
Type 2 Diabetes control & prevention

Male 32 years came for infertility treatment. He gave a history of recent weight loss, increased thirst, and frequent urination. On evaluation weight 77 kg, height 170 cm and BP160/100. Investigations showed high blood sugar 462 mg/dl, HbA1c 12.9%, cholesterol 376 mg, triglyceride 486 mg, SGPT 86 u/l. Islet cell antibody test negative.

Diagnosed as severe Diabetes mellitus type 2 with hypertension, dyslipidemia, fatty liver. Patient was counselled on treatment options and started cell activation treatment with optimized nutrient compositions as food and oxyflex for physical activity.

Day1 RBS- 467mg%, day2 PPBS- 223 mg%, day3 PPBS – 176mg%, day-4 PPBS-122mg% and BP-120/80. Patient was followed up with FBS and PPBS every day and urine check up three times daily (first morning sample, after lunch and after dinner) for a week. After 3rd day BP, urine sugar and blood sugar was totally under control. Lipid profile came down to normal in repeat check after 1 week.

At the end of 30 days blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid profile was totally under control. SGPT came down to 60u/l from 86. Hba1c came down to 9.2% from 12.9. BP came down to 120/ 70 from 160/100, weight came down from 77 to 69kg .

At the end of 60 days FBS and PPBS were under control, HbA1c came down to 7.8 %, SGPT 44u/l and weight 63 kg, BP 120/70.At the end of 90 days HbA1c came down to 6.4, weight 60kg. Blood pressure, sugar, lipids and other clinical parameters within normal limits.

At the end of 120 days HbA1c came down to normal-5.7, weight 59kg. Patient was asked to maintain his weight below 60 kg and lead a healthy lifestyle to avoid recurrence.

Pregnancy In Diabetics control & reversal

28 year old pregnant lady came with uncontrolled diabetes in her third pregnancy. She had 2 previous abortions and diagnosed diabetes during second abortion. She was on insulin and it took almost a year to bring HbA1c down to 6. Then she was advised to become pregnant. But when she became pregnant blood sugar started shooting up in spite of insulin injections.

On evaluation she was overweight- 77kg. Insulin injections stopped on the first day of starting cell activation treatment. Started on optimized nutrient food, skin care and oxyflex for activity. She was advised to use optimized nutrient based skin care, especially over the abdomen which will help in preventing stretch marks.

PPBS after the first dose of optimized nutrient food was 137mg%. Weight reduced to 73kg at the end of 30 days and 72kg at the end of 60 days. She was advised on a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat optimized nutrient food throughout pregnancy and not to increase weight further as she is already obese.

Blood sugar was under control and HbA1c below 6 throughout pregnancy. Till 8th month body weight was kept at 72kg. Ultrasound scan showed baby growing fine. 9th month before delivery HbA1c was 5.7. At 36 wks her weight was 73kg and at term before delivery 75kg.

Gave birth to a healthy baby, weight 3.6kg at term, by normal vaginal delivery. Another advantage of CAP treatment was absence of pregnancy associated stretch marks on her abdomen. With the help of low calorie optimized nutrient food we can ensure optimal growth for foetus with out maternal weight gain in obese patients.

Generalised Obesity

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

​Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limit and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver.

Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

Generalised Obesity

Female 27 years, wantented to have health check up as she is planning for pregnancy. She was complaining of generalised weakness, fatigue and heel pain. On evaluation she was obese-77kg, 155cm, BMI 32 with increased body fat mass- 46%, BP-130/90, having fatty liver, elevated lipid profile, and CRP-9, HbA1c-6.4. Diagnosed with prediabetes along with metabolic syndrome- obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

Counselled on lifestyle optimization with cell activation support and health optimization. Started treatment with optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex for physical activity.

By the end of 10 days her weight reduced 2.5kg, weakness, fatigue and heel pain had substantial relief and blood pressure came down to 120/80.

By the end of 30 days weight reduced to 71kg(6 Kg reduction), HbA1c- 5.8, CRP- 4, blood sugar and lipid profile normalised.

By the end of 90 days her weight came down to 64kg(13kg reduction in 3 months), BMI came down below 27, fat mass came down to 37%. BP-120/70, blood lipids, blood sugar, CRP- normal and HbA1C- 5.5. All pains and aches were gone.

For optimal health she need another 5-10kg reduction in body weight and correction of lean mass fat mass ratio.

Gestational Diabetes

34 year old pregnant lady came with uncontrolled gestational diabetes. She was diagnosed with diabetes during her third month of pregnancy and was on endocrinology care with insulin injections 4 times a day. On evaluation weight- 70kg, height-155cm, BMI- 29, Blood sugar 188, HbA1C 7.8. Ultrasound scan- 16 weeks pregnancy.

Decided to start CAP treatment. Insulin injections stopped on the first day of CAP treatment. Started on optimized nutrient food, skin care and oxyflex for activity. She was advised to use optimized nutrient based skin care especially over the abdomen which will help in preventing stretch marks.

Pre dinner blood sugar was 132 on the first day of CAP. HbA1c came down to 6.9 on 10th day, 6.1 on 20th day and 5.7 on the 30th day. She was advised on a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat optimized nutrient food throughout pregnancy and not to increase weight further as she is already obese. Infact her weight came down 3kg in the first month of CAP and another 2 kg in the second month. Scan showed baby growing fine. At term her weight was 63kg and a net weight reduction of 7kg.

She gave birth to a healthy baby, weight 3.3kg at term. There was no stretch marks on her tummy. For obese patient during pregnancy if we can ensure optimal nutrition with low calorie optimized nutrient compositions we can ensure optimal growth for foetus and optimal birth weight without maternal weight gain. Additional advantage of controlled weight gain with CAP support in pregnancy is prevention of stretch marks on the tummy.

Female-Underweight Weight gain

24 year old female came for gaining weight. On evaluation weight- 40 kg, height- 165 cm, BMI- 15.4, chest circumference- 74cm, waist circumference- 60cm, hip circumference- 78 cm. Blood test showed nutritional deficiencies. Patient felt tired, depressed and not able to stick to any job even though she passed MBA. Parents were upset about the difficulty in finding a groom for their daughter due to thin and unhealthy look of the girl.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with high calorie optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol.

Review at the end of 30 days, parents were happy and the girl became more energetic. Weight increased to 46 kg (gain of 6 kg in 30 days) and chest circumference increased to 80 cm (6 cm increase), hip circumference 84 cm(6 cm increase), waist circumference 62cm.

By the end of 60 days weight reached 50 kg and chest circumference 86cm, waist circumference 64cm, hip circumference 88 cm and BMI reached 18.5. Blood parameters became normal and nutritional deficiencies got corrected.

By the end of 90 days weight reached 52kg(gain of 12kg in 90 days), chest circumference 90cm, waist circumference 64cm, hip circumference 92 cm. She reached BMI 19 with almost ideal feminine figure and body proportions. Change in her appearance, personality, confidence level were surprising. Patient and the parents were extremely happy about the changes. She got selection for a new job of her choice. Now the parents are not worried about her marriage and they are willing to weight till she is settled.

Pre Diabetes control & prevention

Female 27 years, wantented to have health check up as she is planning for pregnancy. She was complaining of generalised weakness, fatigue and heel pain. On evaluation she was obese-77kg, 155cm, BMI 32 with increased body fat mass- 46%, BP-130/90, having fatty liver, elevated lipid profile, and CRP-9, HbA1c-6.4. Diagnosed with prediabetes along with metabolic syndrome- obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

Counselled on lifestyle optimization with cell activation support and health optimization. Started treatment with optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex for physical activity.

By the end of 10 days her weight reduced 2.5kg, weakness, fatigue and heel pain had substantial relief and blood pressure came down to 120/80.

By the end of 30 days weight reduced to 71kg(6 Kg reduction), HbA1c- 5.8, CRP- 4, blood sugar and lipid profile normalised.

By the end of 90 days her weight came down to 64kg(13kg reduction in 3 months), BMI came down below 27, fat mass came down to 37%. BP-120/70, blood lipids, blood sugar, CRP- normal and HbA1C- 5.5. All pains and aches were gone.

For optimal health she need another 5-10kg reduction in body weight and correction of lean mass fat mass ratio.

