The best treatment for Prediabetes with CAP is with a focus to reverse the progress to diabetes by health optimisation. This stage is seen before the onset of Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and Gestational diabetes. Health optimisation can help to prevent the onset of diabetes and other lifestyle diseases and disorders. Blood HbA1c test helps to diagnose the prediabetic condition and also the improvement from CAP.
90% of pre diabetics remain undiagnosed in this stage.
The most dangerous challenge a prediabetic faces is the lack of awareness of being prediabetic. Unfortunately only 1 in 10 pre diabetics are aware of their problem.
The second challenge is to understand how the individual can use lifestyle optimisation to control and possibly reverse diabetes in most cases.
A full understanding of how this is possible has helped many prediabetic patients to stop the progress to diabetes and its associated health conditions.
Symptoms are often overlooked, and you who should know about them.
The role of the individual is crucial in the pre- diabetic stage and understanding of Prediabetes symptoms can lead to early diagnosis and treatment.
In Type 1 it may help reverse the autoimmune process before the total beta cell destruction.
In Type 2 diabetes which has a long subclinical phase called Prediabetes and it is easy to reverse the disease process if diagnosed and treated at this stage.
In the case of gestational diabetes also a good understanding helps the best management.
Symptoms in children can be best understood by watchful parents .
Symptoms of Prediabetes stage of Type 1 diabetes
- Incidence of type 1 diabetes is more common in children than adults and appears at two noticeable peaks. The first peak occurs between 4 and 7 years , and the second between 10 and 14 years.
- Symptoms include frequent urination, unusual hunger, thirst, fatigue, infections and unexplained weight loss.
- In initial prediabetic stage most patients will be overweight, but just before the manifestation of disease the patient will go through a phase of unexplained weight loss.
- In adults also it can appear similar to children but is relatively rare or it can co exist with type 2 diabetes.
Symptoms often start as overweight and fatigue .
Symptoms of Prediabetes stage of Type 2 diabetes
- In adults there is often the appearance of one or more conditions that represents diabetes Type 2.
- Protruding tummy, weight gain and increased waist circumference may be the first visible changes in Prediabetes state.
- Prediabetic patients are generally overweight and fat mass to lean mass ratio and omega 6 to 3 ratio are increased. Fat percentage in the body especially visceral fat percentage and omega 6 and trans fat level and metabolic age are higher than normal.
- Pigmentation and dark discoloration of skin around the neck, cheek, forehead, neck, armpits, inside the upper thighs, elbows, knees and knuckles are also warning signs.
- Blood sugar check preferably a Glucose Challenge Test helps in early diagnosis.
- HbA1c test gives the last three months average blood sugar level, which may be a better marker than the blood sugar level.
Symptoms often show as overweight.
Symptoms of Prediabetes stage of Gestational diabetes
- Often seen preceding the 2nd, 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
- Here it is often the appearance of one or more symptoms that represent diabetes Type 2 in adults. Appearance of sugar in routine urine tests of pregnant women, elevated glucose challenge test and elevated HbA1c tests help in diagnosis.
Understanding the root cause of Prediabetes and the changes in the body due to such a condition is important for the prevention, treatment and possibly the reversal of Prediabetes and eradication of this early stage lifestyle / autoimmune related disease condition.
Prediabetic stage of Type 1 is short and requires quick response.
Prediabetic stage of type 1 diabetes (Less than 10% of diabetes patients)
- Prediabetic stage in Type 1 diabetes has a short preclinical stage and is more prevalent in children and is relatively more dangerous and was earlier often overlooked and remained undiagnosed for long and the damage is serious.
- In Prediabetic stage of Type 1 diabetes the autoimmune antibodies start destroying the pancreatic insulin producing islet cells leading to progressive reduction in insulin production (hypoinsulinemia).
- The conversion to Type 1 occurs when the pancreas is not able to produce sufficient insulin and maintain the blood sugar in normal range, the patient progresses from Prediabetes to diabetes.
Prediabetic stage of Type 2 is accompanied by damage to other tissues and organs.
Prediabetic stage of Type 2 diabetes (More than 90% of diabetes patients)
- Only 10% of Pre-diabetics of Type 2 are aware of their condition.
- Prediabetic stage in Type 2 diabetes has a clear preclinical stage and may continue for a few years and effective screening methods are available for detection.
- Prediabetes stage in Type 2 diabetes starts with weight gain and accumulation of excess fat mass in the adipose tissue, especially as abdominal fat or protruding belly. Those who have a family history will be more vulnerable.
