Best treatment for Type 2 diabetes begins when CAP is able to control both high blood sugar and hyperinsulinemia. CAP controls both hyperinsulinemia and blood sugar simultaneously without insulin, drugs or hypoglycemic episodes. Equally important is CAP helps to reverse complications associated with diabetes and associated lifestyle diseases like dyslipidemia, fatty liver, hypertension, atherosclerosis etc in majority of patients.
50% of Type 2 diabetics have high BP and 90% have high triglycerides.
The most dangerous challenge a Type 2 diabetic faces is the lack of correct awareness of diabetes and not being able to overcome the need for medication and insulin.This makes them chronic patients.
The second challenge is to understand how the individual can use lifestyle optimisation to control further damage, protect against other lifestyle related diseases and maintain a desired quality of life.
A full understanding of health optimisation has helped many Type 2 diabetic patients to stop insulin and medication. Similarly this helps to protect against associated health conditions of organ and tissue damage like cardio vascular, kidney, eye, nephropathy and infection challenges.
Symptoms are often overlooked, and if diagnosed it is essential to have a thorough check of all body parameters to evaluate tissue and organ health.
Having an understanding of the symptoms of diabetes can lead to early diagnosis and treatment. This can help stop or even reverse the damage and prevent associated complications. Type 2 diabetes has a long subclinical phase called prediabetes and similarly a less intensive destructive nature. This makes it possible to reverse many aspects of damage if diagnosed and treated before irreversible organ and tissue damage has occurred.
- First warnings – added weight: Protruding tummy, weight gain and increased waist circumference may be the first visible change in Type 2 diabetes.
- Skin changes: Pigmentation and dark discoloration of skin (acanthosis nigricans) around the neck, cheek, forehead, armpits, inside the upper thighs, elbows, knees and knuckles.
- More warnings: When the disease advances other symptoms like fatigue, increased hunger, increased thirst and urination, red swollen gums, irritability, lack of sleep, body pain, depression etc may appear.
- Tissue damage: When the disease progresses further unexpected weight loss, blurred vision, slow-healing sores, frequent infections, tingling or numbness in hands or feet, reduced sensation on feet etc can occur.
- Lab tests: Blood sugar check preferably a glucose challenge test can be used for early diagnosis and fasting and after food sugar tests to assess blood sugar control.
- HbA1c test gives the last three months average blood sugar level, which is a better test for early diagnosis, to assess intensity of disease and effectiveness of treatment .
- Blood lipid levels, blood pressure, liver function test, ultrasound examination of the abdomen for fatty liver, renal function test etc give insight into the extent of disease and organ damage.
- High blood pressure and high triglycerides usually are found together with diabetes Type 2.
- Detailed examinations: Examination of foot and checking for sensory loss, eye check up for retinal damage, urine microalbumin test, cardiac stress test and other organ function tests etc. will give further insight into the organ damage.
- Metabolic age greater than actual: Type 2 diabetic patients are generally overweight and fat mass to lean mass ratio and omega 6 to 3 ratio are increased. Fat percentage in the body especially visceral fat percentage, omega 6 and trans fat level and metabolic age are usually higher than normal.
Understanding the root cause of Type 2 diabetes and the changes in the body due to diabetes is important for the prevention, treatment and possibly the reversal of diabetes and eradicating this lifestyle related disease. Lifestyle associated change in body composition with an increase in fat mass to lean mass ratio and an increase in essential fatty acid omega 6 to 3 ratio in the body has a major role in increased incidence of all types of diabetes. This root cause is related to a group of lifestyle related diseases where presence of one may indicate the presence of one or more of the others.
Diabetes Type 2 develops slowly and requires active patient lifestyle correction for best treatment.
Type 2 Diabetes-:
- Early stage development: Type 2 diabetes starts with weight gain and accumulation of excess fat mass in the adipose tissue, especially as abdominal fat or protruding tummy. Those who have a family history will be more vulnerable.
- Immune system derailment: Excess fat induced excess inflammation weakens the immune system and initiates an autoimmune process. If the excess fat store is in the form of omega 6 fat and trans fat the inflammatory response will be more.
- Autoimmune antibodies act against the insulin receptors which results in insulin resistance. To overcome this insulin resistance pancreas produce more insulin leading to hyperinsulinemia.
- When the pancreas is not able to produce sufficient insulin to overcome the insulin resistance, blood sugar and HbA1c starts increasing and progresses to Type 2 diabetes.
- When the disease progresses the autoimmune process may affect the islet cells and destruction of the islet cell as in type 1 diabetes complicates the situation further, blood sugar control becomes more difficult and patient start losing weight.