Type 1 Diabetes control & prevention

22 year old lady, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 16 years and on insulin three times a day, looking frail and wanted to increase weight. On evaluation, height 158cm, weight- 37kg, Fat mass percentage 34%, BMI- 14.8. Blood sugar 184 and HbA1c- 7.8. Even though her BMI was low body fat percentage was high. Her optimal weight should be between 46-52kg and body fat mass around 20% at this age.

Started on cell activation. Insulin reduced to 10 units long acting insulin a day at lunch. Low carbohydrate, high protein optimized nutrient food and optimized nutrient oil based skin care was given along with oxyflex activity.

Her pre dinner blood sugar on the first day of treatment was 146 and second day FBS was 106 and PPBS 138. At the end of 10 days her blood sugar was under control and there was weight gain of 1kg. There was no hypoglycemic attacks.

By the end of 30 days her weight increased to 40.5kg (3.5kg increase in one month). She was asked to continue with 10 units of long acting insulin. Blood sugar was under control and HbA1c came down to 7.

At the end of 60 days weight increased to 44kg. Blood sugar under control and HbA1c came down to 6.4. There was no episode of hypoglycemic attack with 10 units of long acting insulin.

By the end of 90 days her weight reached 46kg, BMI-18.5. Fat percentage came down to 30.5%. Her blood sugar under control with 10 units of long acting insulin. HbA1c came down to 5.7.

She was advised to reduce body fat mass level and improve muscle mass with high protein optimized nutrient food and oxyflex activity protocol. There is possibility of repair and regrowth of islet cells if the optimal health is maintained at cellular level with optimal nutrition, stimulation and protection from toxins.

Type 2 Diabetes control & prevention

Male 32 years came for infertility treatment. He gave a history of recent weight loss, increased thirst, and frequent urination. On evaluation weight 77 kg, height 170 cm and BP160/100. Investigations showed high blood sugar 462 mg/dl, HbA1c 12.9%, cholesterol 376 mg, triglyceride 486 mg, SGPT 86 u/l. Islet cell antibody test negative.

Diagnosed as severe Diabetes mellitus type 2 with hypertension, dyslipidemia, fatty liver. Patient was counselled on treatment options and started cell activation treatment with optimized nutrient compositions as food and oxyflex for physical activity.

​Day1 RBS- 467mg%, day2 PPBS- 223 mg%, day3 PPBS – 176mg%, day-4 PPBS-122mg% and BP-120/80. Patient was followed up with FBS and PPBS every day and urine check up three times daily (first morning sample, after lunch and after dinner) for a week. After 3rd day BP, urine sugar and blood sugar was totally under control. Lipid profile came down to normal in repeat check after 1 week.

At the end of 30 days blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid profile was totally under control. SGPT came down to 60u/l from 86. Hba1c came down to 9.2% from 12.9. BP came down to 120/ 70 from 160/100, weight came down from 77 to 69kg .

At the end of 60 days FBS and PPBS were under control, HbA1c came down to 7.8 %, SGPT 44u/l and weight 63 kg, BP 120/70.

At the end of 90 days HbA1c came down to 6.4, weight 60kg. Blood pressure, sugar, lipids and other clinical parameters within normal limits.

At the end of 120 days HbA1c came down to normal-5.7, weight 59kg. Patient was asked to maintain his weight below 60 kg and lead a healthy lifestyle to avoid recurrence.

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

​Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limit and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver.

Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

Male 32 years came with wife for infertility treatment after 4 years of infertility treatment at different hospitals. Husband gave history of chronic alcoholism and recent weight loss. On evaluation weight 67 kg, height 170 cm and BP160/100. investigations showed increased blood sugar 456 mg/dl, HbA1c 12.8%, cholesterol 356 mg, triglyceride 386 mg, SGPT 86 u/l.

Diagnosed as Diabetes mellitus type 2. Patient was counselled on treatment options and decided to start cell activation treatment. Day1 RBS- 437mg%, day2 FBS- 223 mg%, day3 PPBS – 176mg%, day-3 PPBS-112mg% and BP-120/80. Patient was followed up with FBS and PPBS after lunch every day and urine check up three times(first morning sample, after lunch and after dinner) for a week. After 3rd day BP, urine sugar and blood sugar was totally under control. Lipid profile came down to normal in repeat check after 1 week.

At the end of 30 days blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid profile was totally under control. SGPT came down to 60u/l. Hba1c came down to 9.2%. BP 120/ 70, weight 65kg.

At the end of 60 days FBS and PPBS were under control, Hba1c came down to 7.8 %, SGPT 44u/l and weight 63 kg, BP 120/70. Anger and irritability reduced and no craving for alcohol.

Active fertility treatment given for husband and wife. Conceived with IUI and gave birth to twins babies.

Male 56years presented with depression started after the diagnosis of diabetes. On medication for diabetes for 6 months. Started psychiatric medication 2 months back, but not happy with the side effects, mainly dryness of mouth and stopped medication. Want to try cell activation because a relative was cured of diabetes from the treatment here.

On evaluation he was overweight, depressed, BP-140/90, FBS-160, HbA1c- 7.4 and elevated blood lipids. Diabetic medication stopped on day one. Started on fluoxetine light antidepressant which does not cause dryness of the mouth. Blood sugar got controlled within 2 days dullness and depression reduced. 10th day of treatment BP 120/80, PPBS- 137mg%, blood lipids became normal, patient was more active and energetic.

By the end of 30 days antidepressant was tapered off and patient become free of medication and symptom free. In one month he was able to lose 6kg (reduced from 80kg to 74kg). By the end of 60 days patient was able to reduce another 4 kg, HbA1c came down to 6, energetic, fit and happy. Free of diabetes, hypertension, depression and medications.

Female 57 years old, taking medication for diabetes and hypertension for 6 years came to start cell activation treatment as one of her relatives was able to stop insulin with cell activation treatment. On evaluation she was obese, having fatty liver, HA1c- 7.8, elevated blood lipids, ALP, lipase and amylase.

Diabetic medication stopped on the first day of cell activation treatment. Her blood sugar was under control from next day onwards. By the end of 30 days her HbA1c came down to 6.7 from 7.8, weight reduced 4kg (from 69kg to 65kg). Elevated blood lipids, ALP, lipase and amylase all normalised in the repeat blood check at the end of 30 days. She also noticed relief in neck pain, leg pain, tiredness and tremor on hands while at work. By the end of 60 days hypertension was under control without medication, blood parameters were remaining normal and weight reduced to 62kg(total reduction of 7 kg).

Female 62 years main complaint was burning sensation at foot disturbing sleep and upper abdominal pain while sitting making travel difficult. She was on medication for diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetic neuropathy. She was also suffering from varicose veins and reduced sensation at foot using special diabetic foot wear. Wanted to try cell activation treatment for her problems.

On evaluation she was obese-76kg with increased body fat mass- 42%, BP-160/90, having fatty liver, elevated lipid profile, and CRP-7, HbA1c-7.6, redused GFR- 73. Diabetic medication stopped and started call activation treatment.

Blood sugar was under control from the next day itself. Burning sensation at foot got relieved within a week. By the end of 20 days her blood pressure came down to 140/80, HbA1c- 6.6, CRP, blood sugar and lipid profile normalised. She noticed that her sensation at foot is coming back, as she is able to notice the foot wear slipping out while she wear ordinary foot wear to temple. Discomfort and abdominal pain while sitting and travelling got relieved. Her weight came down from 77 to 73(4kg reduction in 20 days).

At the end of the 60 days all her medications were stopped. By 90 days her HbA1c was 5.5, BP-120/80, weight 64kg(total 13kg reduction), GFR-101, lipid profile, Blood sugar, CRP etc were in normal range. Sensation at foot has come back and she is able to wear ordinary foot wear. Varicose vein has reduced substantially and not giving any discomfort. She is free from all medications now.

This case shows that with cell activation we can not only cure diabetes and hypertension, but we can reverse the nephropathy and retinopathy if the patient is co operative.

Female 78 year, suffering from osteoarthritis knees, diabetes and hypertension. Confined to the house for the last one year and knee replacement surgery was the medical advice. On evaluation she was obese with increased fat mass- 45.3%, ESR-55, HbA1c-7.5 and BP-140/90. She was taking 3 drugs for hypertension, 1 drug for cholesterol, 2 for diabetes and 1 blood thinner, 1 anti acidity medication and painkillers. She was aware of cell activation treatment and its benefit from her relatives and wanted to start treatment in the first visit itself.

