This is why reversing high lipids with cell activation often provides individuals with a simultaneous reversal of other lifestyle related health issues like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, allergy, asthma, psoriasis, eczema etc.
- CAP treatment help to normalize triglycerides within days and help to bring down cholesterol even in patients with genetic predisposition for hypercholesterolemia and thereby protect the blood vessels from damage and plaque formation.
- Fast and easy control of blood triglyceride, glucose level and blood pressure with cell activation speed up recovery and prevent recurrence.
- Cell Activation treatment is aiming at the optimization of health at cellular level by correcting the body composition. There for the treatment is beneficial not only to the heart and blood vessel diseases but also to all the organs and health issues of the body.
- Cell activation helps to control blood pressure and dyslipidemia prevent vessel damage and atherosclerosis. Thereby able to taper the medications for hypertension, dyslipidemia and other medications for issues of lifestyle origin.
- Cell activation can reduce the need for medication and surgery for cardiac problems like angioplasty and bypass surgery and will prevent heart attack and stroke and its recurrence.
- Ready to eat optimized nutrient compositions make the practical implementation of DASH diet simple and easy.
- Optimized nutrient salt with optimal sodium potassium ratio of 1:3 will optimize sodium potassium ratio in the body and thereby helps to control blood pressure.
- Low calorie optimized nutrient food and oxyflex make weight reduction easy and can reduce 10 to 20% of fat mass in 2 months with ease.
- The high omega 3 fatty acid content of optimized nutrient diet with omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 reduces the production of inflammatory mediators and thereby protects the cardiovascular system from heart attack and stroke.
- High omega 3 fat with optimal omega 3 to 6 ratio in diet will help to relax blood vessel smooth muscles, control blood pressure and reversal of autoimmune disease affecting heart and also for managing cardiac arrhythmias.
- With cell activation treatment diabetic medications can be stopped on the day one itself and blood sugar will be under control with in few days this will speed up recovery of damaged cells.
- Weight reduction with cell activation helps solve other associated health issues of lifestyle origin such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, fatty liver, etc.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success.
- Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case.
- You have high cholesterol and triglycerides symptoms or you suspect so please get a check up and follow up at the earliest to prevent the progression of the disease and other associated damage.
- You are diagnosed with high cholesterol and triglycerides and you want to check out how you can benefit from optimising health with Cell Activation you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre.
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience
Atherosclerosis / vessel block & CAP
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