
Dr Jolly Thomson’s January Message

Within each one of us, January is the beginning of another year full of hopes and aspirations. Surely being in good health, free of illness and discomforts is a high priority. We often plan to improve our fitness, maybe lose some weight, look and feel better, even overcome some chronic ailments in a better way.

We at Life Care Centre also have begun the year full of hopes and aspirations. After seven years of effort to develop a more patient centered and body friendly approach in modern medicine which has its foundation in cell level nutrition, activation and protection from toxins we are proud to share the results to create a future where dependence on chronic medication and surgery can be reduced and in many cases avoided by optimising the individual’s health.

Dr. Jolly Thomson MBBS MD

Dr. Jolly Thomson

The pride we have in this stems from the fact that we have been able to develop this in Kochi , Kerala,( of course utilising the support from all over) and it is from here that we offer it to patients anywhere. Our efforts were in response to the understanding that in spite of many technological advances in medical care and the development of medicines in the pharmaceutical sector and the increasing numbers of multi speciality and tertiary hospitals with increasing numbers of specialists and super specialists there seemed to be something seriously missing in the growing number of chronic patients of various disease conditions who somehow seemed to not benefit from all these changes.

It is easy to find fault with changing lifestyles, but the challenge was to use the knowledge of modern medicine to develop a better solution for the chronic conditions which would free the individual from chronic medication and even many avoidable surgical interventions. As a modern medical practitioner who has spent more than twenty years in the field of infertility, gynecology and obstetrics, I had the privilege of understanding what were the most positive factors for successful conception and healthy growth. It was a privilege for me to spend my last seven years to develop on this opportunity that can make a change on how we see modern medical care in the future.

To begin with we are launching our website lcchospital.com to share our focus. Please check it out to see how it can make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering from lifestyle related chronic conditions. It will be interesting to have your feedback @ contact@lcchospital.com so that we can improve on the possibilities.