By 10th day of starting treatment her knee pain and edema decreased and was able to walk short distances, blood sugar was under control without medication and body weight came down from 79kg to 76 kg (3kg reduction in 10 days).

By the end of 30 days weight came down to 74 kg (5kg reduction). She started climbing stairs. HbA1c from 7.1 to 6.4 after stopping diabetic medication. Acidity and constipation got controlled without medication. Blood pressure and lipid profile came down to normal. Patient was asked to reduce medication for blood pressure and heart problems in consultation with the prescribing doctor.

By the end of 90 days. BP, blood sugar, blood lipids etc was under control without any drugs. Patient was able to walk and climb stairs, HbA1c came down to 5.1, weight reduced to 70kg(9kg reduction).

Pregnancy In Diabetics control & reversal

28 year old pregnant lady came with uncontrolled diabetes in her third pregnancy. She had 2 previous abortions and diagnosed diabetes during second abortion. She was on insulin and it took almost a year to bring HbA1c down to 6. Then she was advised to become pregnant. But when she became pregnant blood sugar started shooting up in spite of insulin injections.

On evaluation she was overweight- 77kg. Insulin injections stopped on the first day of starting cell activation treatment. Started on optimized nutrient food, skin care and oxyflex for activity. She was advised to use optimized nutrient based skin care, especially over the abdomen which will help in preventing stretch marks.

PPBS after the first dose of optimized nutrient food was 137mg%. Weight reduced to 73kg at the end of 30 days and 72kg at the end of 60 days. She was advised on a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat optimized nutrient food throughout pregnancy and not to increase weight further as she is already obese.

Blood sugar was under control and HbA1c below 6 throughout pregnancy. Till 8th month body weight was kept at 72kg. Ultrasound scan showed baby growing fine. 9th month before delivery HbA1c was 5.7. At 36 wks her weight was 73kg and at term before delivery 75kg.

Gave birth to a healthy baby, weight 3.6kg at term, by normal vaginal delivery. Another advantage of CAP treatment was absence of pregnancy associated stretch marks on her abdomen. With the help of low calorie optimized nutrient food we can ensure optimal growth for foetus with out maternal weight gain in obese patients.

32 year old pregnant lady came with uncontrolled diabetes in her second pregnancy. She was diagnosed with diabetes during her first pregnancy and pregnancy was terminated due to the fear of congenital anomalies to the child due to uncontrolled diabetes(HbA1c-11.8) as per medical advice. She was put on insulin and when the HbA1c came down to 6, she was advised to become pregnant. But when she became pregnant blood sugar started shooting up in spite of insulin injections. She wanted to try cell activation treatment.

On evaluation she was overweight- 75kg. Insulin injections stopped on the first day of starting cell activation treatment. Her PPBS after the first dose of optimized nutrient food was 107mg%. Her HbA1c was around 6 throughout pregnancy, 9th month before delivery HbA1c was 5.7. She was advised not to increase weight during the first 3 months and preferably to reduce 3-5kg in the initial months. At 36 wks her weight was 73kg and at term before delivery 75kg.

She gave birth to a healthy baby weight 3.5kg at term by normal vaginal delivery. Another surprise, there is no pregnancy associated stretch marks on her abdomen. With the help of low calorie optimized nutrient compositions we can ensure optimal growth for foetus with out maternal weight gain in obese patients.

Gestational Diabetes

34 year old pregnant lady came with uncontrolled gestational diabetes. She was diagnosed with diabetes during her third month of pregnancy and was on endocrinology care with insulin injections 4 times a day. On evaluation weight- 70kg, height-155cm, BMI- 29, Blood sugar 188, HbA1C 7.8. Ultrasound scan- 16 weeks pregnancy.

Decided to start CAP treatment. Insulin injections stopped on the first day of CAP treatment. Started on optimized nutrient food, skin care and oxyflex for activity. She was advised to use optimized nutrient based skin care especially over the abdomen which will help in preventing stretch marks.

Pre dinner blood sugar was 132 on the first day of CAP. HbA1c came down to 6.9 on 10th day, 6.1 on 20th day and 5.7 on the 30th day. She was advised on a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat optimized nutrient food throughout pregnancy and not to increase weight further as she is already obese. Infact her weight came down 3kg in the first month of CAP and another 2 kg in the second month. Scan showed baby growing fine. At term her weight was 63kg and a net weight reduction of 7kg.

She gave birth to a healthy baby, weight 3.3kg at term. There was no stretch marks on her tummy. For obese patient during pregnancy if we can ensure optimal nutrition with low calorie optimized nutrient compositions we can ensure optimal growth for foetus and optimal birth weight without maternal weight gain. Additional advantage of controlled weight gain with CAP support in pregnancy is prevention of stretch marks on the tummy.

Generalised Obesity

32 years old male, taking medication for diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension for 6 years came for weight reduction. On evaluation he was obese 82kg, 160cm, BMI- 32, BP-140/100, having fatty liver, HA1c- 8.8, elevated blood lipids, ALP, lipase and amylase.

Diabetic medication stopped on the first day of cell activation treatment. Patient was advised to have low calorie, low carbohydrate optimized nutrient food and oxyflex practice for activity. Blood sugar was under control from next day onwards. By the end of 30 days her HbA1c came down to 7.6 from 8.8, weight reduced 8kg (from 82kg to 74kg). Elevated blood lipids, ALP, lipase and amylase all normalised in the repeat blood check at the end of 30 days. BP came down to 130/90. He also noticed relief in neck pain, leg pain, tiredness and tremor on hands while at work if the lunch is delayed. He was asked to taper off medication for hypertension and cholesterol with repeat evaluation every 10 days.

By the end of 60 days hypertension and blood lipids were under control without medication, blood parameters were remaining normal and weight reduced to 69kg.

By the end of 90 days weight came down to 65kg ( total weight reduction of 17kg in three months). He is free of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and triglyceride. He needs to reduce another 5 to 10kg for optimal health.

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limits and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver.

Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

Female 57 years old, taking medication for diabetes and hypertension for 6 years came to start cell activation treatment as one of her relatives was able to stop insulin with cell activation treatment. On evaluation she was obese, having fatty liver, HA1c- 7.8, elevated blood lipids, ALP, lipase and amylase.

Diabetic medication stopped on the first day of cell activation treatment. Her blood sugar was under control from next day onwards. By the end of 30 days her HbA1c came down to 6.7 from 7.8, weight reduced 4kg (from 69kg to 65kg). Elevated blood lipids, ALP, lipase and amylase all normalised in the repeat blood check at the end of 30 days. She also noticed relief in neck pain, leg pain, tiredness and tremor on hands while at work. By the end of 60 days hypertension was under control without medication, blood parameters were remaining normal and weight reduced to 62kg(total reduction of 7 kg).

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

​Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limit and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver. Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

Male 37years, suffering from psoriasis for the last 20 years. Taken treatment in many hospitals with skin specialists, ayurveda, homeo, unani, naturopathy etc. Most affected was the skin at the back, scalp and hands with itching and scaling.

On evaluation he was overweight and the fat percentage in the body was high and metabolic age 11 years higher than the actual age. Blood report showed elevated triglyceride- 411mg% and uric acid 8.7mg%. Allergy test showed elevated IgE and the patient had an allergy to many food items, inhalants and contact allergy. Counselling given on the possible benefits of cell activation for his health issues.

By 15 days of starting treatment itching stopped and by 20 days scaling stopped completely. Triglyceride reduced from 411mg to 136mg, uric acid from 8.7mg to 6.9mg. In 30 days he was able to reduce 7 kg (from 82kg to 75kg). IgE came down from 1928 to 1277. By the end of the 3 months his skin became smooth and free of psoriasis. Body weight maintained around 70 kg, more fit, happy and energetic.

Female 23 years wanted to start cell activation treatment for weight reduction and body shaping as one for her friend achieved effective weight reduction with treatment here. On evaluation she was overweight, height 155 cm, weight 62 kg, waist circumference 98 cm. Investigation showed dyslipidemia and nutritional deficiencies.

At the end of 30 days weight reduced to 57 kg (5 kg reduction), waist circumference reduced to 86 cm(12cm reduction), lipid profile normalised. Patient was advised to continue the low calorie optimized nutrient food support and oxyflex practice. At the end of 60 days weight reduced to 53 kg, waist circumference reduced to 76 cm. At the end of 90 days weight reduced to 51 kg, waist circumference reduced to 71 cm.