- Inflammation in this excess fat tissue weakens the immune system and initiates an autoimmune process. If the excess fat store is in the form of omega 6 fat and trans fat the inflammatory response will be more.
- Further autoimmune antibodies act against the insulin receptors and results in insulin resistance. To overcome this insulin resistance the pancreas is forced to produce more insulin leading to hyperinsulinemia.
- There is no deficiency of insulin in Type 2 diabetes, instead the insulin level in the blood is increasing. Hyperinsulinemia ( High insulin levels) promotes sodium retention which can become the root cause of hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
- Modern lifestyle associated change in body composition with an increase in fat mass to lean mass ratio and an increase in essential fatty acid omega 6 to 3 ratio in the body has a major role in increased incidence of Prediabetes of Type 2.
- PCOS is also often reflected in the development of Prediabetes.
- The conversion to Type 2 occurs when the pancreas is not able to produce extra insulin needed to overcome the insulin resistance and maintain the blood sugar in the normal range, the patient progresses from Prediabetes to diabetes.
Pre-diabetic stage of Gestational diabetes is often lifestyle related.
Prediabetic stage in Gestational diabetes (More than 10 percent of pregnancies and growing)
- Prediabetic stage in Gestational diabetes has a preclinical stage and effective screening can often help.
- In Prediabetic stage of Gestational diabetes the stages are often similar to Prediabetes stage in Type 2 and the conversion happens when the pancreas is not able to produce extra insulin needed or to overcome the insulin resistance and maintain the blood sugar in the normal range, the patient progresses from Prediabetes to diabetes.
Treatment challenges
The individual’s awareness of health optimisation decides diabetes management.
Challenges in medical treatment
- In Prediabetes Type 1 is to reduce the need for insulin in the future.
- In Prediabetes Type 2 is to avoid the need for insulin and medications in the future.
- In Gestational diabetes is to manage blood glucose levels without medications and insulin for the best safety of mother and child.
Treatment objectives
In treating the Prediabetes stage often the real treatment is optimising health. This is the best response for preventing further deterioration and also prevent damage to other organs and tissues and most often reversing the condition.
Generally the individual will be having relatively poor health. This is often concealed by initial overweight followed by weight loss and fatigue in Prediabetes Type 1 and as overweight and obesity in Prediabetes of Type 2 and Gestational diabetes. This increases the role of health optimisation to improve the overall health of the individual while protecting against diabetes.
In the case of Prediabetes Type 1 insulin supplementation is an essential but health optimisation can go a long way in reducing the future dosage of insulin and improve the auto-immune function which can help in preventing further damage and if started early regeneration of islet cells to a great extent.
In the case of Prediabetes stage of Type 2 diabetes and Gestational diabetes optimising health can be crucial in preventing the need for medication and insulin in the future.
Root cause
The focus is on addressing the root cause and not symptoms
Modern scientific knowledge shows the close relationship between diabetes and lifestyle of the individual. Scientifically and logically lifestyle optimization can prevent, treat and even reverse the Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes and if diagnosed early Type 1 diabetes to an extent. Cell activation treatment is developed to support the person to optimize lifestyle in this current sedentary but fast world. Cell activation support helps to ensure optimal nutrition to all 50-70 trillion cells in the body, prevent accumulation of advanced glycation end products(AGEs) (waste products) in the cells and intercellular fluid and th Save changes
ereby help maintain optimum health.
The CAP treatment is focussed on providing cell nutrition, cell stimulation and cell protection by providing optimised nutrition, oxyflex stimulation and protection from toxins.This helps to optimise the health which is the foundation for overcoming lifestyle related diseases.
Optimising Health
Optimising health as the foundation for overcoming disease
- Prediabetes stage of Type 1 diabetes:Cell activation treatment for this condition is a clinically supported and monitored lifestyle optimization treatment and the goal is optimization of health, prevention of further deterioration of insulin producing cells by providing an environment of optimal nutrition, requisite stimulation and protection from external toxins to help reduce the autoimmune response of the body and protect the body’s pancreatic cells from self harm.
- Prediabetes stage of Type 2 diabetes: Cell activation treatment for this condition is a clinically supported and monitored lifestyle optimization treatment and the goal is optimization of health, prevention of lifestyle diseases, reversal of accelerated metabolic aging and help keep the metabolic age below chronological age.