- There is no deficiency of insulin in Type 2 diabetes, instead the insulin level in blood is high. Hyperinsulinemia promote sodium retention leading to hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
- Risk of high glucose and high insulin: Comorbidities of Type 2 diabetes are contributed by two factors the excess glucose related cell damage and excess insulin related endocrine dysfunction.
- Accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) inside the cells and in the intracellular fluid damages all the body parts and speed up the aging process.
- Excess glucose acts as a toxin to all cells: The toxic impact is more on the blood vessels, especially the arteriolar lining cells resulting in compromising the oxygen and nutrient supply to cells and removal of metabolic waste from cells.
- Cells of nerve system, retina of eye and glomeruli of kidney are most sensitive to the changes in oxygen and nutrient levels and are worst affected by uncontrolled diabetes leading to neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.
- Super Hyperinsulinemia: In Type 2 diabetes, insulin injections and drug induced super hyperinsulinemia initiate other endocrine dysfunctions leading to infertility, hypertension etc
- Oral drugs used for increasing the production of insulin and increasing insulin sensitivity put strain on immune system and excretory organs, and can contribute to the comorbidities of diabetes.
- Insulin or the drug induced hypoglycemic attacks can negatively affect the cognitive ability, intelligence and memory of the patient.
Treatment challenges
The individual’s awareness of health optimisation can change diabetes Type 2 management from medicine and insulin dependent to lifestyle dependent.
Challenge in medical treatment
In diabetes Type 2 it is to optimise health to stop insulin and medications, protect against organ and tissue damage and be able to integrate health care to provide the desired quality of life. This is most important as a host of other tissue and organ problems can develop if health is not optimised.
Treatment objectives
In treating diabetes Type 2 often the real treatment is removing the root cause and optimising health. This will make medication and insulin unnecessary. This is the best response for preventing further deterioration and also prevent damage to other organs and tissues.
Generally the individual will be having relatively poor health but this may be concealed by overweight and obesity. This increases the role of health optimisation to improve the overall health of the individual.
Approach – Root cause
The focus is on addressing the root cause and not symptoms
It’s a scientifically proven fact that Type 2 diabetes is closely related to the lifestyle of the person. Therefore lifestyle optimization should be the preferred line of management for diabetes. Lifestyle optimization can prevent, treat and possibly reverse Type 2 diabetes. Cell activation treatment is developed to support the person to optimize the lifestyle in this current sedentary but fast lifestyle. Cell activation support helps to ensure optimal nutrition and exercise to all 50-70 trillion cells in the body and prevent accumulation of advanced glycation end products(AGEs) in the cells and intercellular fluid and thereby prevent organ damage and slow down the aging process.
Focus – Optimising Health
Optimising health is the foundation for protecting and maintaining the quality of life in Type 2 diabetics.
- Type 2 diabetes: In cell activation treatment low carbohydrate, calorie controlled optimized nutrient food is the medicine, so there is no possibility of side effects.
- Insulin and other hypoglycemic medications are stopped on day one itself to avoid hypoglycemic attack: Blood sugar will be under control with in few days.
- Clinical records: Effectiveness of treatment can be checked with a blood sugar check before and 2 hours after the start of the treatment and at regular intervals as needed.
- Clinical support and supervision: Cell activation treatment is a clinically supported and monitored lifestyle optimization treatment and the goal is optimization of health and keeping the metabolic age below chronological age.
- Cell activation treatment take care of three major aspect of lifestyle nutrition, physical activity and reducing toxic exposure with the help of optimized nutrient compositions and oxyflex activity protocol.
- Cell activation treatment provides optimal nutrition with ready to use optimized nutrient composition including food, drink and nutrient based skin care support based on optimized nutrient food, oil and salt. These support products are free from preservatives, colours, taste makers and other additives of no nutritional value.
- Strengthens immune system: Optimized nutrient food with high omega 3 fat and omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 balances the inflammatory and healing activities and strengthen the immune system.
- Removes excess fat: Calorie control and oxyflex help remove excess fat and helps to reduce excess weight and protruding tummy and give relief from associated comorbidities like knee pain, heel pain etc. Helps to reduce 10 to 20% weight in 3 months.
- Prevents vessel damage: When the glucose level is normalised excess fat in the blood is used for energy needs. This helps to reduce toxic effect of triglyceride on the heart and blood vessel lining and protects from atherosclerosis.
- Improves kidney function: Health optimisation along with omega 3 and other essential nutrients in optimized nutrient food helps repair and regeneration of damaged cells.