There was a total weight loss of 11 kg and waist line reduction of 27 cm. The girl looked much younger, taller, smarter and more beautiful. She also noticed the disappearance of allergic sneezing.

Abdominal Obesity

Female 25 years with obesity and protruding tummy wanted weight reduction. On evaluation she was overweight, height 155 cm, weight 72 kg, BMI-30, waist circumference 104 cm. There was dark pigmentation on face, around the neck, and knuckles. Investigation showed dyslipidemia and nutritional deficiencies.

At the end of 30 days weight reduced to 65 kg (7 kg reduction), waist circumference reduced to 92cm (12cm reduction), lipid profile normalised. Patient was advised to continue the low calorie optimized nutrient food support and oxyflex practice.

At the end of 60 days weight reduced to 59 kg, waist circumference reduced to 82 cm. Dark pigmentation on face, around the neck, and knuckles reduced substantially.

At the end of 90 days weight reduced to 54 kg, waist circumference reduced to 75 cm. Pigmentation on skin disappeared completely.

There was a total weight loss of 18 kg and waist line reduction of 29 cm in three months. The lady looked much younger, taller, smarter, more beautiful and regained her feminine shape. She also noticed the disappearance of allergic sneezing.

Childhood Obesity

14 year old girl, height- 160cm, weight- 79kg, BMI 31 came with parents for weight reduction as she is suffering from irregular menstrual cycle, increased hair growth at chin and upper lip and hyperpigmentation on face and neck. On evaluation her TSH and LH level was high and autoimmune antibodies(TPO and ATG) were high. Ultrasound scan showed Polycystic ovaries. Diagnosed autoimmune thyroiditis, PCOS and obesity.

Started cell activation treatment with low calorie optimized nutrient compositions as food and skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol.

At the end of the 30 days she was able to reach 73kg (reduce 6kg) and at the end of 60 days reached 68kg (5kg reduction). By the end of 90 days reached 64kg(a total reduction in weight of 15kg).

Thyroid hormone level normalised with thyroxine supplement. Autoimmune antibody level started reducing. Menstrual cycles regularised with progesterone support and LH level came to normal. She was advised to continue CAP support for another 3 months.

Repeat evaluation at the end of 6 months weight reduced to 62kg, height increased 4cm (from 160 to 164cm), BMI-23. Her menstrual cycles got regularised without hormonal support. Ultrasound scan showed PCOD got corrected. TSH level gone below normal and autoimmune antibodies (TPO and ATG) level came to normal.

Advised to taper off thyroxine. Asked the patient to continue CAP practice and bring down the weight below 60kg and keep her weight around 55kg.

Morbid Obesity

37 year old male, height- 170cm, weight- 112kg, BMI 39, BP 140/100 on medication for asthma, hypertension and dyslipidemia came for weight reduction. On examination there was hyperpigmentation on forehead and cheeks. Investigation showed prediabetes with elevated HbA1c- 6.4%, fatty liver, elevated SGPT, blood lipids and low iron, vitamin D and B12 level. Allergy test was done as the patient is asthmatic and showed allergy to milk and milk products and to many other food items and inhalants.

Started CAP treatment and advised low calorie optimized nutrient composition as food and skin care and oxyflex for physical activity and to increase metabolism. Advised to avoid substances which are allergic to him.

Review after 10 days showed 3.5kg reduction in weight, BP 130/90. Patient was asked to reduce the asthmatic inhaler two bid to one bid (from two puff morning and evening to one puff morning and evening). At the end of 20days there was another 3kg reduction and asthma was under control with half the dose of inhalant. B.P- 120/80, cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 103 kg (9kg reduction). Inhalant for asthma taken only twice during the last week, BP and lipids were under control with half the dose of medicine, HbA1c came down to 5.8 from 6.4. Asked to taper off the medications for hypertension and dyslipidemia.

Review after 60 days showed weight- 96 kg(7kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after stopping medicines

Review after 90 days showed weight 92 kg(total 20kg reduction), From morbid obesity BMI 39 to BMI 32. BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limits, HbA1c-5.5%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver.

Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy.

He needs another 14kg reduction to reach below obesity level, weight below 78kg (BMI below 27) which may take another 3 months treatment with CAP support. For optimal health his weight should be around 65 kg (below BMI 23).

Post Pregnancy Obesity

32 years old female wanted to reduce weight and regain body shape after delivery. Breastfeeding and the baby was 8 month old. She was complaining of back pain, protruding tummy and lax vagina after delivery and reduced sexual satisfaction for both partners.

On evaluation she is 165cm, 76kg, BMI-28, abdominal circumference 98cm. Blood test showed dyslipidemia, vitamin D deficiency and iron deficiency. Started with low calorie optimized nutrient food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex activity protocol.

At the end of one month she was able to reduce 7kg( from 76 to 69kg, her abdominal circumference came down 10cm (from 98 to 88) and relieved of back pain. She also noticed her skin colour and texture improved and the dark marks on neck and knuckles reduced. She also noticed breast milk quantity increased.

By the end of 60 days weight further came down 5kg and abdominal circumference another 6cm. By the end of 90 days she was able to reduce another 4kg (a total weight reduction of 16kg- from 76 to 60kg) and waist circumference another 4cm ( a total reduction of 20cm- from 98cm to 78cm).

Liginal laxity got corrected and sexual satisfaction restored for both the partners. Abdominal laxity and protruding tummy disappeared. Skin colour and texture improved, darkening at neck, knuckles, armpit and thighs disappeared. Even the stretch marks and wrinkles at abdomen reduced. She became much more confident and energetic with regaining her body shape and composition.

Female-Underweight Weight gain

24 year old female came for gaining weight. On evaluation weight- 40 kg, height- 165 cm, BMI- 15.4, chest circumference- 74cm, waist circumference- 60cm, hip circumference- 78 cm. Blood test showed nutritional deficiencies. Patient felt tired, depressed and not able to stick to any job even though she passed MBA. Parents were upset about the difficulty in finding a groom for their daughter due to thin and unhealthy look of the girl.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with high calorie optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol.

Review at the end of 30 days, parents were happy and the girl became more energetic. Weight increased to 46 kg (gain of 6 kg in 30 days) and chest circumference increased to 80 cm (6 cm increase), hip circumference 84 cm(6 cm increase), waist circumference 62cm.

By the end of 60 days weight reached 50 kg and chest circumference 86cm, waist circumference 64cm, hip circumference 88 cm and BMI reached 18.5. Blood parameters became normal and nutritional deficiencies got corrected.

By the end of 90 days weight reached 52kg(gain of 12kg in 90 days), chest circumference 90cm, waist circumference 64cm, hip circumference 92 cm. She reached BMI 19 with almost ideal feminine figure and body proportions. Change in her appearance, personality, confidence level were surprising. Patient and the parents were extremely happy about the changes. She got selection for a new job of her choice. Now the parents are not worried about her marriage and they are willing to weight till she is settled.

24 year old female, weight- 40 kg, height- 165 cm, BMI- 15.4, chest circumference- 74cm, waist circumference- 60cm, hip circumference- 78 cm. Parents were upset on difficulty in finding a groom for their daughter due to thin and unhealthy look of the girl. After preliminary investigations, counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review at the end of 30 days weight increased to 46 kg (gain of 6 kg) and chest circumference increased to 84 cm (10 cm increase), hip circumference 88 cm(10 cm increase), waist circumference 64cm.

By the end of 60 days weight reached 50 kg and chest circumference 90cm, waist circumference 64cm, hip circumference 92 cm. She has reached 18.5 BMI.

By the end of 90 days weight reached 53kg(gain of 13kg), chest circumference 92cm, waist circumference 66cm, hip circumference 92 cm. She has reached a BMI 19.5 with almost ideal feminine figure and body proportions. Change in her appearance, personality, confidence level were surprising. By the time her marriage fixed and the parents were extremely happy.

Male-Underweight Weight Gain

25 year old male came for weight gain treatment. On evaluation weight- 46 kg, height- 175 cm, BMI- 15. He is a strict vegetarian. He wanted to get selection in police force, but his frail body is a problem in passing the physical fitness test. Blood test showed dyslipidemia, low Vitamin D and B12 level.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with high calorie, high protein optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol.