- Cell activation treatment takes care of three major aspects of lifestyle namely nutrition, physical activity and reducing toxic exposure to cells with the help of optimized nutrient compositions and oxyflex activity protocol.
- In cell activation treatment optimal nutrition is ensured with ready to eat optimized nutrient compositions food, drink and nutrient based skin care support based on optimized nutrient food, oil and salt. These support products are free from added preservatives, colours, taste makers and other additives of no nutritional value.
- Oxyflex a part of cell activation protocol is a gentle breath regulated segmental physical activity protocol which can be done while lying on the bed and will not strain any part of the body. It is suitable for those who have mobility restrictions, sickness or overweight.
- Oxyflex is a combination of three major types of exercises aerobic exercise , anaerobic exercise and flexibility exercise.
- In cell activation treatment for Prediabetes low carbohydrate, calorie controlled optimized nutrient food is the medicine, so there is no possibility of side effects.
- Calorie control and oxyflex utilise excess fat and helps to reduce excess weight and belly fat which gives relief from associated comorbidities like knee pain, heel pain etc.
- Diabetes being a lifestyle diseases the earlier we start lifestyle corrections the quicker the results . This can also help prevent the possible cell damage to organs and tissues of the body, especially nerve and vascular damage and its complications.
- Prediabetes stage of Gestational diabetes: Cell activation treatment for this condition is a clinically supported and monitored lifestyle optimization treatment and the goal is optimization of health and reversal and normalisation of blood glucose levels as the pregnancy progresses by providing an environment of optimal nutrition, requisite stimulation and protection from external toxins to help reduce the risks associated with diabetes to the mother and foetus and the risks associated with insulin and medication during pregnancy and future of mother and baby.
Prediabetes Charts for Reference.
Improves quality of life
Total health improvement
The goal of cell activation treatment in prediabetic individuals is optimization of health and not just control of blood glucose. Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level including all 50-70 trillion cells of the body. While controlling elevated blood sugar it simultaneously corrects the elevated triglyceride level and many other parameters associated with lifestyle related disorders. This is why reversing the Prediabetes stage with cell activation often provides individuals with a simultaneous reversal of other lifestyle related health issues like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, allergy, asthma, psoriasis, eczema etc.
- Prediabetes stage of Type 1 diabetes: Cell activation treatment for such an individual strengthens and balances the immune system and stops the progress of autoimmune process and overall helps in optimising total health reducing the need for insulin and protects against tissue and organ damage.
- Prediabetes stage of Type 2 diabetes: Cell activation treatment for this condition reverses hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and associated overweight and accelerated aging in Type 2 diabetes avoiding the need for diabetic medications and insulin which is often needed in diabetes treatment.
- Recovery from seemingly unrelated but often lifestyle related other health issues associated in diabetics like irritability, depression, hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, vessel block, constipation, piles, asthma, allergy, arthritis, skin disease etc
- Improves muscle and bone mass strengthens the body, improves flexibility and prevent falls and fractures.
Helps to reduce weight in overweight and obese and helps to regain desired body shape, beauty, strength and youthfulness. - Reverses accelerated aging process and accumulation of advanced glycation end products(Waste products) inside the cells and in intracellular fluid, and associated cell damage.
- Slows down the aging process and helps to keep metabolic age below chronological age.
- Optimized nutrient skin care nourishes and protects the skin health and delays aging signs like wrinkles and dryness which is a risk associated with diabetes.
- Prediabetes stage of Gestational diabetes: Cell activation treatment for this condition helps control blood sugar levels during pregnancy without the need for insulin and medications.
- Helps maintain optimum weight in pregnancy preventing the onset of complications associated with unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy.
Optimising health prevents the onset of diabetes in the future - Avoiding the need for medications or insulin during pregnancy helps to make pregnancy and childbirth safer and better for both mother and child.
- Complications including higher birth weight associated with high blood glucose, medication and surgery can be avoided as there is no need for medication and insulin.
- The problem of overweight associated with pregnancy and the struggle to overcome it will not be necessary as optimising health will only keep the body weight optimum throughout and will not require special effort post delivery other than maintaining optimised health.
- The nutrient skin care nourishes and protects the skin health especially which can help prevent skin related issues associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success
- Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case. the case of gestational diabetes it may extend to the duration of the pregnancy.
- You have Prediabetes symptoms or you suspect so please get a check up and follow up at the earliest to prevent the progression of the disease and other associated damage.
- You are diagnosed as Prediabetic and you want to check out how you can benefit from optimising health with Cell Activation you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre
Patient Experience
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