- Improves sensory health: Normalisation of blood sugar will stop the progress of diabetic neuropathy and vision loss. High omega 3, 6, 9 optimized nutrient oil based skin care support helps in prevention and treatment of diabetic sensory loss, foot drop and ulcers.
- Speeds infection control: Health optimisation and glucose control helps control infections.
- Oxyflex focus: This is a gentle breath regulated segmental physical activity protocol which can be done while lying on the bed and will not strain any part of the body. It is suitable for those who have mobility restrictions, sickness or overweight.
- Oxyflex is a combination of three major types of exercises aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and flexibility exercise.
- Oxyflex assists Type 2 diabetic patients who are generally overweight and have raised fat mass to lean mass ratio and omega 6 to 3 ratio to reduce fat percentage in the body especially visceral fat percentage, omega 6 and trans fat level and the metabolic age.
- Optimized nutrient skin: Protects and nourishes the skin directly, especially the foot. High content of omega 3 fat helps recovery from vessel and nerve damage, improve sensation and speed up healing of ulcer.
Improves quality of life
Total health improvement overcomes excessive hunger, thirst and fear of hypoglycemia apart from other serious and silent health challenges.
The goal of cell activation treatment is optimization of health and not just control of blood sugar. Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level including all 50-70 trillion cells of the body. So while controlling elevated blood sugar it simultaneously correct, elevated insulin level, elevated triglyceride level and many other blood parameters too. Likewise while controlling and possibly reversing diabetes with cell activation will help to control and possibly reverse other health issues like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, allergy, asthma, psoriasis, eczema etc too.
- Ability to stop insulin and medications: Cell activation controls not only hyperglycemia but also control hyperinsulinemia of Type 2 diabetes and also avoid medication induced super hyperinsulinemia and its associated health issues.
- Insulin and diabetes medication can be stopped on day one of starting cell activation. There is no possibility of side effects as there are no drugs or surgery involved.
- No fear of hypoglycemic attacks: Patient is free from hypoglycemic attacks from day one onwards, as there is no insulin or oral hypoglycemic medicines. Hypoglycemic attacks occurs as a result of diabetic medication not due to diabetes.
- Glucose tests for confidence: Blood sugar level will start coming down within hours and can be get normalised within a few days. The effectiveness of the treatment can be assessed with a blood sugar test before starting treatment and 2 hours after first dose of optimized nutrient food.
- Overcome hunger and food craving: Normalisation of hyperinsulinemia will help to control hypertension, obesity, appetite and craving for food, fatty liver, etc.
- Prevent tissue damage: Normalisation of blood sugar will slow down / arrest /reverse diabetes associated vessel damage, nerve damage, heart disease, stroke, diabetic foot, neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.
- Prevent organ damage: Improve kidney function and liver function, reverse fatty liver, reduce elevated blood triglyceride, uric acid, liver/ pancreatic enzymes level etc.
- Prevention of array of associated health conditions: Helps to recover from other health issues like irritability, depression, constipation, piles, asthma, allergy, skin disease etc
- Improves strength and safety: Optimized nutrient food along with oxyflex stimulation increases muscle and bone mass, strengthens the body, improves flexibility and prevents falls and fractures.
- Health optimisation improves well being and confidence: Helps to reduce weight in overweight and obese and help to regain body shape, beauty, strength and youthfulness.
- Reverse accelerated aging: Reverse the accumulation of advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs) inside the cells and in intracellular fluid and help to keep metabolic age below chronological age.
- Skin and limb care: Optimized nutrient skin care nourishes and protects the skin and feet, helps in prevention and healing of ulcers and delays aging signs like wrinkles and dryness.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success.
- Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case.
- You have diabetes Type 2 symptoms or you suspect so please get a check up and follow up at the earliest to prevent the progression of the disease and other associated damage.
- You have diabetes Type 2 you should be watchful regards other lifestyle diseases as well.
- You are diabetic Type 2 and you want to check out how you can benefit from optimising health with Cell Activation you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre.
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience
Hypoglycemic attacks a solution
Hypoglycemic attacks occurring in type 2 diabetes patients is not a symptom…..Read More

1. Can I stop my daily insulin with CAP?
[38 female]
CAP is very effective in Type 2 diabetes reversal… Read More
2. What can I do about Foot Drop?
[60 male]
Foot drop is often a complication of diabetes. CAP… Read More
3. I have been on diabetes medication for ten years and am now on insulin for the last 4 years and recent tests have shown kidney is affected. What can CAP do for me?
[52 male]
The CAP is focussed on reversing diabetes and… Read More