Review at the end of 10 days, weight increased to 49 kg (gain of 3 kg in 10days). By the end of 30 days he gained 8kg and reached 54kg. He was very happy about the improvement in his energy level and stamina.

By the end of 60 days weight reached 60 kg and BMI- 19.5 (an increase of 14kg in 60 days). Blood parameters became normal and nutritional deficiencies got corrected.

By the end of 90 days weight reached 64kg(total gain of 18kg from 46 to 64kg in 90 days) and BMI reached 21. His stamina and confidence level increased. He started training for the physical fitness test for his dream job in the defence force.

Male Factor Infertility

Male 38 years came with wife for fertility treatment. Married for 9 years and taken treatment in various hospitals. Diagnosed with oligoasthenospermia. Varicocele surgery done earlier, but semen parameters did not improve. He was on antihypertensives and statins for cholesterol for the last 10years. Had undergone IVF-ICSI in 2 cycles. NOT conceived yet.

On evaluation husband was obese, BMI-32, BP- 150/94, semen parameters were low, elevated blood lipids and diabetic with HbA1c 8.4. Wife was also obese, anemic with low haemoglobin and low vitamin D level. They were counselled on cell activation treatment for weight reduction and optimization of health before active infertility treatment.

By the end of second month husbands blood sugar and lipids were under control without medication. At the end of 90 days husbands weight came down from 86 kg to 72 kg (14 kg reduction) and abdominal circumference reduced from 104 cm to 82 cm (22 cm reduction). Sperm parameters- count, motility and semen volume improved. Blood lipids normal, BP normal- 110/80 without medication.

Wife’s weight reduced from 68 kg to 57kg (reduction of 11 kg). Active infertility treatment started. Follicular study showed anovulation.

Ovulation induction with FSH and HCG injection given with follicular study. IUI done on the peak fertile days. Luteal phase support given with vaginal progesterone and HCG injection. Pregnancy test became positive on the first cycle itself. Hormonal support given for the first 3 months. Delivered a healthy baby at term.

Female Factor Infertility

Female 31 years married for 6 years came for infertility treatment with husband. They were taken treatment in various hospitals. Diagnosed as PCOD. Wife undergone diagnostic laparoscopy- no abnormality other than polycystic ovary. Had 3 cycles of IUI and one IVF cycle. NOT conceived.

On evaluation she was obese, on medication for hypothyroidism, ultrasound scan showed PCOD with anovulatory cycle and fatty liver. LH level and lipids were elevated. Autoimmune thyroid antibodies were high.

On evaluation husbad also obese with dyslipedemia and low normal semen parameters. They were counselled on health optimization with cell activation support before starting active infertility treatment.

At the end of 90 days wife’s weight came down from 82 kg to 66 kg (16 kg reduction) and and all blood parameters became normal except thyroid autoantibodies, but the antibody titre came down. PCOD and fatty liver reduced. Husband also able to reduce weight, from 92kg to 75kg(17kg reduction in 90days). Sperm parameters improved. Active infertility treatment started.

Ovulation induction with follicular study, FSH and HCG injection given. Luteal phase support given with vaginal progesterone and HCG injection. Pregnancy test was negative in the first cycle.

In the second cycle a scan guided tubal patency test and tubal washing done to ensure fallopian tube patency. Along with ovulation induction and follicular study IUI done on the peak fertile days.

Pregnancy test became positive on the second cycle. Optimized nutrient support was given throughout pregnancy. Patient was advised to continue oxyflex for physical activity and to restrict weight gain to 5-7 kg throughout pregnancy. Hormonal support given for the first 3 months. Delivered a healthy baby at term.

Male and Female Factor Infertility

Husband 34 years and wife 31 years married for 6 years came for infertility treatment. They had taken treatment from various hospitals. Husband undergone varicocele surgery. Wife had keyhole surgery and diagnosed endometriosis and ablation done. Had 3 cycles of IUI and one IVF cycle. NOT conceived yet.

On evaluation husband was obese, hypertensive, semen parameters were low, elevated blood lipids, and prediabetic with HbA1c 6.4. Wife was underweight, looking frail, anemic and follicular study showed anovulation (no egg production). They were counselled on cell activation treatment for optimization of health before active infertility treatment.

Husband was given low calorie, low carbohydrate optimized nutrient food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex activity protocol for health optimization with weight reduction. By the end of 90 days husbands weight came down from 86 kg to 72 kg (14 kg reduction) Blood pressure, sugar, HbA1c and blood lipids were normal. Sperm parameters- count, motility and semen volume improved.

As the wife was underweight, she was given a high calorie optimized nutrient food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex activity protocol for health optimization with weight gain. Wife’s weight increased from 36kg to 47kg(increase of 11kg in 3 months) and nutritional deficiencies corrected.

Active fertility treatment started. Ovulation induction with follicular study, FSH and HCG injection along with IUI on peak fertile days done. Luteal phase support given with vaginal progesterone and HCG injection. But pregnancy test was negative in the first targeted cycle.

Premenstrual suction curettage done on the first day of menstrual cycle and tubal patency test on the 8th day of the cycle under ultrasound scan guidance to exclude any endometrial and tubal factors for infertility.

Conceived in the second targeted cycle, along with ovulation induction, follicular study, FSH and HCG injections and IUI on peak fertile day. Luteal phase support given with vaginal progesterone and HCG injection. CAP support given throughout pregnancy. Along with routine antenatal care hormonal support given for the first 3 months. Delivered a healthy baby at term.

Male 32 years came with wife for infertility treatment after 4 years of infertility treatment at different hospitals. Husband gave history of chronic alcoholism and recent weight loss. On evaluation weight 67 kg, height 170 cm and BP160/100. investigations showed increased blood sugar 456 mg/dl, HbA1c 12.8%, cholesterol 356 mg, triglyceride 386 mg, SGPT 86 u/l.

Diagnosed as Diabetes mellitus type 2. Patient was counselled on treatment options and decided to start cell activation treatment. Day1 RBS- 437mg%, day2 FBS- 223 mg%, day3 PPBS – 176mg%, day-3 PPBS-112mg% and BP-120/80. Patient was followed up with FBS and PPBS after lunch every day and urine check up three times(first morning sample, after lunch and after dinner) for a week. After 3rd day BP, urine sugar and blood sugar was totally under control. Lipid profile came down to normal in repeat check after 1 week.

At the end of 30 days blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid profile was totally under control. SGPT came down to 60u/l. Hba1c came down to 9.2%. BP 120/ 70, weight 65kg.

At the end of 60 days FBS and PPBS were under control, Hba1c came down to 7.8 %, SGPT 44u/l and weight 63 kg, BP 120/70. Anger and irritability reduced and no craving for alcohol.

Active fertility treatment given for husband and wife. Conceived with IUI and gave birth to twins babies.

Husband 32 years and wife 31 years, marital life 6 years presented with infertility and repeated abortions(total 4 abortions) all before 8th week. History of LMWH(low molecular weight heparin) daily during last two pregnancies for elevated autoantibodies.

On evaluation both the couple having abdominal obesity. Semen parameters in low normal limits. Endometrial study showed progesterone deficiency. Periods was irregular with anovulatory cycles. Cyclical progesterone was given for regularisation of cycle. They were counselled on cell activation treatment for weight reduction and optimization of health before active infertility treatment.

At the end of 90 days husband was able to reduce 12 kg and a reduction on waistline 26 cm and wife 9 kg and 22 cm waistline reduction. Repeat ANA test of wife became negative.

Active infertility treatment started. Ovulation induced with FSH and HCG along with follicular study. Couple were instructed to try for conception only on peak days and avoid semen deposition before peak days. Pregnancy test became positive. Progesterone and HCG support given after ovulation till 14 weeks gestation. Mother was asked to continue cell activation and controlled weight gain throughout pregnancy and lactation. Gave birth to a healthy baby at term.

Couple presented with history of four pregnancy losses. First pregnancy full term cesarean delivery of a baby with hydrocephalus and died in the neonatal period, second and third abortion at 8th week, fourth medical termination of pregnancy at 16 weeks due to congenital anomaly of the fetus ( Polycystic Kidney). during the last 4 years not able to conceive with treatment at various centres including 2 IVF cycles. Last 2 years periods irregular and getting only with medication.

General health and fertility evaluation done. Both the partners were having abdominal obesity. Semen parameters were on low normal. Wife’s toxoplasma antibody IgG titre was high and there was evidence of nutritional deficiencies. They were counselled on cell activation treatment for weight reduction and optimization of health before active infertility treatment.

Cyclical hormonal therapy given for regularisation of periods and a course of antibiotics (spiramycin) for correcting toxoplasmosis was given. At the end of 90 days both partners were reduced on weight and abdominal circumference. Semen parameters improved. Periods regularised. Toxoplasma antibody titre reduced.

Ovulation induction with FSH and HCG injection and follicular study. Tubal washing(patency test) done under ultrasound guidance. PCT was negative and therefore IUI done on peak days. Pregnancy test got positive. Patient was asked to continue with cell activation protocol throughout pregnancy. Hormonal support given with HCG and progesterone till 14 weeks gestation. Toxoplasma antibody shown an increase in titre and treated with spiramycin throughout pregnancy. Delivered a healthy baby boy at full term. When the child reached 3 years they came for a second planned pregnancy and have a healthy baby girl too.

Unexplained infertility

Husband 34 years and wife 31 years married for 6 years presented with unexplained infertility. They had taken treatment in various hospitals including ayurveda and homeopathy. Not able to get a diagnosis for infertility. Semen parameters were normal and diagnostic laparoscopy showed no abnormality. Had 4 cycles of IUI and 2 IVF cycle. NOT conceived yet

On evaluation both the partners were obese and blood lipids elevated. There was evidence of high level of inflammation- CRP and ESR high and nutritional deficiencies anemia- low haemoglobin and Vitamin D deficiency. They were counselled on lifestyle optimization with cell activation support for weight reduction and optimization of health before active infertility treatment.

At the end of 90 days husbands weight came down from 86 kg to 70 kg (16 kg reduction). Sperm parameters improved. Blood parameters normalised. Wife’s weight reduced from 69 kg to 56kg (reduction of 13 kg). Endometrial biopsy and tubal patency test done under ultrasound scan guidance to rule out endometrial and tubal factors affecting fertility.

Controlled ovarian stimulation done with FSH injections and HCG injection along with follicular study to induce 2-3 eggs in a cycle and IUI done with washed actively motile sperms. Luteal phase support given with vaginal progesterone and HCG injection.

Pregnancy test became positive on the second stimulated cycle. Scanning showed twin pregnancy. Hormonal support given for the first 3 months. CAP support given throughout pregnancy. Delivered two healthy baby boys at term.

Hypertension prevention & Reversal

Male 38 years, on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for the last 10 years and diagnosed with diabetes recently, came for treatment. On evaluation he was obese, dark skin pigmentation on cheek, weight 86 kg, height- 170cm, BMI- 31. HbA1c-8.2 and BP-160/90, Cholesterol-278 and triglyceride-320, CRP-22. He was taking 3 drugs for hypertension, 1 drug for cholesterol, 2 for diabetes and 1 blood thinner, 1 anti acidity medication. In Spite of all these medication his blood pressure, sugar and lipids were not under control.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with low calorie, low carbohydrate, optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol. Stopped diabetic medication on day one.

On evaluation on 10th day BP came down to 130/80, weight reduced 3kg and blood sugar and lipid profile became normal. Advised to taper off medication for hypertension and statins.

By the end of 30 days BP was under control 120/80 with single drug. Cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar normal without medication. Weight came down to 78 kg (8kg reduction). HbA1c from 8.2 to 7.4 after stopping diabetic medication.

By the end of 60 days blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids were under control without any drugs. HbA1c came down to 6.4, weight reduced to 73kg( another 5kg reduction).

By the end of 90 days BP- 120/70, HbA1C came down to 5.8, Weight reached 70 (total 16kg reduction in 90 days). Blood pressure and lipid profile were normal without medication and BMI-24.

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

​Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limit and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver.

Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

Male 56years presented with depression started after the diagnosis of diabetes. On medication for diabetes for 6 months. Started psychiatric medication 2 months back, but not happy with the side effects, mainly dryness of mouth and stopped medication. Want to try cell activation because a relative was cured of diabetes from the treatment here.

On evaluation he was overweight, depressed, BP-140/90, FBS-160, HbA1c- 7.4 and elevated blood lipids. Diabetic medication stopped on day one. Started on fluoxetine light antidepressant which does not cause dryness of the mouth. Blood sugar got controlled within 2 days dullness and depression reduced. 10th day of treatment BP 120/80, PPBS- 137mg%, blood lipids became normal, patient was more active and energetic.

By the end of 30 days antidepressant was tapered off and patient become free of medication and symptom free. In one month he was able to lose 6kg (reduced from 80kg to 74kg). By the end of 60 days patient was able to reduce another 4 kg, HbA1c came down to 6, energetic, fit and happy. Free of diabetes, hypertension, depression and medications.

Female 78 year, suffering from osteoarthritis knees, diabetes and hypertension. Confined to the house for the last one year and knee replacement surgery was the medical advice. On evaluation she was obese with increased fat mass- 45.3%, ESR-55, HbA1c-7.5 and BP-140/90. She was taking 3 drugs for hypertension, 1 drug for cholesterol, 2 for diabetes and 1 blood thinner, 1 anti acidity medication and painkillers. She was aware of cell activation treatment and its benefit from her relatives and wanted to start treatment in the first visit itself.

By 10th day of starting treatment her knee pain and edema decreased and was able to walk short distances, blood sugar was under control without medication and body weight came down from 79kg to 76 kg (3kg reduction in 10 days).

By the end of 30 days weight came down to 74 kg (5kg reduction). She started climbing stairs. HbA1c from 7.1 to 6.4 after stopping diabetic medication. Acidity and constipation got controlled without medication. Blood pressure and lipid profile came down to normal. Patient was asked to reduce medication for blood pressure and heart problems in consultation with the prescribing doctor.

By the end of 90 days. BP, blood sugar, blood lipids etc was under control without any drugs. Patient was able to walk and climb stairs, HbA1c came down to 5.1, weight reduced to 70kg(9kg reduction).

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limits and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver. Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

High Cholesterol And Triglycerides

Male 47 years with history of 2 coronary stent came for treatment as his cholesterol and triglycerides were not under control in spite of being on medication for dyslipidemia. He was on medication for hypertension and diabetes. On evaluation he was obese, dark skin pigmentation on cheek, fore head and elbows. weight 77 kg, height- 160cm, BMI- 30. Cholesterol-278 and triglyceride-320, HbA1c-8.2 and BP-150/100. He was taking 2 drugs for hypertension, 2 drugs for cholesterol, 2 for diabetes and 2 blood thinners. In Spite of all these medication his blood pressure, sugar and lipids were not under control.

On evaluation he was overweight and the fat percentage in the body was high and metabolic age 11 years higher than the actual age. Blood report showed elevated triglyceride- 411mg% and uric acid 8.7mg%. Allergy test showed elevated IgE and the patient had an allergy to many food items, inhalants and contact allergy. Counselling given on the possible benefits of cell activation for his health issues.

By 15 days of starting treatment itching stopped and by 20 days scaling stopped completely. Triglyceride reduced from 411mg to 136mg, uric acid from 8.7mg to 6.9mg. In 30 days he was able to reduce 7 kg (from 82kg to 75kg). IgE came down from 1928 to 1277. By the end of the 3 months his skin became smooth and free of psoriasis. Body weight maintained around 70 kg, more fit, happy and energetic.

Male 37years, suffering from psoriasis for the last 20 years. Taken treatment in many hospitals with skin specialists, ayurveda, homeo, unani, naturopathy etc. Most affected was the skin at the back, scalp and hands with itching and scaling.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 104 kg(8kg reduction), B.P- 120/80, Cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

Review after 60 days showed weight- 98 kg(6kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after reducing the medicines to half the dose. Patient was asked to stop antihypertensive and statin.

Review after 90 days showed weight 94 kg(4kg reduction), BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limits and HDL(good cholesterol) was higher than the original, Hba1c-5.6%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver grade 3 to grade 1.

In 90 days there was a weight loss of 18 kg(16%) and hypertension and dyslipidemia were under control without medication. Hba1c came down to normal, normal SGPT with scan evidence of reduction in fatty liver. Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy. He was asked to continue treatment to reduce his weight to around 65 kg(below BMI 23).

46 year old male, height- 171cm, weight- 112kg, b.p- 140/100 on medication for hypertension and dyslipidemia for last 12 years. investigation showed fatty liver grade 3, elevated SGPT and blood lipids and HbA1c- 6.4%. Counselled on cell activation treatment and decided to start treatment.

By 10th day of starting treatment her knee pain and edema decreased and was able to walk short distances, blood sugar was under control without medication and body weight came down from 79kg to 76 kg (3kg reduction in 10 days).

By the end of 30 days weight came down to 74 kg (5kg reduction). She started climbing stairs. HbA1c from 7.1 to 6.4 after stopping diabetic medication. Acidity and constipation got controlled without medication. Blood pressure and lipid profile came down to normal. Patient was asked to reduce medication for blood pressure and heart problems in consultation with the prescribing doctor.

By the end of 90 days. BP, blood sugar, blood lipids etc was under control without any drugs. Patient was able to walk and climb stairs, HbA1c came down to 5.1, weight reduced to 70kg(9kg reduction).

Female 78 year, suffering from osteoarthritis knees, diabetes and hypertension. Confined to the house for the last one year and knee replacement surgery was the medical advice. On evaluation she was obese with increased fat mass- 45.3%, ESR-55, HbA1c-7.5 and BP-140/90. She was taking 3 drugs for hypertension, 1 drug for cholesterol, 2 for diabetes and 1 blood thinner, 1 anti acidity medication and painkillers. She was aware of cell activation treatment and its benefit from her relatives and wanted to start treatment in the first visit itself.

Diagnosed as Diabetes mellitus type 2. Patient was counselled on treatment options and decided to start cell activation treatment. Day1 RBS- 437mg%, day2 FBS- 223 mg%, day3 PPBS – 176mg%, day-3 PPBS-112mg% and BP-120/80. Patient was followed up with FBS and PPBS after lunch every day and urine check up three times(first morning sample, after lunch and after dinner) for a week. After 3rd day BP, urine sugar and blood sugar was totally under control. Lipid profile came down to normal in repeat check after 1 week.

At the end of 30 days blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid profile was totally under control. SGPT came down to 60u/l. Hba1c came down to 9.2%. BP 120/ 70, weight 65kg.

At the end of 60 days FBS and PPBS were under control, Hba1c came down to 7.8 %, SGPT 44u/l and weight 63 kg, BP 120/70. Anger and irritability reduced and no craving for alcohol.

Active fertility treatment given for husband and wife. Conceived with IUI and gave birth to twins babies.

Male 32 years came with wife for infertility treatment after 4 years of infertility treatment at different hospitals. Husband gave history of chronic alcoholism and recent weight loss. On evaluation weight 67 kg, height 170 cm and BP160/100. investigations showed increased blood sugar 456 mg/dl, HbA1c 12.8%, cholesterol 356 mg, triglyceride 386 mg, SGPT 86 u/l.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with low calorie, low carbohydrate, optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol. Stopped diabetic medication on day one.

On evaluation on 10th day BP came down to 130/80, weight reduced 2.5kg and PPBS-138, Triglyceride 148, cholesterol- 160. Advised to consult his cardiologist and taper off medication.

By the end of 30 days BP was under control 120/80 with single drug. Cholesterol, triglycerides were under control with atorvastatin 20 alone. Blood sugar normal without medication. Weight came down to 70 kg (7kg reduction). HbA1c from 8.2 to 7.1 without medication. Skin darkening lightened.

By the end of 60 days blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids were under control without any drugs. He was continuing blood thinner as advised by the cardiologist as he has 2 coronary stent. HbA1c came down to 6.5, weight reduced to 64.5kg( another 5.5kg reduction). Dark pigmentation on his face almost disappeared.

By the end of 90 days HbA1C came down to 5.7, Weight reached 61.5 (total 15.5kg reduction in 90 days). Dark patches on cheek disappeared completely. Blood pressure and lipid profile were normal without medication and BMI-24. He needs another 5 to 10 kg reduction to optimize his health.

Heart Disease prevention and reversal

Female 45 years with history of coronary bypass surgery came for optimizing lifestyle and health. She was on medication for diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and blood thinners. On evaluation weight 77 kg, height- 160cm, BMI- 30. Cholesterol-274 and triglyceride-290, CRP-22, HbA1c-8.2 and BP-160/100. In spite of regular medication blood pressure, sugar and lipids were not under control.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with low calorie, low carbohydrate, optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol. Stopped diabetic medication on day one.

On evaluation on 10th day BP came down to 130/80, weight reduced 2.5kg and PPBS-138, Triglyceride 128, cholesterol- 158. Advised to consult her cardiologist and taper off medication.

By the end of 30 days BP was under control 120/80 without medication. Cholesterol, triglycerides were under control with atorvastatin 5mg. Blood sugar normal without medication. Weight came down to 70 kg (7kg reduction). HbA1c from 8.2 to 7.1 without diabetic medications. CRP level reduced to 7.

By the end of 60 days blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids were under control without any drugs. HbA1c came down to 6.2, weight reduced to 64kg( another 4kg reduction). CRP came down to 3.

By the end of 90 days HbA1C came down to 5.5, weight reached 62 (total 15kg reduction in 90 days). Blood pressure, sugar and lipid profile were normal without medication, CRP normal and BMI-24. She needs another 5 to 10 kg reduction to optimize her health.

Stroke prevention and reversal

Female 64 years with weakness of right side due to stroke occurred 1 month back, came for health optimization treatment. She was on medication for diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and blood thinners. On evaluation she was weight 78 kg, height- 160cm, BMI- 30.5. Cholesterol-274 and triglyceride-290, CRP-32, HbA1c-8.6 and BP-160/100. In spite of regular medication blood pressure, sugar and lipids were not under control.

Counselled on cell activation treatment and started with low calorie, low carbohydrate, optimized nutrient compositions as food, optimized nutrient oil based skin care and oxyflex as activity protocol. As she needs support for the activities caretaker training was given. Caretaker was given special training on optimized nutrient oil massage and supporting the limbs while on oxyflex practice. Stopped diabetic medication on day one.

On evaluation on 10th day BP came down to 130/80, weight reduced 2.5 kg and PPBS-138, Triglyceride 128, cholesterol- 218. Advised to consult her physician and taper off medication.

By the end of 30 days BP was under control 120/80 without medication. Cholesterol, triglycerides were under control with atorvastatin 10mg. Blood sugar normal without medication. Weight came down to 71 kg (7kg reduction). HbA1c came down from 8.2 to 7 without diabetic medications. Strength of limbs improved and she was able to walk with the support of walker.

By the end of 60 days hand and leg strength improved. Able to hold cup and drink by self. Blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids were under control without any drugs. HbA1c came down to 6.1, weight reduced to 65kg( another 6kg reduction).

By the end of 90 days muscle strength improved further and she was able to walk without much support. Grip improved and able to comb hair, take food and other daily activities without support. HbA1C came down to 5.5, weight reached 63 (total 15kg reduction in 90 days). Blood pressure, sugar and lipid profile were normal without medication and BMI-24. She needs another 5 to 10 kg reduction to optimize her health.

Birth Defects

32 year old pregnant woman, diagnosed with congenital anomaly of fetus hydrocephalus and dilated lateral ventricles of 15 mm size at 16 weeks gestation by 4D ultrasound scan.

The couple and parents were counselled on the situation and the standard practice of corrective surgery after delivery. They were counselled on the possible benefit of cell activation treatment with optimized nutrient compositions. Started cell activation treatment. Repeat ultrasound scan was done after 6 weeks showed correction of cleft lip and cleft palate in the second scan at 24 weeks gestation. Mother was asked continue optimized nutrient food throughout pregnancy.

​Baby was delivered at term and there was no mark of cleft lip or palate. This shows proper nutrition at the time of organogenesis can even reverse an established structural congenital anomaly in utero it self and can avoid all the sufferings of structural defect and pain, discomfort and the scar of surgery done after birth.

32 year old pregnant woman, diagnosed with congenital anomaly to fetus cleft lip and cleft palate at 18 weeks gestation by 4D ultrasound scan.

The couple and parents were counselled on the situation. And the standard practice of corrective surgery after delivery. They were counselled on the possible benefit of cell activation treatment with optimized nutrient compositions. Started cell activation treatment. Hydrocephalus and dilatation of ventricles were disappeared in repeat ultrasound scan done after 6 weeks. Mother was asked continue optimized nutrient food throughout pregnancy. Gave birth to a healthy baby boy at term. This shows proper nutrition at the time of organogenesis can even reverse an established structural congenital anomaly in utero.


Male 37years, suffering from psoriasis for the last 20 years. Taken treatment in many hospitals with skin specialists, ayurveda, homeo, unani, naturopathy etc. Most affected was the skin at the back, scalp and hands with itching and scaling.

On evaluation he was overweight and the fat percentage in the body was high and metabolic age 11 years higher than the actual age. Blood report showed elevated triglyceride- 411mg% and uric acid 8.7mg%. Allergy test showed elevated IgE and the patient had an allergy to many food items, inhalants and contact allergy. Counselling given on the possible benefits of cell activation for his health issues.

By 15 days of starting treatment itching stopped and by 20 days scaling stopped completely. Triglyceride reduced from 411mg to 136mg, uric acid from 8.7mg to 6.9mg. In 30 days he was able to reduce 7 kg (from 82kg to 75kg). IgE came down from 1928 to 1277. By the end of the 3 months his skin became smooth and free of psoriasis. Body weight maintained around 70 kg, more fit, happy and energetic.

Female 19 years suffering from dark patches all over the body, itching and dandruff for the last 8 years. Taken treatment at many skin specialists, ayurveda hospitals and homeopathy. Now with adulthood the patient and parents are very worried. She is not able to wear modern fashion dress or use good hairstyle due to the unsightly skin lesions. Her mother and sister had taken cell activation treatment for diabetes and got corrections. So she wants to try cell activation for her skin problems.

On biometric evaluation her BMI was under normal range but the fat mass percentage was high- 28%. Blood test showed elevated IgE- 1144. Allergy test revealed that she is allergic to many food items and perfumes.

Within 30 days of starting cell activation treatment her skin lesions disappeared, fat percentage came down to 26%. By 60 days she was able to wear dress of her choice and adopt hair style of her choice with confidence. Fat mass came down to 24%, skin colour and texture improved, her body shape, confidence and beauty increased to a great extent.

Avoid knee replacement surgery

Female 78 year, suffering from osteoarthritis knees, diabetes and hypertension. Confined to the house for the last one year and knee replacement surgery was the medical advice. On evaluation she was obese with increased fat mass- 45.3%, ESR-55, HbA1c-7.5 and BP-140/90. She was taking 3 drugs for hypertension, 1 drug for cholesterol, 2 for diabetes and 1 blood thinner, 1 anti acidity medication and painkillers. She was aware of cell activation treatment and its benefit from her relatives and wanted to start treatment in the first visit itself.

By 10th day of starting treatment her knee pain and edema decreased and was able to walk short distances, blood sugar was under control without medication and body weight came down from 79kg to 76 kg (3kg reduction in 10 days).

By the end of 30 days weight came down to 74 kg (5kg reduction). She started climbing stairs. HbA1c from 7.1 to 6.4 after stopping diabetic medication. Acidity and constipation got controlled without medication. Blood pressure and lipid profile came down to normal. Patient was asked to reduce medication for blood pressure and heart problems in consultation with the prescribing doctor.

By the end of 90 days. BP, blood sugar, blood lipids etc was under control without any drugs. Patient was able to walk and climb stairs, HbA1c came down to 5.1, weight reduced to 70kg(9kg reduction).

Type 2 Diabetes control & prevention

Female 62 years main complaint was burning sensation at foot disturbing sleep and upper abdominal pain while sitting making travel difficult. She was on medication for diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetic neuropathy. She was also suffering from varicose veins and reduced sensation at foot using special diabetic footwear. Wanted to try cell activation treatment for her problems.

On evaluation she was obese-76kg with increased body fat mass- 42%, BP-160/90, having fatty liver, elevated lipid profile, and CRP-7, HbA1c-7.6, redused GFR- 73. Diabetic medication stopped and started call activation treatment.

Blood sugar was under control from the next day itself. Burning sensation at foot got relieved within a week. By the end of 20 days her blood pressure came down to 140/80, HbA1c- 6.6, CRP, blood sugar and lipid profile normalised. She noticed that her sensation at foot is coming back, as she is able to notice the foot wear slipping out while she wear ordinary foot wear to temple. Discomfort and abdominal pain while sitting and travelling got relieved. Her weight came down from 77 to 73(4kg reduction in 20 days).

At the end of the 60 days all her medications were stopped. By 90 days her HbA1c was 5.5, BP-120/80, weight 64kg(total 13kg reduction), GFR-101, lipid profile, Blood sugar, CRP etc were in normal range. Sensation at foot has come back and she is able to wear ordinary foot wear. Varicose vein has reduced substantially and not giving any discomfort. She is free from all medications now.

This case shows that with cell activation we can not only cure diabetes and hypertension, but we can reverse the nephropathy and retinopathy if the patient is co operative.

Pregnancy In Diabetics control & reversal

32 year old pregnant lady came with uncontrolled diabetes in her second pregnancy. She was diagnosed with diabetes during her first pregnancy and pregnancy was terminated due to the fear of congenital anomalies to the child due to uncontrolled diabetes(HbA1c-11.8) as per medical advice. She was put on insulin and when the HbA1c came down to 6, she was advised to become pregnant. But when she became pregnant blood sugar started shooting up in spite of insulin injections. She wanted to try cell activation treatment.

On evaluation she was overweight- 75kg. Insulin injections stopped on the first day of starting cell activation treatment. Her PPBS after the first dose of optimized nutrient food was 107mg%. Her HbA1c was around 6 throughout pregnancy, 9th month before delivery HbA1c was 5.7. She was advised not to increase weight during the first 3 months and preferably to reduce 3-5kg in the initial months. At 36 wks her weight was 73kg and at term before delivery 75kg.

She gave birth to a healthy baby weight 3.5kg at term by normal vaginal delivery. Another surprise, there is no pregnancy associated stretch marks on her abdomen. With the help of low calorie optimized nutrient compositions we can ensure optimal growth for foetus with out maternal weight gain in obese patients.

Morbid Obesity

37 year old male, height- 170cm, weight- 112kg, BMI 39, BP 140/100 on medication for asthma, hypertension and dyslipidemia came for weight reduction. On examination there was hyperpigmentation on forehead and cheeks. Investigation showed prediabetes with elevated HbA1c- 6.4%, fatty liver, elevated SGPT, blood lipids and low iron, vitamin D and B12 level. Allergy test was done as the patient is asthmatic and showed allergy to milk and milk products and to many other food items and inhalants.

Started CAP treatment and advised low calorie optimized nutrient composition as food and skin care and oxyflex for physical activity and to increase metabolism. Advised to avoid substances which are allergic to him.

Review after 10 days showed 3.5kg reduction in weight, BP 130/90. Patient was asked to reduce the asthmatic inhaler two bid to one bid (from two puff morning and evening to one puff morning and evening). At the end of 20days there was another 3kg reduction and asthma was under control with half the dose of inhalant. B.P- 120/80, cholesterol and triglycerides normalised. Patient was asked to reduce the dose of antihypertensive and statin to half.

Review after 30 days showed weight- 103 kg (9kg reduction). Inhalant for asthma taken only twice during the last week, BP and lipids were under control with half the dose of medicine, HbA1c came down to 5.8 from 6.4. Asked to taper off the medications for hypertension and dyslipidemia.

Review after 60 days showed weight- 96 kg(7kg reduction), BP- 120/ 80, SGPT, Cholesterol and triglycerides within normal limits. BP and lipids were keeping normal even after stopping medicines

Review after 90 days showed weight 92 kg(total 20kg reduction), From morbid obesity BMI 39 to BMI 32. BP- 120/80, SGPT- 38u/L, lipid profile- within normal limits, HbA1c-5.5%. Abdominal scan showed reduction in fatty liver.

Other benefits patient experienced include regularisation of bowel movements and total relief from constipation, relief for heel pain, muscle cramps, feeling lighter, energetic and better work efficacy.

He needs another 14kg reduction to reach below obesity level, weight below 78kg (BMI below 27) which may take another 3 months treatment with CAP support. For optimal health his weight should be around 65 kg (below BMI 23).

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